
  • add

    • callpickupgroup

      • Description: Add a Call Pickup Group to the Group.
      • Usage:
      add callpickupgroup <name> 
      • Example:
      add callpickupgroup Pickup-001
    • callcenter

      • Description: Add a Call Center to the Group.
      • Usage:
      add callcenter <callcenterid> <callcentername> <lastname> <firstname> <password> <language> <timezone> <type> <policy> <enablevideo> <queuelength> <allowescape> <escapedigit> <resetstatsenteringqueue> <allowagentlogoff> <allowcallwaitingforagents> <extpreferredcodec> <intpreferredcodec> <playringingwhileoffering> 
      • Example:
      add callcenter cc_20001 "Support Call Center" "Call Center" "Support" MyPassword$1 English EST Premium Circular TRUE 10 TRUE "*" TRUE FALSE FALSE None None TRUE
    • huntgroup

      • Description: Add a Hunt Group to the Group.
      • Usage:
      add huntgroup <huntgroupid> <huntgroupname> <lastname> <firstname> <language> <timezone> <policy> <huntafternoanswer> <noanswernumberofrings> <forwardaftertime> <forwardtimeoutseconds> <forwardtophonenumber> <allowcallwaitingforagents> <agentlist> 
      • Example:
      add huntgroup hg_20001 "Admins HuntGroup" HuntGroup Admins English EST Circular TRUE 2 TRUE 6 2295551002 FALSE ","
    • user

      • Description: Add a User to the Group.
      • Usage:
      add user <userid> <lastname> <firstname> <callingidlastname> <callingidfirstname> <callingidphonenumber> <password> <language> <timezone> 
      • Example:
      add user Smith John Smith John 2295551002 MyPassword$1 English EST
    • groupaccessdevice

      • Description: Add an Access Device to the Group.
      • Usage:
      add groupaccessdevice <name> <type> 
      • Example:
      add groupaccessdevice "PolycomVVX600-0004F200001" "Polycom VVX 600"
  • modify

    • voiceportal

      • Description: Modifies the Voice Portal settings for the Group.
      • Usage:
      modify voiceportal <phonenumber> <extension> [OPTIONS]
           -a,--isactive=<BOOLEAN>              Sets if the Voice Portal is active. Takes boolean argument.
           -i,--allowidentification=<BOOLEAN>   Allow identification by DN or Alias. Takes boolean argument.
      • Example:
      modify voiceportal 2295551002 51002 --isactive=true --allowidentification=false
    • extensionlength

      • Description: Modifies the extension length settings for the Group.
      • Usage:
      modify extensionlength <minlength> <maxlength> <defaultlength> 
      • Example:
      modify extensionlength 3 5 5
    • blfuri

      • Description: Sets the Busy Lamp Field URI's for all Users in the Group. Supports BroadWorks Tags.
      • Usage:
      modify blfuri <uri> 
      • Example:
      modify blfuri ""
    • callinglineid

      • Description: Modifies the Calling Line ID for the Group.
      • Usage:
      modify callinglineid <number> 
      • Example:
      modify callinglineid 2295551002
  • get

    • Description: Retrieves the list of objects that can be accessed from this location.
    • Usage:
  • activate

    • number

      • Description: Activate a number or number range for the Group.
      • Usage:
      activate number  [OPTIONS]
           -n,--number=<DN>     A specific number to activate on the group.
           -r,--range=<RANGE>   A number range to activate on the group. Specified as [low-high].
      • Example:
      activate number --range=2295551002-2295551005
  • report

    • voiceportalnotchanged

      • Description: Generates a report Voice Portal Passcodes and whether they have been modified from the originally provisioned value.
      • Usage:
      report voiceportalnotchanged  [OPTIONS]
           -w,--writeOutput=<FILENAME>   Write Output to a file
      • Example:
      report voiceportalnotchanged --writeOutput=/tmp/report.txt
    • serviceassignments

