Alpaca Reports

User Call Forwarding Always Report


The User Call Forwarding Always Report provides details about a User's Call Forwarding Always settings. Can be used at the Cluster, ServiceProvider, and Group levels.


  • ServiceProviderId - The id of the Service Provider that the User belongs to.
  • GroupId - The id of the Group that the User belongs to.
  • UserId - The id of the Broadworks User that the row relates to.
  • CallForwardingAlwaysServiceEnabled - Whether or not the Call Forwarding Always user service is enabled.
  • CallForwardingSelectiveServiceEnabled - Whether or not the Call Forwarding Always Selective user service is enabled.

Example Output




ServiceProviderId    GroupId    UserId    CallForwardingAlwaysServiceEnabled    CallForwardingSelectiveServiceEnabled
Sample_ServiceProvider    Sample_Group    true    false
Sample_ServiceProvider    Sample_Group    SampleUser2    false    false


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│ServiceProviderId     │GroupId     │UserId               │CallForwardingAlwaysServiceEnabled│CallForwardingSelectiveServiceEnabled│
│Sample_ServiceProvider│Sample_Group││true                              │false                                │
│Sample_ServiceProvider│Sample_Group│SampleUser2          │false                             │false                                │

Communication Barring Criteria Report


The Communication Barring Criteria Report provides details about Communication Barring criteria for all the Service Providers in the system with a Communication Barring Criteria assigned. This report is only available at the cluster level.


  • ServiceProviderId - The id of the Service Provider that the User belongs to.
  • CriteriaName - The name of the Criteria
  • CriteriaDescription - The description of the criteria

Example Output




ServiceProviderID   CriteriaName    CriteriaDescription
Sample_ServiceProvider  System_Comm_Barr_Criteria_1 System_Comm_Barr_Criteria_1 


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│ServiceProviderID     │CriteriaName               │CriteriaDescription          │
│Sample_ServiceProvider│System_Comm_Barr_Criteria_1│System_Comm_Barr_Criteria_1  │

Communication Barring Profile Report


The Communication Barring Profile Report provides details about Communication Barring profiles for all the Service Providers in the system with a Communication Barring Profile. This report is only available at the cluster level.


  • ServiceProviderId - The id of the Service Provider that the User belongs to.
  • CallBarringProfile - The name of the profile.
  • description - The description of the profile.
  • isDefault - Whether or not the profile is the default.

For information on the following columns see the official BroadWorks Documentation.

  • originatingDefaultAction
  • originatingDefaultTreatmentId
  • originatingDefaultTransferNumber
  • originatingDefaultCallTimeout
  • originatingRule_criteria
  • originatingRule_action
  • originatingRule_timeSchedule
  • redirectingDefaultAction
  • redirectingDefaultCallTimeout
  • redirectingRule_criteria
  • redirectingRule_action
  • redirectingRule_timeSchedule
  • callMeNowDefaultAction
  • callMeNowDefaultCallTimeout
  • callMeNowRule_criteria
  • callMeNowRule_action
  • callMeNowRule_timeSchedule
  • incomingDefaultAction
  • incomingDefaultCallTimeout
  • incomingRule_criteria
  • incomingRule_action
  • incomingRule_timeSchedule

Example Output


Sample_ServiceProvider,SampleProfile,SampleProfile,Allow Timed,,,600,,,,Allow,,,,,Allow Timed,3600,,,,Block,,,,,false


ServiceProviderID    CallBarringProfile    description    originatingDefaultAction    originatingDefaultTreatmentId    originatingDefaultTransferNumber    originatingDefaultCallTimeout    originatingRule_criteria    originatingRule_action    originatingRule_timeSchedule    redirectingDefaultAction    redirectingDefaultCallTimeout    redirectingRule_criteria    redirectingRule_action    redirectingRule_timeSchedule    callMeNowDefaultAction    callMeNowDefaultCallTimeout    callMeNowRule_criteria    callMeNowRule_action    callMeNowRule_timeSchedule    incomingDefaultAction    incomingDefaultCallTimeout    incomingRule_criteria    incomingRule_action    incomingRule_timeSchedule    isDefault
Sample_ServiceProvider    SampleProfile    SampleProfile    Allow Timed            600                Allow                    Allow Timed    3600                Block                    false


