User Voice Portal Not Changed Report


The User Voice Portal Not Changed Report details whether or not Users in a Group, ServiceProvider, or Cluster have changed their default Voice Portal Password. Can be used at the Cluster, ServiceProvider, and Group levels.


  • UserId - The id of the Broadworks User that the row relates to.
  • LastName - The User's last name.
  • FirstName - The User's first name.
  • GroupId - The id of the Group that the User belongs to.
  • ServiceProviderId - The id of the Service Provider that the User belongs to.
  • PhoneNumber - The User's phone number.
  • Extension - The User's extension.
  • Voice Portal Changed - Whether or not the Voice Portal Passcode has been changed from the default value.
  • Last Modified Date - The last time the User was modified.

Example Output


UserId,LastName,FirstName,GroupId,ServiceProviderId,PhoneNumber,Extension,Voice Portal Changed,Last Modified Date,User,Sample,Sample_Group,Sample_ServiceProvider,2229858632,8632,true,11/28/2017 10:24:59


UserId  LastName    FirstName   GroupId ServiceProviderId   PhoneNumber Extension   Voice Portal Changed    Last Modified Date   User    Sample  Sample_Group    Sample_ServiceProvider  2229858632  8632    true    11/28/2017 10:24:59



│UserId               │LastName│FirstName│GroupId     │ServiceProviderId     │PhoneNumber│Extension│Voice  │Last    │
│                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │Portal │Modified│
│                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │Changed│Date    │
││User    │Sample   │Sample_Group│Sample_ServiceProvider│2229858632 │8632     │true   │Tue  Nov│
│                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │       │28      │
│                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │       │10:24:59│
│                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │       │EST 2017│