200 OK Want a job in VoIP? Consider BroadSoft Training

The training classes I've developed in collaboration with my colleagues, including BroadWorks training, are available from my firm ECG. Check them out if you're interested in VoIP, BroadWorks, and Oracle SBC / Acme Packet education.

BroadSoft Inc's BroadWorks platform is undoubtably one of the leaders in VoIP platforms out there. They've created two certification programs: BroadSoft Certified Platform Administrator (BCPA), and BroadSoft Certified Application Administrator (BCAA).

They're also using Ziiva, aka Prosperty Learning Management Systems (LMS), to host a site http://certification.broadsoft.com where you can take the tests and study for the tests.

One of the frustrating things about the voice-telecom industry is that their documentation is typically kept closed, and only available to customers. But why? Documentation from Cisco, Oracle, and IBM is all publicly available; it's not hurting them in their industries. But you'll see companies like Adtran open their data-telecom documentation, while keeping some of their voice-telecom documentation behind a login and password. (I consider documentation to be "open" if you can get it without being a customer of the company.)

BroadSoft's certification site bucks that trend. The courseware is free and open. If you're trying to break-in to carrier-grade VoIP systems, studying the free BroadWorks documentation on their certification site is a good way to learn.

And if you're actually willing to do the work to read and learn that material, my hat's off to you. This industry needs people who are willing to crack open a PDF and do some studying.