      • Description: Generates a report of Service Assignment.
      • Usage:
      report serviceassignments  [OPTIONS]
           -f,--foldServicePacks         Fold Service Packs by Service Provider
           -w,--writeOutput=<FILENAME>   Write Output to a file
    • userdetails

      • Description: Generates a report of User details.
      • Usage:
      report userdetails  [OPTIONS]
           -w,--writeOutput=<FILENAME>   Write Output to a file
    • migrationencumbrances

      • Description: Retrieves a report of migration encumbrances for all Users in the Group.
      • Usage:
      report migrationencumbrances  [OPTIONS]
           -d,--destination=<GROUPID>   The destination GroupID to include requirements in the report
      • Example:
      report migrationencumbrances --destination="Acme Plumbing"
  • reset

    • devices

      • Description: Resets User's Access Devices for all Users in the Group with optional monitoring.
      • Usage:
      reset devices  [OPTIONS]
           -w,--resetwatcher   Reset using the ResetWatcher to monitor re-registration
      • Example:
      reset devices --resetwatcher
    • authentication

      • Description: Resets and randomizes authentication information for all User's in the Group.
      • Usage:
      reset authentication  [OPTIONS]
           -r,--reset          Reset Devices following randomization
           -u,--includeUser    Include UserID in randomization process
           -w,--resetWatcher   Watch for devices to re-register following reset
      • Example:
      reset authentication --reset
  • authorize

    • groupservice

      • Description: Authorize a Group Service for the Group.
      • Usage:
      authorize groupservice <service> [OPTIONS]
           -l,--limit=<INTEGER>   Set a limit on the authorized quantity.
      • Example:
      authorize groupservice "Hunt Group"
    • userservice

      • Description: Authorize a User Service for the Group.
      • Usage:
      authorize userservice <service> [OPTIONS]
           -l,--limit=<INTEGER>   Set a limit on the authorized quantity.
      • Example:
      authorize userservice "BroadTouch Business Communicator Desktop"
    • groupservicepack

      • Description: Authorize a Group Service for the Group.
      • Usage:
      authorize groupservicepack <servicepack> [OPTIONS]
           -l,--limit=<INTEGER>   Set a limit on the authorized quantity.
      • Example:
      authorize groupservicepack "Premium"
  • delete

    • Description: Performs delete operations on the Group.
    • Usage:
    delete <target> 
    • Example:
    delete self
  • assign

    • groupservice

      • Description: Assign a Group Service to the Group.
      • Usage:
      assign groupservice <service> 
      • Example:
      assign groupservice "Hunt Group" --limit=5
  • deactivate

    • number

      • Description: Deactivate a number or number range for the Group.
      • Usage:
      deactivate number  [OPTIONS]
           -n,--number=<DN>     A specific number to deactivate on the group.
           -r,--range=<RANGE>   A number range to deactivate on the group. Specified as [low-high].
      • Example:
      deactivate number +12295551002
  • unassign

    • number

      • Description: Unassign a number from the Group.
      • Usage:
      unassign number <number> 
      • Example:
      unassign number 2295551003


  • add

    • voicemessagingalias

      • Description: Adds an additional User Voice Messaging alias.
      • Usage:
      add voicemessagingalias <alias> 
      • Example:
      add voicemessagingalias 2295551001
  • modify

    • password

      • Description: Sets the User's password to either a specified value or create a randomized password.
      • Usage:
      modify password <password> [OPTIONS]
           -e,--email=<BOOLEAN>   Whether to send an email notification of the change. Overrides the default value. Takes a boolean.
           -r,--randomize         Modify the password with a randomized value
      • Example:
      modify password --randomize=true --email=true
      modify passcode MyPassword$1
    • callforwardingnoanswer