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│ServiceProviderID         │CallBarringProfile          │description       │originatingDefaultAction│originatingDefaultTreatmentId│originatingDefaultTransferNumber│originatingDefaultCallTimeout│originatingRule_criteria│originatingRule_action│originatingRule_timeSchedule│redirectingDefaultAction│redirectingDefaultCallTimeout│redirectingRule_criteria│redirectingRule_action│redirectingRule_timeSchedule│callMeNowDefaultAction│callMeNowDefaultCallTimeout│callMeNowRule_criteria│callMeNowRule_action│callMeNowRule_timeSchedule│incomingDefaultAction│incomingDefaultCallTimeout│incomingRule_criteria   │incomingRule_action│incomingRule_timeSchedule│isDefault│
│Sample_ServiceProvider    │SampleProfile               │SampleProfile     │Allow Timed             │                             │                                │600                          │                        │                      │                            │Allow                   │                             │                        │                      │                            │Allow Timed           │3600                       │                      │                    │                          │Block                │                          │                        │                   │                         │false    │

Meet Me Conferencing Report


The MeetMe Conferencing Report provides details about a User's Meet Me Conferencing settings and configuration. Can be used at the Cluster, ServiceProvider, and Group levels.


  • UserId - The id of the Broadworks User that the row relates to.
  • GroupId - The id of the Group that the User belongs to.
  • ServiceProviderId - The id of the Service Provider that the User belongs to.
  • LastName - The User's last name.
  • FirstName - The User's first name.
  • EmailAddress - The User's Email Address
  • Bridge ID - The ID of the Bridge that the conference is on.
  • Title - The title of the conference.
  • Max Participants - The maximum amount of participants allowed on the conference.
  • Security PIN enabled - Whether or not Security Pin is enabled for the conference.
  • Security PIN - The conference's security pin.
  • Schedule Type - The schedule type for the conference.
  • Phone Number - The bridge's phone number.
  • Extension - The bridge's extension.
  • Conference ID - The id of the conference.
  • Moderator ID - The id of the moderator for the conference.
  • Moderator Required - Whether or not a moderator is required.

Example Output


UserId,GroupId,ServiceProviderId,LastName,FirstName,EmailAddress,Bridge ID,Title,Max Participants,Security PIN enabled,Security PIN,Schedule Type,Phone Number,Extension,Conference ID,Moderator ID,Moderator Required,Sample_Group,Sample_ServiceProvider,User,Sample,,Sample_Bridge,Sample_Conference,8,false,,RESERVATIONLESS,2229858632,8632,350070,356483,false


UserId    GroupId    ServiceProviderId    LastName    FirstName    EmailAddress    Bridge ID    Title    Max Participants    Security PIN enabled    Security PIN    Schedule Type    Phone Number    Extension    Conference ID    Moderator ID    Moderator Required    Sample_Group    Sample_ServiceProvider    User    Sample        Sample_Bridge    Sample_Conference    8    false        RESERVATIONLESS    2229858632    8632    350070    356483    false


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│UserId               │GroupId     │ServiceProviderId     │LastName│FirstName│EmailAddress│Bridge ID    │Title            │Max         │Security│Security│Schedule Type  │Phone     │Extension│Conference│Moderator│Moderator│
│                     │            │                      │        │         │            │             │                 │Participants│PIN     │PIN     │               │Number    │         │ID        │ID       │Required │
│                     │            │                      │        │         │            │             │                 │            │enabled │        │               │          │         │          │         │         │
││Sample_Group│Sample_ServiceProvider│User    │Sample   │            │Sample_Bridge│Sample_Conference│8           │false   │        │RESERVATIONLESS│2229858632│8632     │350070    │356483   │false    │

User Registration Report


The User Registrations Report provides lists all users with a registered device in the specified entity. Can be used at the Cluster, ServiceProvider, and Group levels.


