

  1. Put the tgz file in the /opt folder on the server.

  2. Untar the tarfile

  3. Create a symlink from the new fraudstopper folder to /opt/fraudstopper

    ln -s FraudStopper-4.0.1  /opt/fraudstopper
  4. Create the fraudstopper user with the home directory of /opt/fraudstopper

  5. Change the ownership of the /opt/fraudstopper folder and all of it's children

  6. Copy the FraudDetection license file (license.txt) into the conf folder

  7. Install MongoDB

  8. Copy the fraudstopper.init file into /etc/init.d as fraudstopper

  9. Run chkconfig --install fraudstopper and chkconfig fraudstopper on

  10. Modify the ./conf/ file to the desired values. A full configuration guide can be accessed here.

Installing MongoDB

1) Install latest mongodb-org from Mongo Repository

Setup NFS

Setup NFS Exports on the BroadWorks Application Servers

Make sure the following packages are installed:

Add something similar to the /etc/exports file


chkconfig nfs on
chkconfig rpcbind on

service nfs start
service rpcbind start

Upgrade from 3.X to 4

Run the mongo client and execute the following commands:

    use fraudstopper;
    db.users.update({}, {$set: {sourceName: "production"}}, {multi: true});
    db.filestats.update({}, {$set: {sourceName: "production"}}, {multi: true}); 

These commands will update the existing users and filestats documents to include the production sourceName. If the source name you've specific in the configuration file is different than 'production', modify the update commands as appropriate.
