Alpaca Remote RedHat/CentOS 7/8 Upgrade

General Upgrade Process

These are the general steps for upgrading Alpaca Remote. Please check caveats for specific instructions for the version that you are upgrading to.

  • Step: A-1
  • Commands:
    1. Turn off the existing Alpaca service.
      • # service alpaca-remote stop
    2. Perform RPM upgrade
      • rpm -U alpaca-remote-ALPACA_VERSION_1.x86_64.rpm
    3. Restart Alpaca service.
      • # service alpaca-remote start


Upgrading from 9.1.0 or earlier to Alpaca Remote Version 2 (2.0.0)

  • Step: C-1
  • Commands:
    1. Turn off the existing Alpaca service.
      • # service alpaca-remote stop
    2. Backup configuration files in /etc/alpaca/remote/config and /opt/alpaca-remote.
    3. Uninstall previous remote installation.
      • yum remove alpaca-remote-<var>REMOTE_VERSION</var>
    4. Install Alpaca Remote 2.0.0
      • yum -y install alpaca-remote-<var>REMOTE_VERSION</var>_1.x86_64.rpm
    5. Restart Alpaca service.
      • # service alpaca-remote start

Upgrading from 7.2.0 or earlier to 8.0.0 or higher

  • The configuration for Alpaca Remote has been updated.
  • Back up all configurations files before upgrade.
  • Once upgraded, follow the Alpaca Remote Configuration Guide to convert your configuration to the new format.