  • UserId - The id of the Broadworks User that the row relates to.
  • DeviceName - The name of the registered device.
  • DeviceLevel - The level of the registered device, i.e. Group, ServiceProvider, System
  • User-Agent - The name and software version of the of the device client (from the device's registration request User-Agent header).
  • Expiration - The registration expiry date, for dynamic registrations.

Example Output


UserId,DeviceName,DeviceLevel,User-Agent,Expiration,SampleDevice,Group,PolycomSoundPointIP-SPIP_550-UA/,Wed Nov 29 13:57:29 EST 2017


UserId  DeviceName  DeviceLevel User-Agent  Expiration   SampleDevice    Group   PolycomSoundPointIP-SPIP_550-UA/ Wed Nov 29 13:57:29 EST 2017


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│UserId               │DeviceName  │DeviceLevel│User-Agent                                 │Expiration│
││SampleDevice│Group      │PolycomSoundPointIP-SPIP_550-UA/│Wed Nov 29│
│                     │            │           │                                           │13:57:29  │
│                     │            │           │                                           │EST 2017  │

User Details Report


The User Details Report includes basic User information as well as select user service information. Can be used at the Cluster, ServiceProvider, and Group levels.


  • Type - The type of User i.e User, Call Center, HuntGroup, etc.
  • UserId - The id of the Broadworks User that the row relates to.
  • LastName - The User's last name.
  • FirstName - The User's first name.
  • GroupId - The id of the Group that the User belongs to.
  • ServiceProviderId - The id of the Service Provider that the User belongs to.
  • PhoneNumber - The User's phone number.
  • Extension - The User's extension.
  • LinePort - The line port of the User's primary device.
  • DeviceType - The device type of the User's primary device.
  • MacAddress - The mac address of the User's primary device.
  • DeviceName - The device name of the User's primary device.
  • AccessDeviceLevel - The device level of the User's primary device. i.e Group, ServiceProvider, System
  • ConfigurationMode - The Configuration mode of the User's primary device.
  • VoiceMailCarbonCopyAddress - The User's voice mail carbon copy email address.
  • isRegistered - Boolean value of whether or not the User's primary device is registered.
  • Services - A list of services that are assigned to the User.
  • ServicePacks - A list of service packs that are assigned to the User.
  • CLIDLastName - The User's Calling Line ID Last Name.
  • CLIDFirstName - The User's Calling Line ID First Name.
  • CLIDPhoneNumber - The User's Calling Line ID Phone Number.
  • HiraganaLastName - The User's Hiragana last name.
  • HiraganaFirstName - The User's Hiragana first name.
  • Language - The User's selected language.
  • TimeZone - The User's selected time zone.
  • TimeZoneDisplayName - The display name for the User's selected time zone.
  • DefaultAlias - The User's default alias.
  • CFAisActive - Whether or not Call Forwarding Always is active.
  • CFANumber - The User's Call Forwarding Always forward to number.
  • CFARingSplash - Whether or not Call Forwarding Always Ring Splash is selected.
  • CFBisActive - Whether or not Call Forwarding Busy is active.
  • CFBNumber - The User's Call Forwarding Busy forward to number.
  • CFNAisActive - Whether or not Call Forwarding Not Available is active.
  • CFNANumber - The User's Call Forwarding Not Available forward to number.
  • CFNARings - The User's Call Forwarding Not Available number if rings.
  • CallWaitingIsActive - Whether or not Call Waiting is active.
  • DisableCLIDDelivery - Whether or not Disable Calling Line ID Delivery is enabled.
  • CLIDBlocking - Whether or not Calling Line ID Blocking is enabled.
  • CallingNameRetrieval - Whether or not Calling Name Retrieval is enabled.
  • DNDIsActive - Whether or not Do Not Disturb is active.
  • DNDRingSplash - Whether or not Do Not Disturb Ring Splash is active.
  • ExternalCLIDDeliveryIsActive - Whether or not External Calling Line ID Delivery is active.
  • Department - The User's department.

