Alpaca: Concepts Guide

This guide details how to use Alpaca and it's many functions on a day-to-day basis. The following concepts within this guide can be used to aid in the monitoring and manipulation of a BroadWorks System.

Alpaca Users

An Alpaca User refers to the account that is used to login to Alpaca. An Alpaca User is composed of a username and password (used for logging into Alpaca) and a list of BroadWorks Credentials for connecting the User to the BroadWorks Cluster(s) that Alpaca is configured to communicate with. If an Alpaca User does not have credentials for a particular BroadWorks Cluster within Alpaca, then that Alpaca User will not have access to that Cluster.

Supported BroadWorks Login Types

Alpaca currently supports creating Alpaca Users with BroadWorks Credentials of the following BroadWorks login types:

  • System
  • Group
  • Group Department
  • User


Each Alpaca User can be assigned one role. Each role gives the Alpaca User a specific set of authorities that allow the Alpaca User to perform actions. One role can be marked default per user type (System, User, etc.), this is the role that is automatically assigned to new users that are created via self-registration or SSO.


The following authorities are available to assign to roles:

  • Alpaca Admin: Allows all admin and BroadWorks functions to be performed.
  • BroadWorks Admin: Allows all BroadWorks functions to be performed.
  • Enterprise Migration: Allows all migrations to be performed.
  • Group Migration: Allows Group, Device, and User migrations to be performed.
  • Group to Enterprise Migration: Allows Group To Enterprise migration, Group migration, Device migration, and User migration to be performed.
  • User Migration: Allows User migrations to be performed.
  • Authentication/Randomization: Only allows authentication and randomization functions to be performed.
  • Communigate: Allows use of the Communigate tools.
Task Management Authorities
  • Task Management Admin: Allows all task functions to be performed. Can monitor tasks, pause tasks, and cancel queued tasks.
  • Task Management View All Tasks: Can monitor all tasks.

Adding Roles

Roles can be added via the Alpaca Role menu accessed by the admin toolbar.

Once on the Alpaca Role page, click the "Add Alpaca Role" button.

  • Role Name: The name of the role.
  • Default Role For Login Type: Choose whether to set the role as default for a login type. Cannot be marked default if there is already a role marked as default for the same login type.
  • Authorities: Select the authorities to apply to this role.

Click "Save Changes" to complete the addition process.

Modifying / Deleting Roles

Roles can be added via the Alpaca Role menu accessed by the admin toolbar.

Once on the Alpaca Role page, click the role you wish to modify/delete.

Update the fields you wish to change, and click "Save Changes".

To delete a role, click "Delete" instead.

Note that a role cannot be deleted if it is assigned to you or another Alpaca User or a system role.

Initial Alpaca User

Alpaca comes with a single pre-loaded Admin User. The credentials for this user can be found in the Alpaca log (/var/log/alpaca/alpaca-server.log by default) on initial startup. The password will be included in a line that begins with Initial Admin Password:. This user is intended to be used for initial login. Once another Alpaca Admin has been created, it is recommended that the initial account is removed or the password is updated.

Creating Alpaca Users

There are three ways to create an Alpaca User:

  • Registration Form.
  • The Alpaca Users admin page.
  • User created via Single Sign-On.


Users can register from the register button on the login page to create a new Alpaca user and associate it automatically with an existing BroadWorks cluster by successfully using a BroadWorks system-level admin username and password. Note that non-system BroadWorks credentials can only be used via Single Sign-On with the Advanced Provisioning license.

Once you complete the form, an email will be sent to the provided email address. In this email, there will be a confirmation link. Click this link or copy and paste it into your browser to confirm registration. Once registration has been confirmed, the user can login with the provided username and password.

Adding an Alpaca Admin manually

This process can only be done by an Alpaca User with the Alpaca Admin role. From the toolbar, navigate to the Admin dropdown and then the Alpaca Users page. Alpaca Users can be added and modified here. To add an Alpaca User, click the Add Alpaca User button.

