Alerting Settings

Alpaca alerting can be configured on two different levels: system and cluster. To modify the system alerting configuration navigate to the alerting tab on the Alpaca dashboard. To modify the cluster level alerting configuration navigate to the alerting tab on the cluster view. All alert types have a severity level that can be used to determine alert importance. If the severity is set to off, no alert will be sent. The types of alerts are described below.

Alerts can currently be sent via email.

License Alerts

License alerts are threshold alerts that are triggered if a particular BroadWorks license exceeds the configured percentage. An alert will be sent if any license passes the threshold.

Blacklisted Admin Alerts

Blacklisted admin alerts are triggered when an admin that matches one of the regular expressions in the list performs an action in BroadWorks.

Password Change Alerts

Password change alerts are triggered anytime a password or passcode is modified.

The following password change alerts can be toggled on or off:

  • SIP Authentication Password
  • BroadWorks Admin Login Password
  • User Web Portal Password
  • Voice Portal Passcode
  • Other Password - Includes password changes like device credentials changes, trunk group authentication changes, etc.

Unusual Time Change Alerts

Unusual Time Change alerts are triggered when an action is performed in BroadWorks outside of the times configured.

High Volume of Change Alerts

A high volume of change alert is triggered when a large number of actions are performed over the configured amount of time. There are two types of high volume of change alerts: - Admin Changes - Triggered when any admin performs more than the provided actions over the configured period of time. - Cluster Changes - Triggered when the number of actions performed within the provided time is exceeded for the entire cluster.

BroadWorks Connection Failure Alerts

BroadWorks connection failure alerts are triggered when Alpaca can no longer connect to BroadWorks with the provided credentials.

BroadWorks Disconnect Alert

  • Trigger condition:
    • Triggered when Alpaca loses connection to BroadWorks.
  • Clear condition:
    • This alert should clear when Alpaca reconnects to BroadWorks.
  • Acknowledgment:
    • This alert is not automatically acknowledged.

Audit Log Directory Alert

  • Trigger condition:
    • Audit log directory alerts are triggered when the directory in which Alpaca is configured to find the Audit Logs in is invalid.
  • Clear condition:
    • This alert will clear once the configured directory is valid.
  • Acknowledgment:
    • This alert is not automatically acknowledged.

Admin Added Alert

Admin Added Alerts are triggered anytime a BroadWorks admin is added.

The following Admin types can be toggled on or off:

  • System Admin
  • Service Provider Admin
  • Group Admin
  • Group Department Admin

Email Notification Configuration

  • Types of emails:
    • New Alert - Sent when a new alert is triggered.
    • Cleared Alert - Sent when an alert is cleared.
    • Batched Alert - Sent when multiple alerts are triggered at a similar time. Those alerts will be compiled into one email.
  • Email - The email addresses that the alerts are sent to.
  • Subject - The subject line of the email.
  • Body - The HTML body of the email.

Writing Templates

Alpaca uses Thymeleaf email template engine. Examples can be seen below.

Object Usage

A big part of Thymeleaf is that it allows the use of Java objects. The Alpaca object that is available for use in the templates is the alert variable. Note that in the new alert and cleared alert templates, a single Alert is the object that is available. The Batched Alerts templates have a list of alerts in the alerts variable. The variables on the alert object that are available for use are as follows:

  • id - The object's unique id.
  • cluster - The cluster the alert belongs to.
    • nickname - The human-readable nickname of the cluster.
  • mode - The mode of the alert - Historical or Threshold.
    • humanName - The human-readable name of the alert mode.
  • severity - The severity of the alert at the time of creation.
    • humanName - The human-readable name of the alert severity.
  • type - The type of the alert.
    • humanName - The human-readable name of the alert type.
  • idMessage - Unique identifier for this alert type + object id
  • summaryMessage - A summary of what the alert is about.
  • detailMessage - The full detail of an alert.
  • cleared - Whether or not the alert has been cleared.
  • clearedDate - The date and time the alert was cleared.
  • clearedBy - The user that cleared the alert.
  • acknowledged - Whether or not the alert has been acknowledged.
  • acknowledgedDate - The date and time the alert was acknowledged.
  • acknowledgedBy - The user that acknowledged the alert.
  • acknowledgedMessage - The acknowledged message.


Example 1 - Cleared Alert
<div class="jumbotron">
    <h1 class="display-3"><span th:text="${alert.type}">Alert Type</span> Cleared</h1>
    <p class="lead">This notification is a generated automatic service to you.</p>
    <hr class="my-4"/>
    <p>The following alert was cleared at <span th:text="${alert.clearedDate}">date</span> by
        <span th:text="${alert.clearedBy}">admin</span>.</p>
    <p th:text="${alert.detailMessage}">Alert detail message.</p>
    <p>You do not need to respond to this email.</p>
Example 2 - New Alert
<div class="jumbotron">
    <h1 class="display-3"><span th:text="${alert.type.humanName}">Alert Type</span> Notification</h1>
    <p class="lead">This notification is a generated automatic service to you.</p>
    <hr class="my-4"/>
    <p th:text="${alert.detailMessage}">Alert detail message.</p>
    <p>You do not need to respond to this email. If, however, you think that this change may have been made in error or fraudulently, <b>please
        contact us immediately</b></p>
    <p class="lead">
        <a class="btn btn-primary" href="#" role="button">Contact Us</a>
Example 3 - Batched Alert
<div class="jumbotron">
    <h1 class="display-3">Notification of <span th:text="${alerts.size()}">#</span> Alpaca Alerts</h1>
    <p class="lead">This notification is a generated automatic service to you.</p>
    <!-- Thymeleaf Loop -->
    <div th:each="alert : ${alerts}">
        <hr class="my-4"/>
        <h4 th:text="*{alert.type.humanName}">Alert Type</h4>
        <p th:text="*{alert.detailMessage}">Detail Message</p>
    <p>You do not need to respond to this email. If, however, you think that this change may have been made in error or fraudulently, <b>please
        contact us immediately</b></p>
    <p class="lead">
        <a class="btn btn-primary" href="#" role="button">Contact Us</a>