SurgeSuppressor Concepts

SurgeSuppressor is an application that bridges the gap between BroadWorks and SurgeMail by automating the creation, deletion, and modification of email accounts. It accomplishes this task by monitoring the OCI-P audit logs generated by the application server of a BroadWorks installation for needed changes. It then performs the tasks on Surge Mail, turning a multi-step operation into one.

Tasks Of Automation

SurgeSuppressor is looking for specific changes within BroadWorks as triggers. If using a Personal Mail Server or the Group Mail Server e-mail address entered does not match the domain specified within the SurgeSuppressor configuration file no additions will be made.

  1. Mail Account Creation
    • Accounts are created on the mail server when the voicemail settings are modified for a user within the BroadWorks web interface.
      • The page is located at - /User/Messaging/Voice Management/Advanced Settings
      • The three fields that must be entered are located under Group’s Mail Server. They are E-mail Address, User ID, and Password. The password entered will not be retained as a new generated password will replace it.
    • There are two Email Management Modes:
        • Upon submitting the Group Mail Server settings, SurgeSuppressor will overwrite the BroadWorks E-mail Address and User ID to match the prescribed pattern.
        • It will then create the SurgeMail account with the generated User ID.
        • SurgeSuppressor will create a SurgeMail email account based on the User ID provided by the provisioner.
        • The User ID field must be manually configured to match the user portion of the e-mail address.
    • It is no longer possible to retrieve the plain text password entered from BroadWorks. Due to this, a random one will be generated based on the configured password rules and saved in BroadWorks and SurgeMail.
    • Upon submitting the page, the mailbox will be created.
  2. Mail Account Modification
    • When the PERMISSIVE management mode is used, passwords are not updated for security purposes.
    • In PRESCRIBED management mode, if a mail account already exists and the password is modified on the Advanced Voice Management Settings then SurgeSuppressor will generate a new password and save it within BroadWorks and SurgeMail.
  3. Mail Account Deletion
    • When the PERMISSIVE management mode is used, no SurgeMail deletions are performed due to not having access to the historical e-mail account information.
    • In PRESCRIBED management mode there are two triggers for Mail Account Deletion:
      • If the user is deleted from BroadWorks or
      • if the Voice Messaging User service is removed from the user.
    • If the option to rename SurgeMail accounts rather than delete them is enabled in the configuration file, then the old e-mail account will be renamed with the convention - NAME_DATE_TIME - Where date and time refer to the time of “deletion.”

Show File

Content of "surge-suppressor.json"

This file is placed within the SurgeSuppressor system. The location to place this file is dependent on the SurgeMail's configuration specified as the web_path. By default, this location is /usr/local/surgemail/web/.

  "detailMessage": "||message2||",
  "requestSuccessful": false,
  "simpleMessage": "||message||",
  "utoken": "||utoken||"

SNMP Traps

SurgeSuppressor can be monitored by watching the SNMP trap information from the program. This will quickly let you know if SurgeSuppressor is running as intended. It will also give information about the errors encountered.

Setup on a monitoring system can be accomplished using the following MIBs.

BroadWorks Logging Configuration

SurgeSuppressor reads the Audit Logs created by the Application Servers and creates email accounts based on the details within specific log entries.

The following steps detail how to configure a BroadWorks Application Server to log the necessary details to the Audit Log file for SurgeSuppressor.

  1. Login to the Application Server's bwcli.

    • AS1# bwcli
  2. Navigate to the Audit Log's configuration enable verbose logging and accountinfo.

    • AS_CLI> cd /Applications/ExecutionAndProvisioning/PS/Logging/InputChannels/AuditLog
    • AS_CLI/Applications/ExecutionAndProvisioning/PS/Logging/InputChannels/AuditLog> set accountInfo true
    • AS_CLI/Applications/ExecutionAndProvisioning/PS/Logging/InputChannels/AuditLog> set verbose true
    • The getRequest option is not required by Surge Suppressor.
  3. Next, ensure AuditLogs are being outputted to a file.

    • AS_CLI/Applications/ExecutionAndProvisioning/PS/Logging/InputChannels/AuditLog> q;q;Output
    • AS_CLI/Applications/ExecutionAndProvisioning/PS/Logging/OutputChannels> get
    • If the Audit logs are not enabled to be output to a file, enable the Audit Logs.
      • AS_CLI/Applications/ExecutionAndProvisioning/PS/Logging/OutputChannels> set AuditLog enabled true