Alpaca Alpaca 6.2 Guides

Release Notes

Release Notes
Alpaca Release notes are specific to each version of the application/library.


Installation for CentOS and RedHat
How to install Alpaca on CentOS and RedHat operating systems.


Alpaca Configuration
How to configure Alpacas miscellaneous settings.

BroadWorks Cluster Configuration
How to configure the BroadWorks Clusters on the Alpaca platform.

E-mail Configuration
How to configure e-mail services for Alpaca.

MongoDB Configuration
How to configure the Alpaca Mongo database.

Profiles Configuration
How to configure the Alpaca launch profiles.

SSL Configuration
How to configure Alpaca to use SSL.

Storage Cleanup
How to configure Alpaca store cleanup.


How to setup Alpaca Alerts.

Using Alpaca

Communigate Voicemail Wizard
The Communigate Voicemail Wizard feature guide.

How to create, edit, and delete Alpaca Users.

How to perform an Alpaca search.

How to perform and monitor Alpaca tasks.


Device Migration
This guide documents the device migration process.

Device File Migration
This guide documents the device file migration process.

User Migration
This guide documents the user migration process.

Enterprise Migration
This guide documents the enterprise migration process.

Group To Enterprise Migration
This guide documents the group to enterprise migration process.

User Collection Migration
This guide documents the user collection migration process.

User Replace
This guide documents the user replace process.


User Service Assigned
Details the output of the User Service Assigned report.

User Details
Details the output of the User Details report.

Vocie Portal Not Changed
Details the output of the Voice Portal Not Changed report.

Meet Me Conferencing
Details the output of the Meet Me Conferencing report.

User Service Details
Details the output of the User Service Details report.

Communication Barring Profile
Details the output of the Communication Barring Profile report.

Communication Barring Criteria
Details the output of the Communication Barring Criteria report.

Call Forwarding Always
Details the output of the Call Forwarding Always report.

User Registrations
Details the output of the User Registrations report.