SurgeSuppressor Installation
- This is not an upgrade.
- Credentials to access the BroadWorks Application Server server as root.
- Credentials to access the SurgeMail server.
- Working knowledge of
and file transfer tool such asscp
The guide is split into sections based on the server or machine that the operations should be performed. It is also in chronological order. Performing the steps from top to bottom is the desired procedure.
Local Work Station
- Step: O-1
- Download the SurgeMail installation RPM. This requires an ECG Portal Account.
- Transfer the downloaded installation package to the Application Server's "/tmp" directory.
- Step: O-2
- Download the SurgeMail license file. This requires an ECG Portal Account.
- Transfer the downloaded license file "ecg.license.txt" to the Application Server's "/tmp" directory.
- Step: O-3
- Download the surge-suppressor.json file. This requires an ECG Portal Account.
- Transfer the downloaded surge-suppressor.json file to the SurgeMail server. The location to place this file is dependent on the SurgeMail's configuration specified as the
. By default, this location is/usr/local/surgemail/web/
Application Server
- Step: AS-1
- # cd /tmp
# yum install surgesuppressor-SURGE_SUPPRESSOR_VERSION.x86_64.rpm
installing SurgeSuppressor 2.1.0-RC Installing : surgesuppressor-22-2.1.0-RC.x86_64 1/1 Verifying : surgesuppressor-22-2.1.0-RC.x86_64 1/1 Installed: surgesuppressor-22.x86_64 0:2.1.0-RC Complete!
Step: AS-2
- # mv ecg.license.txt /etc/surge-suppressor
- # vi /etc/surge-suppressor/config/application-prod.yml
- Configure the BroadWorks server credentials and address.
- Configure the SurgeMail credentials and address.
- Configure the SNMP send notifications address.
# service surge-suppressor start
Starting surge-suppressor: [ OK ]
SurgeMail Sever
- Step: SM-1
- Login to the SurgeMail Server web interface. Using an admin account.
Step: SM-2
- Expand the "User Accounts" link from the left navigation bar and go to "User Settings".
Step: SM-3
- Modify the "List of characters allowed in passwords" to A-Za-z0-9#@$%&+-=/?;.|_~!`^{}