Enterprise Migration


A BroadWorks's Service Provider or Enterprise can be highly customized with Groups, Users, Devices, Service Instances, and settings. The bulk of provisioning level settings reside under this umbrella of information. Because of this is it highly time consuming to build and configure an Enterprise with all of it's corresponding components. If later the Enterprise needs to be moved to a different application server cluster the process of collecting all the settings and information regarding the Enterprise is daunting.

Functional Description

This feature, Enterprise Migration, provides a function that allows BroadWorks' Enterprises to be moved from one BroadWorks system to another including Groups, Users, Devices, settings, passwords, greetings, and corresponding Device Management files, except as identified in Limitations.

The specific services and data migrated and supported are documented here: - Alpaca services supported - Alpaca specific requests supported

Device re-registration can be assisted using methods documented in the Device Re-Registration Guide



  1. Perform a BroadWorks Database backup.
  2. Configure Alpaca to be connected to Source and Destination Systems. See Configuration Guide
  3. Start Alpaca.
  4. Navigate to Source BroadWorks System.
  5. Navigate to desired Service Provider/Enterprise.
  6. Execute Migrate command to Destination System.
    migrate <destination>  [OPTIONS]

         -m,--migrateDomain Migrate default domain to the destination default.              Defaults to false.
         -i,--id <new_id> The new id of the created ServiceProvider.
         -c,--clone Clone during migration. Causes the source to not be deleted.
$ ./alpaca
> cd Lab1
> cd Test_SP_1
> migrate Lab2
Task [Migration-Test_SP_1] - Message: Beginning Enterprise Migration task. ID: Migration-Test_SP_1
Task [Migration-Test_SP_1] - Message: Information retrieval completed.
Task [Migration-Test_SP_1] - Message: Migration Completed.
> exit
$ ./alpaca
> cd Lab2
> cd Test_Enterprise_1
> migrate Lab1 --migrateDomain=TRUE
Task [Migration-Test_Enterprise_1] - Message: Beginning Enterprise Migration task. ID: Migration-Test_Enterprise_1
Task [Migration-Test_Enterprise_1] - Message: Information retrieval completed.
Task [Migration-Test_Enterprise_1] - Message: Migration Completed.
> exit


  • --migrateDomain - This options converts the domains of objects that use the source's default domain to the destination's default domain.\
  • --id - This option changes the id of the ServiceProvider or Enterprise to the provided id during the migration.
  • --clone - This option clones the ServiceProvider or Enterprise to another BroadWorks System while leaving it fully intact on the source system. This can only be done between BroadWorks Systems that do not share a Network Server.

Checking Status of Migrations

The status of Migrations and all other background tasks can be checked at anytime using the tasks command from anywhere on the Alpaca CLI. See Tasks Guide for more information.


  • Migration - The movement of a BroadWorks entity from one place to another without loss of data.
  • Source Enterprise - The Enterprise that is going to be migrated.
  • Source System - The BroadWorks System that contains the Enterprise that is going to be migrated.
  • Destination System - The BroadWorks System that the Enterprise will be migrated to.

How It Works

Enterprise Migration performs a sequence of information retrieval prior to migration to ensure that the Enterprise meets the set of requirements that will allow the Enterprise to successfully migration to the destination system. There are two types of restrictions that would prevent a valid migration - Requirements and Encumbrances. If either one of the restrictions contains errors then the migration will not be allowed to proceed. See the Limitations section for further information.

  • Export the Enterprise or Service Provider from the Source Broadworks system
  • Check Migration Validity for Requirements and Encumbrances
  • Remove Groups
  • Remove Enterprise Trunk Number Ranges
  • Remove Enterprise
  • Create New Enterprise
  • Authorize Services and Service Packs
  • Add Enterprise Settings
  • Add Service Settings
  • Add Enterprise Service Settings (Enterprise Only)
  • Add Devices
  • Add Groups and their Users
  • Add Enterprise Settings that need to be added after Groups
  • Assign Users and Devices
  • Add Credentials

Recovery and Rollback of Migration


During migration activity, BroadWorks Users & Auto Attendants are deleted from the source system, and therefore BroadWorks Voicemail and Auto Attendant greetings are deleted. In general, with all BroadWorks features involved, some files will be deleted from the source system.

ECG recommends a backup that allows you to restore the system to all BroadWorks-managed files. This could include these options: - Filesystem snapshots - Virtual machine snapshots - BroadWorks complete backups

Alpaca Migration users can consider scheduling autoBackup on the systems to complete before the migration maintenance window begins. E.g., autoBackup primary-side servers at 23:00, and secondary servers at 23:30, and then do migration work at 00:01.


