Alpaca Library and Shell

Release Notes

Last Updated: 1/25/2016

The ECG team is pleased to announce the release version 3.2.4 of the Alpaca Library and Shell, which is a bug-fix release.

This version is based on the R20sp1 version of the BroadWorks API.

The complete list of fixes is at the bottom of this page.

Upgrading from a previous version of Alpaca Library should be fairly straightforward. Please refer to the Installation Guide for installation details. We strongly recommend that you back up your alpaca home directory, configuration files, and licenses before upgrading.

What's New

  • Added Support for migration of device files that use HTTP digest authentication (Library).


  • None



  • Corrected issue with Service Provider level authorize service shell command which prevented authorization of group Services at the Service Provider level.
  • Added internal documentation support to each Shell Command.
  • Minor bugfixes.