200 OK Need to understand Acme Packet SIP Trunking? Registration?

The Acme Packet SBC is an amazing beast. I tell clients that it's basically a programming language – there's a ton of flexibility, and all kinds of complexity. There are so many ways to accomplish the same thing – which one is best?

ECG has a new, high-speed training class on Acme Packet SIP Trunking and Registration. This is a high-speed class intended to cover just the basics you need to configure SIP trunking in the Acme Packet OS-C (4250, 4500, 3800, 9200), or configure SIP registration. ECG has been installing, configuring, and troubleshooting Acme Packet OS-C systems since 2004. We really know the box inside and out.

Let us show you the tactical details you need. Learn how to piece together a SIP Trunking or registration config – complete with realms, local-policy's, sip-interface's, steering-pool's, session-group's, session-agent's, etc. Understand the key options, and learn which options to study later.

Read more on the Acme Packet Boot Camp: Building SIP Trunks & Registration page. You can email sales@e-c-group.com or call +1-229-244-2099.