200 OK Simplify Cisco BroadWorks Management With Alpaca

Over 26 million people use Cisco BroadWorks for voice calling and collaboration services,1 but anyone familiar with the platform knows how rigid and inflexible the system can be. Getting the most value from your investment often requires special skills and tools that are hard to come by, which hinders many BroadWorks administrators from seeing long-term success.

That’s where Alpaca from ECG comes in. 

Alpaca delivers unprecedented flexibility in BroadWorks system management and simplifies processes like provisioning, enterprise location and relocation, and more. For a quick overview of Alpaca’s features, download our flyer or keep reading to learn how to simplify your BroadWorks management with Alpaca.


Features Designed to Solve Your BroadWorks Complications

As your go-to BroadWorks management toolset, Alpaca delivers the flexibility, simplicity, and control you need to run BroadWorks efficiently. You’ll never have to struggle with changing settings or making complex updates in BroadWorks again, and your end-users can update their settings in a customized, branded interface – all with flexible pricing and ongoing support from ECG’s experts.

Our clients choose Alpaca to solve their BroadWorks complications with the following features and more:

  • User Self-Care Portal - Alpaca’s intuitive user portal allows end-users to easily modify personal settings, including call forwarding, simultaneous ring, and voicemail, in a branded interface. Plus, you'll have complete control over which settings are accessible by users to ensure they only have access to certain features.

  • Bulk Provisioning - Alpaca simplifies provisioning with lifecycle plugins to validate user data and perform intelligent data population in an easy-to-read Microsoft Excel format for greater consistency and security.

  • Grooming and Migrating Enterprises, Groups, & Servers - Migrating within BroadWorks leaves out essential data – but with Alpaca, you can combine or separate groups and enterprises from multiple servers as needed, while retaining 100% of the settings and device files for custom directories.

  • User Importing and Migration Into BroadWorks - Alpaca imports data from other platforms with 100% fidelity, includes translator tools to convert from other data and provisioning formats, and performs validity checks to prevent loading corrupted data.


Alpaca: Your Partner for Long-Term BroadWorks Success 

Better BroadWorks management isn’t the only benefit organizations gain by using Alpaca. Alpaca also offers:

  • Ongoing Compatibility - Alpaca is always compatible with any BroadWorks upgrade, so your system is equipped with full support for each new Broadworks release – without having to re-integrate.

  • Robust API - Integrating new functionality with Alpaca’s API is simple, so you can manage your subscribers however makes the most sense for your business.

  • Custom Development - If you need additional tools to improve your company’s voice service, we’ll build them for you – and provide the source code for future use.

  • Flexible Licensing - Our flexible licensing lets you use Alpaca features temporarily whenever you need them so you can optimize your budget. Use only what you want and keep only what you need.

  • Full-Time Reliability - Keep your business connected with zero network downtime and 24/7 support from ECG’s team of experts.


Trust ECG’s Expertise for Your Critical Voice Infrastructure Needs

Some of the largest BroadWorks operators in the world rely on ECG to provide security monitoring, reporting tools, and other features critical for running BroadWorks at scale with Alpaca. Additionally, we’re committed to helping you gain the most value from your investment with comprehensive onboarding training to ensure you’re completely confident with our product.

Schedule an appointment with ECG to see how we can make your life easier – and help you achieve long-term BroadWorks success – with Alpaca.



  1. https://blog.webex.com/cloud-phone-system/cisco-broadworks-delivers-unrivaled-security-and-resilience/ 

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