
  1. Put the tgz file in the /opt folder on the server.

  2. Untar the tarfile

  3. Create a symlink from the new ecgcdrloader folder to /opt/ecgcdrloader

    ln -s ecgcdrloader-1.0.1  /opt/ecgcdrloader
  4. Create the ecgcdrloader user with the home directory of /opt/ecgcdrloader

  5. Change the ownership of the /opt/ecgcdrloader folder and all of it's children

  6. Copy the ECGCDRLoader license file (license.txt) into the conf folder

  7. Install MongoDB

  8. Copy the ecgcdrloader file into /etc/init.d as ecgcdrloader

  9. Run chkconfig --add ecgcdrloader and chkconfig ecgcdrloader on

  10. Modify the ./conf/ file to the desired values. A full configuration guide can be accessed here.

Installing MongoDB

Install latest mongodb-org from Mongo Repository. Different Linux versions require different mongo versions and installation methods.

Here are a few:

Try to use a respository-based method if possible. It will make ongoing support easier.

Setup NFS

Setup NFS Exports on the BroadWorks Application Servers

Make sure the following packages are installed:

Add something similar to the /etc/exports file


chkconfig nfs on
chkconfig rpcbind on

service nfs start
service rpcbind start
