Installation for Mac


  • Java JDK 1.8
    • The newest release can be found on Oracle's webpage.
  • Oracle TimesTen
    • TimesTen needs to be installed on the machine where Alpaca is to be installed.
    • Follow the official instructions to install TimesTen in a location of your choosing.
    • The TimesTen lib directory must be set in the ALPACA_TT_LIB environment variable for Alpaca to retrieve.
    • e.g. echo "export ALPACA_TT_LIB=/opt/TimesTen/tt1122/lib" >> /etc/bashrc
    • Remove obsolete jdbc driver.
      • In your TimesTen lib directory you will find multiple ttjdbc*.jar files. Alpaca only needs the latest.
      • Create a backup directory and move all of the ttjdcb*.jar files except for the newest (the one with the highest number) into this directory.
  • The IP address of the Alpaca system must be in an access control list on the BroadWorks profile server.
    • Login to the Profile Server.
    • In the BWCLI navigate to /Applications/BroadworksFileRepos/NetworkAccessLists/WebDav
    • Add the IP address of the machine running Alpaca's migration tools.

Application Server Open Client Server External Authentication ACL

Alpaca uses the XSPs to communicate via OCI to the Application Server. If the Application Server has an ACL configured for the OCS External Authentication, the XSPs must be listed.

  1. Login to the Application Server.
  2. In the BWCLI, login as an administrator and navigate to /Applications/OpenClientServer/ExternalAuthentication/AccessControlList
  3. Use the get command to confirm if an ACL is configured.
    • If an ACL is configured, ensure the XSP which Alpaca will send OCI requests to is listed.
      • Otherwise, if the XSP is not listed in the output, add the XSP using the following format.
        • add <xsp ip address> description xsp
    • If no IPs are listed, then BroadWorks allows external authentication by default and no adjustments are necessary.


  • Download the Alpaca tarball
  • Extract the archive in the desired location
  • Move your license file (typically ecg.license.txt) into the conf directory of the extracted archive.
  • Edit the conf/ file to configure the BroadWorks cluster element for the desired BroadWorks install. See the configuration guide for additional information.
  • Run via ./alpaca


Configuration Check Tool

A tool to check and verify the configurations of Alpaca.

  • Run after configuring Alpaca.
  • Run via ./alpaca-check
  • Checks:
    • License file
    • Times Ten Configuration
    • Times Ten connection to Application Server
    • Connection to Broadworks
    • Profile Server Access

Upgrade Tool

A tool to copy Alpaca configurations from one Alpaca installation to another.

  • Copies properties file, license file, log4j configuration file, and cache configuration file.
  • Run via ./alpaca-upgrade <Previous Alpaca Configuration Path>
  • Compatible with Alpaca version 4.1.0 and above.