Option A: Import-based Rollback

Following the information retrieval process (export) the full details of the Enterprise are backed up for recovery purposes. The settings information retrieved is backed up as JSON to the Alpaca File Manager rootLocation. Announcement files and device configuration files are backed up in their original format (e.g., .wav files are stored as .wav binary files). These files collectively can be used for recovery purposes. - These files can restored using the import commands.

Option B: Backup-Based Rollback

If, in a maintenance activity, an Alpaca user wishes to rollback to the primary system using filesystem backups 1. Restore the Timesten database 2. Restore the BroadWorks-managed files that had been deleted in the process


Non-Migrated Elements

The following elements are not migrated between BroadWorks Systems

  • Service Pack Migration Tasks
  • Enterprise Call Center Branding


Requirements are restrictions on migration that are determined by inspecting the desired Destination Application Server to determine if the Enterprise can be moved into the Destination Application Server successfully.

  • Domains
    • The Domains (e.g., "xyz.com") that are available and being used by the Enterprise must exist in the target system.
  • Device Types
    • The Destination system must have all Identity Device profile types as currently used on the source system. Additionally, if the source device type has Polycom Phone Services enabled, the destination type must as well.
  • Network Class of Service
    • The Destination System must have all the Network Class of Services currently used on the source system.
  • Office Zones
    • The Destination System must have all the Offices Zones currently used on the source system.
  • Media Sets
    • The Destination System must have the all the Media Sets currently on the source system.
  • Service Licensing
    • The Destination System must have enough Service Licenses available for each service that the source Enterprise uses.
  • Carrier
    • If the Source Enterprise is using a System Carrier, then the Destination BroadWorks Server must have the same Carrier(s) available.
  • Route Point External System
    • If the Source Enterprise is using a RoutePointExternalSystem, then the Destination BroadWorks Server must have the same RoutePointExternalSystem(s) available.
  • Communication Barring Criteria
    • If the Source Enterprise is using a System Communication Barring Criteria/Incoming Criteria, then the Destination BroadWorks System must have the same Communication Barring Criteria(s) available.
  • Mobile Network (R21SP1)
    • If the Source Enterprise is using a Mobile Network as a part of BroadWorks Mobility Mobile Subscriber, then the Destination BroadWorks System must have the same Mobile Network(s) available.
  • Call Recording Platform
    • If a Group in the Source Enterprise is using a System Call Recording Platform, then the same Call Recording Platform must be available on the Destination System.
  • BroadWorks Software version, patches, and activatable features
    • Must match between the Source and Destination BroadWorks Systems.
  • Identity/Device Profile Types
    • The Destination System must contain all of the IDPTs that are in use by the Source Enterprise.
  • Default Country Code
    • The Default Country Code on the Destination System must be the same as that of the Source System.
  • File System Protocol
    • The File System Protocol on the Destination System must match that of the Source System.
  • System Realm
    • The System Realms of the Source and Destination Systems must match.
  • System-Level Trunk Group Status Codes
    • The Destination System must contain all of the System-Level Trunk Group Status Codes that are being used on the Source System.
  • Enhance Call Logging Configuration
    • The Enhanced Call Logging Configurations on the Destination System must match the configuration of the Source System.
  • Calling Party Categories
    • The Destination System must contain all of the Calling Party Categories that are being used by the Source Enterprise.
  • Classmarks
    • The Destination System must contain all of the Classmarks that are being used by the Source Enterprise.
  • The Source System must not have
    • Pending Migration Tasks
  • The Destination System must not have
    • Telephone Numbers (DNS) that are being migrated from the Source System.
  • The destination BroadWorks Application Server cluster may use the same Network Server as the source, or a different network server. If the destination Network Server is not the same server as the source Network Server, the Destination Network server must match the Source network server in these respects:
    • Routing profiles that are named the same as in the Source Network Server for any groups or Service Providers that are moved.
    • Dial Plans
    • Default Country Code
    • Voice VPN Settings
  • The Destination System must have Provisioning Validation disabled (AS_CLI/Interface/ProvisioningValidation)
  • Group IDs
    • All Group Ids that are being used in the Source Enterprise, must be available for use on the Destination Server.


Encumbrances are restrictions that are contained within the Enterprise's settings. These restrictions do not require a Destination Application Server to be determined and can be checked in advance for potential migration targets.

  • System Access Device
    • If a User in the Enterprise is assigned to an Identity/Device Profile, and this is a System level resource, then the Enterprise cannot be migrated.
  • External Authentication
    • If the Source Enterprise is using External Authentication, then the Enterprise cannot be migrated.