Example Output


User,,User,Sample,Sample_Group,Sample_ServiceProvider,2229858632,8632,,2Wire HomePortal,0004F24DA112,0004F24DA112,Group,N/A,,false,"Call Forwarding Always,Call Forwarding Busy,Call Forwarding No Answer,Do Not Disturb,Calling Name Retrieval,External Calling Line ID Delivery,Call Waiting,Calling Name Delivery,Calling Number Delivery",SamplePack,User,Sample,,User,Sample,English,US/Eastern,(GMT-05:00) US/Eastern,,true,1112223336,true,true,1112223336,true,1112223336,9.0,true,false,,true,true,true,true,


Type    UserId  LastName    FirstName   GroupId ServiceProviderId   PhoneNumber Extension   LinePort    DeviceType  MacAddress  DeviceName  AccessDeviceLevel   ConfigurationMode   VoiceMailCarbonCopyAddress  isRegistered    Services    ServicePacks    CLIDLastName    CLIDFirstName   CLIDPhoneNumber HiraganaLastName    HiraganaFirstName   Language    TimeZone    TimeZoneDisplayName DefaultAlias    CFAIsActive CFANumber   CFARingSplashIsActive   CFBIsActive CFBNumber   CFNAIsActive    CFNANumber  CFNARings   CallWaitingIsActive DisableCLIDDelivery CLIDBlocking    CallingNameRetrieval    DNDIsActive DNDRingSplashIsActive   ExternalCLIDDeliveryIsActive    Department
User   User    Sample  Sample_Group    Sample_ServiceProvider  2229858632  8632   2Wire HomePortal    0004F24DA112    0004F24DA112    Group   N/A false   Call Forwarding Always,Call Forwarding Busy,Call Forwarding No Answer,Do Not Disturb,Calling Name Retrieval,External Calling Line ID Delivery,Call Waiting,Calling Name Delivery,Calling Number Delivery    SamplePack  User    Sample      User    Sample  English US/Eastern  (GMT-05:00) US/Eastern   true    1112223336  true    true    1112223336  true    1112223336  9.0 true    false       true    true    true    true    