      • Description: Sets the User's Call Forwarding No Answer settings.
      • Usage:
      modify callforwardingnoanswer  [OPTIONS]
           -a,--isactive=<BOOLEAN>          Set is active. Takes boolean argument.
           -f,--forwardtophonenumber=<DN>   Set forward to phone number.
           -n,--numberofrings=<COUNT>       Set number of rings for no answer.
      • Example:
      modify callforwardingnoanswer --isactive=true --forwardtophonenumber=2295551002 --numberofrings=3
    • outgoingsmdimwi

      • Description: Sets the User's Outoing SMDIMWI settings.
      • Usage:
      modify outgoingsmdimwi  [OPTIONS]
           -a,--isactive=<BOOLEAN>   Set is active. Takes boolean argument.
           -n,--mwinumber=<DN>       Set message waiting indicator number.
      • Example:
      modify outgoingsmdimwi --isactive=true --mwinumber=2295551002
    • lastnameuppercase

      • Description: Sets the User's last name to uppercase.
      • Usage:
      modify lastnameuppercase  
    • voiceportalautologin

      • Description: Sets Voice Portal Auto Login setting
      • Usage:
      modify voiceportalautologin <isActive> 
      • Example:
      modify voiceportalautologin true
    • advancedvoicemessaging

      • Description: Sets the User's Advanced Voice Messaging settings.
      • Usage:
      modify advancedvoicemessaging <groupemailaddress> <groupuserid> <grouppassword> 
      • Example:
      modify advancedvoicemessaging 2295551002 MyPassword$1
    • blfuri

      • Description: Sets the User's Busy Lamp Field URI. Supports BroadWorks Tags.
      • Usage:
      modify blfuri <uri> 
      • Example:
      modify blfuri
    • callforwardingbusy

      • Description: Sets the User's Call Forwarding Busy settings.
      • Usage:
      modify callforwardingbusy  [OPTIONS]
           -a,--isactive=<BOOLEAN>          Set is active. Takes boolean argument.
           -f,--forwardtophonenumber=<DN>   Set forward to phone number.
      • Example:
      modify callforwardingbusy --isactive=true --forwardtophonenumber=2295551002
    • passcode

      • Description: Sets the User's passcode to either a specified value or created a randomized passcode.
      • Usage:
      modify passcode <passcode> [OPTIONS]
           -e,--email=<BOOLEAN>       Whether to send an email notification of the change. Overrides the default value. Takes a boolean.
           -r,--randomize=<BOOLEAN>   Modify the passcode with a randomized value. Takes a boolean.
      • Example:
      modify passcode --randomize=true --email=true
      modify passcode 12349876
    • voicemessaging

      • Description: Sets the User's Voice Messaging settings.
      • Usage:
      modify voicemessaging  [OPTIONS]
           -a,--isactive=<BOOLEAN>                    Set is active. Takes boolean argument.
           -v,--alwaysredirecttovoicemail=<BOOLEAN>   Set always redirect to voicemail. Takes boolean argument.
      • Example:
      modify voicemessaging --isactive=true --alwaysredirecttovoicemail=false
  • get

    • Description: Displays User Information.
    • Usage:
  • reset

    • devices

      • Description: Resets a User's Access Devices with optional monitoring.
      • Usage:
      reset devices  [OPTIONS]
           -w,--resetwatcher   Reset using the ResetWatcher to monitor re-registration
      • Example:
      reset devices --resetwatcher=true
    • authentication

      • Description: Resets and randomizes a User's authentication information.
      • Usage:
      reset authentication  [OPTIONS]
           -r,--reset          Reset Devices following randomization
           -u,--includeUser    Include UserID in randomization process
           -w,--resetWatcher   Watch for devices to re-register following reset
      • Example:
      reset authentication --includeUser=true --reset=false
  • delete

    • Description: Performs delete operations on the User.
    • Usage:
    delete <target> 
    • Example:
    assign servicepack "Premium"
  • assign

    • number

      • Description: Assigns a Telephone Number to the User.
      • Usage:
      assign number <number> 
      • Example:
      assign number 2295551001
    • callpickupgroup

