Device Migration


It is sometimes necessary to replace an endpoint due to hardware failure or equipment upgrade. Without this tool, equipment replacement required that all of the users be removed from the old device, the old device needed to be deleted, a new device was created, and all of the users were reprovisioned on the new device. BroadWorks device tags were lost along with speed dials and calls lists.

Device Migration provides the functionality of modifying a Group or Service Provider Access Device’s MAC address, Name, or Device Type while retaining settings, assigned Users, configuration files, and custom tags.


Device Migration can be accessed via the Migration button within the Actions tab on either the Group Access Device or Service Provider Access Device page.

  1. Select the Device Name, MAC Address, and Device Type. Note that you do not have to change all parameters.
  2. Click Check Requirements to check Device Migration Requirements. See below for more details.
  3. If there are Requirement errors, they will be printed to the screen, otherwise the device is ready to be migrated.
  4. Click the Migrate Device button to perform the migration.
  5. After the button has been pressed, you will be re-directed to the task page where you can monitor the status of the migration.

Background Procedure

  • Retrieval of Device Information
  • Retrieve Access Device configuration files
  • Retrieve Access Device tags
  • Check Device Migration Requirements
  • Send reset command to Access Device
  • Unassign Users from the Access Device
  • Delete the original Access Device
  • Create the new Access Device with desired settings
  • Add Access Device tags
  • Reassign Users
  • Add Access Device custom files
  • Rebuild the Access Device configuration


Following the information retrieval process the full details of the Device are backed up for recovery purposes. The settings information retrieved is backed up as JSON. Device configuration files are backed up in their original format. These files collectively can be used for recovery purposes.


Requirements for a valid Device Migration are checked upon beginning a Device Migration.

  • Available MAC Address
    • The MAC address that is selected must be available across the BroadWorks system and must be valid.
  • Device File Availability
    • All non-custom Device configuration files must be accessible by Alpaca during the initial loading of device information.
  • Obsolete Device Type
    • The destination device type must not be marked as obsolete.
  • Device Name
    • The device name must be available for use.