Outage-Ready: Networks Ready for Anything

Network Outages are going to happen. The marketing department talks about Zero Outages -- and that's a great goal to have. But as the pragmatic engineering and operations team, you can prepare for outages to prevent them and to remediate instantly. Skip the Pretend Redundancy Detect and Triage Faults PCAP: Packet capture Ready for Remote Testing Logging Enabled & Synchronized Prepare the h...

SIP and Fragments: Together Forever?

IP Fragmentation of SIP Messages is an enduring source of trouble. Fragmentation of SIP traffic is a problem on the rise. It appears when everything has been working fine, and seemingly without cause,  some SIP messages are lost in the network. The result is a frustrating scenario where some SIP messages are delivered fine, but others are not. To explain SIP fragmentation, let's start at the be...

See only a Sampling of RTP frames in a Wireshark Packet Capture

Question: How do you make a display filter that filters out most RTP frames, but leaves a representative sample? Sometimes it's convenient to see a sampling of RTP frames in Wireshark, without having to see 50 per second. Answer: Rather then see 50 frames per second for every RTP flow, how about one frame every 5 seconds? Wireshark display filter: rtp[3:1]==0 or rtp.marker==1 Shows an RTP pa...