      • Description: Assigns a Call Pickup Group to the User.
      • Usage:
      assign callpickupgroup <callpickupgroupid> 
      • Example:
      assign callpickupgroup Pickup-Admin
    • extension

      • Description: Assigns an extension to the User.
      • Usage:
      assign extension <extension> 
      • Example:
      assign extension 10001
    • servicepack

      • Description: Assigns a User Service Pack to the User.
      • Usage:
      assign servicepack <servicepack> 
      • Example:
      assign servicepack "Premium"
    • service

      • Description: Assigns a User Service to the User.
      • Usage:
      assign service <service> 
      • Example:
      assign service "Basic Call Logs"
    • device

      • Description: Assigns an AccessDevice to the User.
      • Usage:
      assign device <devicelevel> <name> <lineport> 
      • Example:
      assign device Group PolycomVVX500-0004f2000000


  • modify

    • name

      • Description: Modify the Group Access Device name.
      • Usage:
      modify name <deviceName> 
      • Example:
      modify name "Polycom VVX 600 - 0004F2000001"
    • macaddress

      • Description: Modify the Group Access Device MAC Address.
      • Usage:
      modify macaddress <macaddress> 
      • Example:
      modify macaddress 0004F2000001
    • type

      • Description: Modify the Group Access Device type.
      • Usage:
      modify type <deviceType> 
      • Example:
      modify type "Polycom VVX 600"
    • configmode

      • Description: Modify the Group Access Device Config Mode.
      • Usage:
      modify configmode <configmode> 
      • Example:
      modify configmode Manual
  • reset

    • Description: Performs reset operations on the Group Access Device.
    • Usage:
    reset <target> 
    • Example:
    reset self


  • add

    • number

      • Description: Adds a number to the Service Provider.
      • Usage:
      add number <number> 
      • Example:
      add number 2295551002
    • group

      • Description: Adds a Group to the Service Provider.
      • Usage:
      add group <groupid> <defaultdomain> <userlimit> <groupname> <callinglineidname> 
      • Example:
      add group "Dobson Printing" 10 "Dobson Printing" "Dobson Printing"
  • set

    • mediaset

      • Description: Sets the media set for the Service Provider.
      • Usage:
      set mediaset <set> 
      • Example:
      set mediaset "G722-G711-G729"
    • mediapolicy

      • Description: Sets the media policy for the Service Provider.
      • Usage:
      set mediapolicy <policy> 
      • Example:
      set mediapolicy "No Restrictions"
  • get

    • Description: Retrieves the list of objects that can be accessed from this location.
    • Usage:
  • report

    • voiceportalnotchanged

      • Description: Generates a report Voice Portal Passcodes and whether they have been modified from the originally provisioned value.
      • Usage:
      report voiceportalnotchanged  [OPTIONS]
           -w,--writeOutput=<FILENAME>   Write Output to a file
      • Example:
      report voiceportalnotchanged --writeOutput=/tmp/report.txt
    • serviceassignments

      • Description: Generates a report of Service Assignment.
      • Usage:
      report serviceassignments  [OPTIONS]
           -f,--foldServicePacks         Fold Service Packs by Service Provider
           -w,--writeOutput=<FILENAME>   Write Output to a file
    • userdetails

      • Description: Generates a report of User details.
      • Usage:
      report userdetails  [OPTIONS]
           -w,--writeOutput=<FILENAME>   Write Output to a file
    • callforwardingalways

      • Description: Generates a report of the Call Forwarding Always details for the Service Provider.
      • Usage:
      report callforwardingalways  
  • reset

    • authentication

      • Description: Resets and randomizes a User's authentication information for all Users in the Service Provider
      • Usage:
      reset authentication  [OPTIONS]
           -r,--reset          Reset Devices following randomization
           -u,--includeUser    Include UserID in randomization process
           -w,--resetWatcher   Watch for devices to re-register following reset
      • Example:
      reset authentication --includeUser=true --reset=false
  • authorize

