
Release Notes

Last Updated: 09/19/2024 The ECG team is pleased to announce the release version 10.6.7 of Alpaca.

This version includes support for the R22, R23, and R24 versions of the BroadWorks API.


  • Release: 09/19/2024

What's Fixed

  • [GroupDelete] - Fixed issue that could prevent a group from being deleted if certain fields in the profile were missing.
  • Behind the scenes improvements to audit log processing when dealing with a large number of audit logs.


  • Released: 08/26/2024

What's Fixed

  • [Alerts] - Fixed issue that could cause Audit Log Alerts to trigger before hitting the warning or severe threshold.


  • Released: 08/21/2024

What's Fixed

  • [Resync] - Behind the scenes improvements.
  • [GroupToEnterpriseMigration] - Added support for setting routing profile.
  • [Alerts] - Fixed issue that caused Audit Log Alerts to not trigger correctly.
  • [GroupToEnterpriseMigration][UI] - Fixed various inputs that did not disable correctly once a step was completed.
  • [GroupToEnterpriseMigration] - Fixed issue that occurred when changing the source group id as part of the process.
  • [API][Filters] - Changed delimiters from ',' to '<DELIMITER>'. Fixes issues where filter values include commas.
  • [API][Filters] - Fixed issue that filters with some special characters to not be parsed correctly.
  • [ClusterDelete] - Fixed issue that prevented deleting a cluster if an Alpaca server of the same version as the cluster was not running.


  • Released: 07/01/2024

What's New

  • [BLFCache] - Added button on the Cluster card to manually trigger a BLF Cache Bootstrap task.

What's Changed

  • [RabbitMq] - Updated audit log related queues to be a "quorum" type queue.
  • [AuditLogProcessing] - More efficient audit log processing when more than Clusters are available.
  • The licensed host id check is now case-insensitive.

What's Fixed

  • [GroupServiceAssignedReport] - Fixed an issue that would use the saved service for this report instead of the newly selected service.
  • [UserServiceAssignedReport] - Fixed an issue that would use the saved service for this report instead of the newly selected service.
  • [Toasts] - Fixed issue with tasks toast that could cause a message to appear more than once.
  • [CDRProcessing] - Better error handling for unexpected errors.


  • Released: 06/05/2024

What's Changed

  • Improved performance of Audit Log Queue processing by using multiple work threads.
  • Minor improvement when processing Enterprise Trunk Number Range audit logs.
  • READ type audit logs are now longer added to the process queue unless skipReads is set to false in the configuration.
  • If HighVolumeAlerts are disabled, the AlertManager no longer runs the code for HighVolumeAlerts for each audit log processed.

What's Fixed

  • [ClusterDeleteTask] - Audit logs in the queue for the deleted Cluster are now also deleted.
  • [Logout] - Fixed issue that could cause Alpaca to get stuck in an indefinite loop during logout.


  • Released: 05/29/2024

What's Fixed

  • [BroadWorksSync] - Fixed issue that prevent Group Admins from syncing correctly during a BroadWorksSyncTask/SearchIndexRepopulationTask.
  • [Tasks] - Improvements to task related websocket events.


  • Released: 05/03/2024

What's New

  • RedHat Enterprise Linux 9, Oracle Linux 9, and Centos Stream 9 are now officially supported. Note that MongoDb 6+ is required for any of these.
  • Officially added support for logging in as a Provisioning Admin via SSO.

What's Fixed

  • Fixed issue that could cause various websocket events to be received by the Frontend multiple times. This should fix duplicate toast message and duplicate task log messages.
  • Fixed possible null error during header load.


  • Released: 04/19/2024

What's New

  • Added System Network Class of Service panel.
  • Added System Device Management Tag Sets panel.
  • Added System Voice Portal panel.
  • Added System Communication Barring User Control panel.
  • Added System Dialable Caller Id panel.
  • Added System Security Classification panel.
  • Added Group Details Report.
  • Added Bulk Password/Passcode Reset action.
  • Added System Alternate User Id panel.

What's Changed

  • Admins can now require Users to reset their Alpaca password upon next login.
  • Alerts tab is now Notification tab. New Warning notification type has been added.
  • [TimesTen] - If the primary TimesTen connection fails, the secondary connection, if available, will automatically be used. All subsequent connections will try the secondary first until the primary is marked as back online.
  • [BulkProvisioning] - Added domain validator.
  • Improved handling of links that route to a Cluster that is not available or offline.
  • [DeviceMigration] - Devices can no longer be migrated to a Device Type that is not of the same addressing type.
  • [ECGLicense] - The ECG License is now stored in the database instead of on the file system.
  • [UserServiceAssignedReport] - Improved efficiency of report. Added enabled column.
  • [GroupServiceAssignedReport] - Improved efficiency of report. Added enabled column.
  • [GroupDevicesPanel] - Improved search/filter functionality.

What's Fixed

  • [Alerts] - The Acknowlege is now only available for Users with the Alpaca Admin role.
  • Cleaned up Javascripts warnings in frontend console.
  • [BulkProvisioning][HA] - Fixed issue that could cause a File Not Found Exception during Bulk Provisioning upload.
  • [BulkProvisioning][UI] - All buttons and inputs within the Bulk Provisioning Wizard now correctly enable/disable.
  • Better handling of 404 errors.
  • [CCAgentUnavailableCodes] - Fixed issue that prevented adding codes with non-numerical characters.
  • [HA] - Fixed issue that could cause the Gateway to sticky on a server that is not of the same version as the current Cluster.
  • [UserAlternateIdPanel] - Fixed error when adding a new Alternate ID when an existing one did not have a description.
  • [UserCallRecordingPanel] - Fixed issue that prevented the panel from loading.
  • [UserBroadWorksAnywhere] - Fixed weird behavior when cancelling the phone number add form.
  • [IPFencing] - Fixed issue that could cause Alpaca to not load after attempting to login from an un-trusted IP address.

Previous Release Notes