
Mongo Setup

ECGCDRLoader uses Mongo as it's backing database. A minimum of version 3.4 is required. The newest release can be found on Mongo's webpage.

Follow the official install instructions


Source Application Server

  1. Make sure the following packages are installed:
    • nfs-utils-*
    • nfs-utils-lib-*
    • rpcbind-*
  2. Add the following line to the /etc/exports file.
    • /var/broadworks/billing/ <ECGCDRLOADER_SERVER_IP>(ro,fsid=0,sync)
  3. Run the following commands:
    1. chkconfig nfs on
    2. chkconfig rpcbind on
    3. service rpcbind start
    4. service nfs start

ECGCDRLoader Setup

  1. Download the ECGCDRLoader tarball(.tar.gz) to the /opt directory on the server.
  2. Extract the archive.
    • cd /opt
    • tar xzvf /opt/ECGCDRLoader-<VERSION>-bin.tar.gz
  3. Create a symlink to the new ecgcdrloader directory.
    • ln -s ECGCDRLoader-<VERSION> /opt/ecgcdrloader
  4. Create an ecgcdrloader user with the home directory of /opt/ecgcdrloader.
    • useradd -m ecgcdrloader
  5. Change the ownership of the /opt/ecgcdrloader directory and all of its children.
    • chown -R ecgcdrloader:ecgcdrloader /opt/ecgcdrloader/
  6. Copy the license file from the ECG portal ecg.license.txt into the config directory.
  7. Perform configuration according to ECGCDRLoader guides.
  8. Copy the ecgcdrloader file into /etc/init.d.
  9. Run the following commands:
    1. chkconfig --add ecgcdrloader
    2. chkconfig ecgcdrloader on
  10. Launch service with service ecgcdrloader start.

Upgrading ECGCDRLoader

  1. To upgrade ECGCDRLoader first ensure the version of Mongo is 3.4 as required, if not upgrade Mongo per Mongo's official guides
  2. Download the ECGCDRLoader tarball(.tar.gz) to the /opt directory on the server.
  3. Extract the archive.
    • cd /opt
    • tar xzvf /opt/ECGCDRLoader-<VERSION>-bin.tar.gz
  4. Stop the current version of ECGCDRLoader.
    • service ecgcdrloader stop
  5. Update the symlink to the new ecgcdrloader directory.
    • unlink /opt/ecgcdrloader
    • ln -s ECGCDRLoader-<VERSION> /opt/ecgcdrloader
  6. Change the ownership of the /opt/ecgcdrloader directory and all of its children.
    • chown -R ecgcdrloader:ecgcdrloader /opt/ecgcdrloader/
  7. Copy the license file from the ECG portal ecg.license.txt into the config directory.
  8. Perform configuration according to ECGCDRLoader guides, reviewing the previous installation's configuration for specific settings.
  9. Copy the ecgcdrloader file into /etc/init.d, replacing the old file.
  10. Launch service with service ecgcdrloader start.
  11. After testing the current version you can safely remove the old version using rm
    • rm -r /opt/ECGCDRLoader-<PREVIOUS_VERSION>