200 OK New Training Course: BroadWorks Installation and Upgrades

We at ECG are pleased to announce a new training course: BroadWorks Installation and Upgrades.

This class is intended to give engineeers and technicians tons of experience installing, patching, and upgrading BroadWorks. There are a numerous small rules, and a few tricks. We at ECG have been doing BroadWorks installations since R9 – back in 2002. We've done hundreds of installs for carriers around the world.

We have the scars. Let us save you some pain. In addition to being a crack team of special-forces consultants, ECG is a bona-fide BroadWorks service provider providing service in southern Georgia.

This is a week-long class, taught at your location, or at ECG locations near Denver, Raleigh, or Valdosta, Georgia.

If you're interested, read more on the BroadWorks Boot Camp: Installation & Upgrades page. You can email sales@e-c-group.com or call +1-229-244-2099.