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│Type│UserId               │LastName│FirstName│GroupId     │ServiceProviderId     │PhoneNumber│Extension│LinePort             │DeviceType│MacAddress  │DeviceName  │AccessDeviceLevel│ConfigurationMode│VoiceMailCarbonCopyAddress │isRegistered│Services          │ServicePacks│CLIDLastName│CLIDFirstName│CLIDPhoneNumber│HiraganaLastName│HiraganaFirstName│Language│TimeZone  │TimeZoneDisplayName│DefaultAlias         │CFAIsActive│CFANumber │CFARingSplashIsActive│CFBIsActive│CFBNumber │CFNAIsActive│CFNANumber│CFNARings│CallWaitingIsActive│DisableCLIDDelivery│CLIDBlocking│CallingNameRetrieval│DNDIsActive│DNDRingSplashIsActive│ExternalCLIDDeliveryIsActive│Department      │
│User││User    │Sample   │Sample_Group│Sample_ServiceProvider│2229858632 │8632     ││2Wire     │0004F24DA112│0004F24DA112│Group            │N/A              ││false       │Call    Forwarding│SamplePack  │User        │Sample       │               │User            │Sample           │English │US/Eastern│(GMT-05:00)        ││true       │1112223336│true                 │true       │1112223336│true        │1112223336│9.0      │true               │false              │            │true                │true       │true                 │true                        │SampleDepartment│
│    │                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │                     │HomePortal│            │            │                 │                 │                           │            │Always,Call       │            │            │             │               │                │                 │        │          │US/Eastern         │                     │           │          │                     │           │          │            │          │         │                   │                   │            │                    │           │                     │                            │                │
│    │                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │                     │          │            │            │                 │                 │                           │            │Forwarding        │            │            │             │               │                │                 │        │          │                   │                     │           │          │                     │           │          │            │          │         │                   │                   │            │                    │           │                     │                            │                │
│    │                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │                     │          │            │            │                 │                 │                           │            │Busy,Call         │            │            │             │               │                │                 │        │          │                   │                     │           │          │                     │           │          │            │          │         │                   │                   │            │                    │           │                     │                            │                │
│    │                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │                     │          │            │            │                 │                 │                           │            │Forwarding      No│            │            │             │               │                │                 │        │          │                   │                     │           │          │                     │           │          │            │          │         │                   │                   │            │                    │           │                     │                            │                │
│    │                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │                     │          │            │            │                 │                 │                           │            │Answer,Do      Not│            │            │             │               │                │                 │        │          │                   │                     │           │          │                     │           │          │            │          │         │                   │                   │            │                    │           │                     │                            │                │
│    │                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │                     │          │            │            │                 │                 │                           │            │Disturb,Calling   │            │            │             │               │                │                 │        │          │                   │                     │           │          │                     │           │          │            │          │         │                   │                   │            │                    │           │                     │                            │                │
│    │                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │                     │          │            │            │                 │                 │                           │            │Name              │            │            │             │               │                │                 │        │          │                   │                     │           │          │                     │           │          │            │          │         │                   │                   │            │                    │           │                     │                            │                │
│    │                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │                     │          │            │            │                 │                 │                           │            │Retrieval,External│            │            │             │               │                │                 │        │          │                   │                     │           │          │                     │           │          │            │          │         │                   │                   │            │                    │           │                     │                            │                │
│    │                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │                     │          │            │            │                 │                 │                           │            │Calling  Line   ID│            │            │             │               │                │                 │        │          │                   │                     │           │          │                     │           │          │            │          │         │                   │                   │            │                    │           │                     │                            │                │
│    │                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │                     │          │            │            │                 │                 │                           │            │Delivery,Call     │            │            │             │               │                │                 │        │          │                   │                     │           │          │                     │           │          │            │          │         │                   │                   │            │                    │           │                     │                            │                │
│    │                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │                     │          │            │            │                 │                 │                           │            │Waiting,Calling   │            │            │             │               │                │                 │        │          │                   │                     │           │          │                     │           │          │            │          │         │                   │                   │            │                    │           │                     │                            │                │
│    │                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │                     │          │            │            │                 │                 │                           │            │Name              │            │            │             │               │                │                 │        │          │                   │                     │           │          │                     │           │          │            │          │         │                   │                   │            │                    │           │                     │                            │                │
│    │                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │                     │          │            │            │                 │                 │                           │            │Delivery,Calling  │            │            │             │               │                │                 │        │          │                   │                     │           │          │                     │           │          │            │          │         │                   │                   │            │                    │           │                     │                            │                │
│    │                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │                     │          │            │            │                 │                 │                           │            │Number Delivery   │            │            │             │               │                │                 │        │          │                   │                     │           │          │                     │           │          │            │          │         │                   │                   │            │                    │           │                     │                            │                │

User Service Assigned Report


The User Service Assigned Report details which Users within the current entity (Cluster, Service Provider, Group) have or don't have the provided service assigned. Can be used at the Cluster, ServiceProvider, and Group levels.


  • UserId - The id of the Broadworks User that the row relates to.
  • GroupId - The id of the Group that the User belongs to.
  • ServiceProviderId - The id of the Service Provider that the User belongs to.
  • ServiceName - The name of the User Service that is being checked for assignment.
  • ServiceIsAssigned - Boolean value that denotes whether or not the provided service is assigned.

Example Output




UserId  GroupId ServiceProviderId   ServiceName ServiceIsAssigned    Group1  ServiceProvider1    Authentication  true    Group1  ServiceProvider1    Authentication  true    Group2  ServiceProvider1    Authentication  true    Group3  ServiceProvider2    Authentication  false



│UserId           │GroupId │ServiceProviderId │ServiceName   │ServiceIsAssigned│
│ │Group1  │ServiceProvider1  │Authentication│true             │
│ │Group1  │ServiceProvider1  │Authentication│true             │
│ │Group2  │ServiceProvider1  │Authentication│true             │
│ │Group3  │ServiceProvider2  │Authentication│false            │

User Service Details Report


The User Service Details Report provides details on what services are and are not assigned to Users within the provided entity. Can be used at the Cluster, ServiceProvider, and Group levels.


