200 OK Training on BroadWorks Call Processing & Troubleshooting

ECG is rolling out new training courses. Another new class we have is on BroadWorks Call Processing and Troubleshooting.

This is a class for the people who really need to understand how BroadWorks does what it does. They need to know how to fix it when it breaks, and how to determine what's broken.

This class covers all the arcane dark-magic BroadWorks tools, like healthmon, ttIsql, bwcli, and repctl, peercmd. We cover all the logs, like XSLogs, PSLogs, AuditLogs, and ms.syslog. We show you how the protocols interact.

This is a week-long class, taught at your location, or at ECG locations near Denver, Raleigh, or Valdosta, Georgia.

If you're interested, read more on the BroadWorks Boot Camp: Call Processing & Troubleshooting page. You can email sales@e-c-group.com or call +1-229-244-2099.