    • service

      • Description: Authorizes a Service for the Service Provider.
      • Usage:
      authorize service <service> 
      • Example:
      authorize service "Group Paging"
  • delete

    • Description: Performs a delete operation on the Service Provider.
    • Usage:
    delete <target> 


  • modify

    • phonenumber

      • Description: Modify the Hunt Group phone number.
      • Usage:
      modify phonenumber <number> <extension> 
      • Example:
      modify phonenumber 2295551002 51002
    • forwarding

      • Description: Modify the Hunt Group forwarding settings.
      • Usage:
      modify forwarding  [OPTIONS]
           -f,--forwardAfterTimeout=<BOOLEAN>     Set forward after timeout. Takes boolean argument.
           -p,--forwardToNumber=<DN>              Set forward to phone number.
           -t,--forwardTimeoutSeconds=<BOOLEAN>   Set forward timeout seconds. Takes integer argument.
      • Example:
      modify forwarding --forwardAfterTimeout=true --forwardTimeoutSeconds=10 --forwardToNumber=2295551005
    • huntafternoanswer

      • Description: Modify the Hunt Group hunt after no answer settings.
      • Usage:
      modify huntafternoanswer  [OPTIONS]
           -h,--hunt=<BOOLEAN>   Set hunt after no answer. Takes boolean argument.
      • Example:
      modify huntafternoanswer --hunt=true


  • cd

    • Description: Changes the current CLI location.
    • Usage:
    cd <location> 
    • Example:
    cd "Company A"
  • detail

    • Description: Retrieves detailed information about the current location.
    • Usage:


  • add

    • serviceprovider

      • Description: Adds a Service Provider to the BroadWorks system.
      • Usage:
      add serviceprovider <isenterprise> <id> <defaultdomain> <name> 
      • Example:
      add serviceprovider TRUE sp_1000100203 "Super Voice Telecom"
  • get

    • Description: Retrieves the list of objects that can be accessed from this location.
    • Usage:
  • report

    • groupserviceassigned

      • Description: Generates a report determining if a Group Service is assigned for the entire BroadWorks system.
      • Usage:
      report groupserviceassigned <service> 
      • Example:
      report groupserviceassigned "Voice Messaging"
    • voiceportalnotchanged

      • Description: Generates a report Voice Portal Passcodes and whether they have been modified from the originally provisioned value.
      • Usage:
      report voiceportalnotchanged  [OPTIONS]
           -w,--writeOutput=<FILENAME>   Write Output to a file
      • Example:
      report voiceportalnotchanged --writeOutput=/tmp/report.txt
    • serviceassignments

      • Description: Generates a report of Service Assignment.
      • Usage:
      report serviceassignments  [OPTIONS]
           -f,--foldServicePacks         Fold Service Packs by Service Provider
           -w,--writeOutput=<FILENAME>   Write Output to a file
    • userdetails

      • Description: Generates a report of User details.
      • Usage:
      report userdetails  [OPTIONS]
           -w,--writeOutput=<FILENAME>   Write Output to a file
    • migration

      • encumbrances
      • Description: Generates a report of User migration encumbrances on a per-Group basis.
      • Usage:
        report migration encumbrances  
    • communicationsbarring

      • criteria
      • Description: Generates a report of Communication Barring Criteria for the BroadWorks system.
      • Usage:
        report communicationsbarring criteria  
      • profile
      • Description: Generates a report of Communication Barring Profiles for the BroadWorks system.
      • Usage:
        report communicationsbarring profile  
    • userserviceassigned

      • Description: Generates a report determining if a User Service is assigned for the entire BroadWorks system.
      • Usage:
      report userserviceassigned <service> 
  • tree

    • Description: Lists all commands in the Alpaca CLI
    • Usage:
    tree  [OPTIONS]
         -m,--markdown   Output the Tree as a MarkDown document.
    • Example:
    tree --markdown