Alpaca Remote RedHat/CentOS 7/8 Upgrade

General Upgrade Process

These are the general steps for upgrading Alpaca Remote. Please check caveats for specific instructions for the version that you are upgrading to.

  • Step: A-1
  • Commands:
    1. Turn off the existing Alpaca service.
      • # service alpaca-remote stop
    2. Perform RPM upgrade
      • rpm -U alpaca-remote-ALPACA_VERSION_1.x86_64.rpm
    3. Restart Alpaca service.
      • # service alpaca-remote start


Upgrading from 2.0.x to 2.1.0

  • The client.path configuration variable has been replaced with the client.paths configuration variable. The configuration file will need to be updated before starting Alpaca Remote 2.1.0.

Upgrading from 9.1.0 or earlier to Alpaca Remote Version 2 (2.0.0)

  • Step: C-1
  • Commands:
    1. Turn off the existing Alpaca service.
      • # service alpaca-remote stop
    2. Backup configuration files in /etc/alpaca/remote/config and /opt/alpaca-remote.
    3. Uninstall previous remote installation.
      • yum remove alpaca-remote-<var>REMOTE_VERSION</var>
    4. Install Alpaca Remote 2.0.0
      • yum -y install alpaca-remote-<var>REMOTE_VERSION</var>_1.x86_64.rpm
    5. Restart Alpaca service.
      • # service alpaca-remote start

Upgrading from 7.2.0 or earlier to 8.0.0 or higher

  • The configuration for Alpaca Remote has been updated.
  • Back up all configurations files before upgrade.
  • Once upgraded, follow the Alpaca Remote Configuration Guide to convert your configuration to the new format.