Alpaca Remote Configuration

This guide details all configurations that are available within the Alpaca Remote. All configurations can be used in the application-prod.yml file located in the /etc/alpaca/remote/config.

Any changes made while Alpaca Remote is running will not take effect until after a restart. Use the following command to restart Alpaca Remote - service alpaca-remote restart.

YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language)

All Alpaca configurations are in the YAML (.yml) format.

Basic Rules

  • YAML is case sensitive.
  • YAML does not allow the use of tabs. Spaces are used instead as tabs are not universally supported.
  • A dictionary is represented in a simple key: value form (the colon must be followed by a space):

              announcementRepositoryUsername: "BoNjOuRlEsAmIs049"
              announcementRepositoryPassword: "viveLEROILouis14"
              htmlEncodeExports: true
  • All members of a list are lines beginning at the same indentation level starting with a - (a dash and a space):

        - cluster: Production
          fileRepo: ProfileServer
          username: fileadmin
          password: P@ssw0rd
        - cluster: Lab
          fileRepo: ProfileServer
          username: fileadmin
          password: P@ssw0rd
  • Comments are denoted by #.

      # Alpaca Configuration
          # Migration Configuration
            announcementRepositoryUsername: "BoNjOuRlEsAmIs049"
            announcementRepositoryPassword: "viveLEROILouis14"
            htmlEncodeExports: true

Full Documentation

Complete YAML documentation can be found here.

Spring Boot

Alpaca Configurations are built upon Spring Boot. Within Spring there are a wide variety of pre-defined configurations. The complete list of configuration options can be found here.

Example Configuration

This sample configuration is meant as a guide only. Do not copy and paste the entire content into your configuration.

# ===================================================================
# Remote Configuration on BW Application Server
# ===================================================================
      - scheme: https
        port: 8443
        authenticationToken: XXXXYYYYZZZZ1111
          - type: AUDIT_LOG
            path: /path/to/audit/logs
            maximum-queue-size-per-server-in-megabytes: 3
          - type: BW_LICENSE
            path: /path/to/bw/license           

Remote (alpaca.remote)

  • servers: List of configured Servers.
    • scheme: The scheme used to connect to the Alpaca server. HTTPS is the only scheme that is currently supported.
    • hostname: The hostname of the Alpaca server.
    • protocols: The TLS protocols to use, ex. TLSv1.2.
    • port: The port the Alpaca server is running on.
    • authenticationToken: The authentication token generated from the Alpaca server that identifies the reader.
    • clients: List of configured clients.
    • type: The type of client. Valid options are AUDIT_LOG, ACCESS_LOG, and BW_LICENSE.
    • path: The path to the directory to read.
    • maximum-queue-size-per-server-in-megabytes: (Optional) The maximum size the audit log queue can be before transmitting to the server. Defaults to 5mb if not specified.
    • outbound-message-size-in-megabytes: (Optional) The size at which to send outbound messages. Defaults to 1mb if not provided.