  • UserId - The id of the Broadworks User that the row relates to.
  • LastName - The User's last name.
  • FirstName - The User's first name.
  • GroupId - The id of the Group that the User belongs to.
  • ServiceProviderId - The id of the Service Provider that the User belongs to.
  • The next columns will be the names of services and service packs assigned at the Group Level.

Example Output


UserId,LastName,FirstName,GroupId,ServiceProviderId,PhoneNumber,Extension,Call Forwarding Always,Call Forwarding Busy,Call Forwarding No Answer,Call Waiting,Calling Name Delivery,Calling Name Retrieval,Calling Number Delivery,Do Not Disturb,External Calling Line ID Delivery,{Sample_ServiceProvider::SamplePack}


UserId    LastName    FirstName    GroupId    ServiceProviderId    PhoneNumber    Extension    Call Forwarding Always    Call Forwarding Busy    Call Forwarding No Answer    Call Waiting    Calling Name Delivery    Calling Name Retrieval    Calling Number Delivery    Do Not Disturb    External Calling Line ID Delivery    {Sample_ServiceProvider::SamplePack}
SampleUser2    User2    Sample    Sample_Group    Sample_ServiceProvider            false    false    false    false    false    false    false    false    false    false    User    Sample    Sample_Group    Sample_ServiceProvider    2229858632    8632    true    true    true    true    true    true    true    true    true    true


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│UserId               │LastName│FirstName│GroupId     │ServiceProviderId     │PhoneNumber│Extension│Call      │Call      │Call      │Call   │Calling │Calling  │Calling │Do  Not│External│{Sample_ServiceProvider::SamplePack}│
│                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │Forwarding│Forwarding│Forwarding│Waiting│Name    │Name     │Number  │Disturb│Calling │                                    │
│                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │Always    │Busy      │No Answer │       │Delivery│Retrieval│Delivery│       │Line  ID│                                    │
│                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │          │          │          │       │        │         │        │       │Delivery│                                    │
│SampleUser2          │User2   │Sample   │Sample_Group│Sample_ServiceProvider│           │         │false     │false     │false     │false  │false   │false    │false   │false  │false   │false                               │
││User    │Sample   │Sample_Group│Sample_ServiceProvider│2229858632 │8632     │true      │true      │true      │true   │true    │true     │true    │true   │true    │true                                │

User Voice Portal Not Changed Report


The User Voice Portal Not Changed Report details whether or not Users in a Group, ServiceProvider, or Cluster have changed their default Voice Portal Password. Can be used at the Cluster, ServiceProvider, and Group levels.


  • UserId - The id of the Broadworks User that the row relates to.
  • LastName - The User's last name.
  • FirstName - The User's first name.
  • GroupId - The id of the Group that the User belongs to.
  • ServiceProviderId - The id of the Service Provider that the User belongs to.
  • PhoneNumber - The User's phone number.
  • Extension - The User's extension.
  • Voice Portal Changed - Whether or not the Voice Portal Passcode has been changed from the default value.
  • Last Modified Date - The last time the User was modified.

Example Output


UserId,LastName,FirstName,GroupId,ServiceProviderId,PhoneNumber,Extension,Voice Portal Changed,Last Modified Date,User,Sample,Sample_Group,Sample_ServiceProvider,2229858632,8632,true,11/28/2017 10:24:59


UserId  LastName    FirstName   GroupId ServiceProviderId   PhoneNumber Extension   Voice Portal Changed    Last Modified Date   User    Sample  Sample_Group    Sample_ServiceProvider  2229858632  8632    true    11/28/2017 10:24:59



│UserId               │LastName│FirstName│GroupId     │ServiceProviderId     │PhoneNumber│Extension│Voice  │Last    │
│                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │Portal │Modified│
│                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │Changed│Date    │
││User    │Sample   │Sample_Group│Sample_ServiceProvider│2229858632 │8632     │true   │Tue  Nov│
│                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │       │28      │
│                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │       │10:24:59│
│                     │        │         │            │                      │           │         │       │EST 2017│