  • Username: A unique username that will be used to login.
  • Email: The email address for the user. A registration confirmation will be sent to this email address.
  • Alpaca Role: Choose the role to apply to the Alpaca User.
  • Password/Confirm Password: The password that will be used for login.
  • Cluster: Dropdown that includes all configured BroadWorks Clusters. Choose one to associate the Alpaca User with. The Alpaca User can be associated with more clusters after initial creation.
  • BroadWorks Username: The BroadWorks username for the Alpaca User to use to connect to the cluster.
  • BroadWorks Password: The password that goes with the Username above.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Users can be registered using single sign-on through OAuth, OAuth2, and SAML2. This process will create a user within Alpaca automatically once authenticated with the SSO server. Alpaca will then associate the user with BroadWorks. For OAuth connections this association will use the e-mail field returned from the open id response. For SAML connections this association will use the NameId field returned from the authentication response. The association uses the exact BroadWorks User ID. If an exact match cannot be found in BroadWorks or if there are multiple matches then the User will be prompted by Alpaca to specify which Cluster they should be associated with.

This feature is a part of the Advanced Provisioning License and thus is not available unless that license has been purchased.

Alpaca does not have access to the BroadWorks credentials for the User within this model. Due to this Alpaca needs to be a trusted host in the external authentication access control list on both the BroadWorks XSP and Application server.

  • XSP_CLI/Applications/OpenClientServer/ExternalAuthentication/AccessControlList
  • AS_CLI/System/NetworkAccessLists/ExtAuth

Multiple SSO backends can be used at one time. See the configuration guide for details on how to configure Alpaca for usage with single sign-on.

When Single Sign-On is enabled and there is only one provider configured, all user's who access Alpaca via the normal login, will be automatically re-directed to the provider's login site. To access the normal login, navigate to <ALPACA_URL>/login/admin.


  • Single sign on URL: https://{alpaca-root}/login/saml2/sso/{registration-service-name}
  • SP Entity ID: https://{alpaca-root}/saml2/service-provider-metadata/{registration-service-name

Alpaca supports using relying party request signing. To do this, create a certificate and key pair that is placed within the credentials' directory. The configuration of placement is further described in the configuration guide.

The creation of the key and certificate can be done on the command line via:

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout rp-private.key -x509 -out rp-certificate.cert


  • Redirect URL: https://{alpaca-root}/login/oauth2/code/{registration-service-name}

Alpaca User Lockout

  • An Alpaca User can be locked out (denied access) of their account if any of the following events occur:
1. The account has exceeded the configured number of failed login attempts.
2. The account has been manually locked by another Alpaca Admin.
  • A locked out account can be unlocked by any of the following events:
1. Another Alpaca Admin resets the locked out accounts password.
2. The locked out Alpaca User goes through the "Reset Password" form and successfully resets their password.
3. Another Alpaca Admin manually unlocks the account through the panel at Admin -> Alpaca Users. This is not
   recommended as the Alpaca User's password remains what it was before the account was locked out.
  • Note: SSO User's cannot be locked out from Alpaca. The SSO Provider will need to handle account lockout.

Modifying / Deleting Alpaca Users

Modifying Self

An Alpaca User can modify their own setting by going to the Account dropdown in the toolbar and then Settings. Alpaca Users are not able to delete themselves. Another Alpaca User with the Alpaca Admin role must perform this action.

  • Settings: Update basic information such as name and email address.
  • Password: Reset your password.
  • BroadWorks Credentials: Add, modify, and delete BroadWorks credentials that associate an Alpaca User with a BroadWorks Cluster.

Modify/Deleting Others

Only Alpaca Users with the Alpaca Admin role can modify Users other than themselves. To update another User's settings navigate to the Admin dropdown in the toolbar and then go to Alpaca Users. Click a User to update their name, email address, and roles, password, and BroadWorks credentials. To delete a User, click the User and then click the delete button.

Connecting To BroadWorks

A single Alpaca Admin account can be used to connect to multiple BroadWorks Account. The User will only be able to access Clusters that they have provided credentials for. Credentials can be added to an Alpaca User in the Account > Settings > BroadWorks Credentials menu.

Service Interaction

The Alpaca platform consists of a number of connected pieces that allow for high availability and multi-release support for BroadWorks. Each individual service can be run on the same machine or on different machines with connectivity between them. The following section will look at each piece and it's appropriate configuration.

Alpaca Gateway

  • The Gateway performs load balancing and routing between the various Alpaca Servers. It load balances requests without a specific BroadWorks release specified to all available servers. It also performs release specific routing to available Alpaca servers based on the X-Broadworks header.
  • In scenarios with an upstream load balancer, it is expected that requests from the load balancer will be proxied to the Gateway.
  • The Gateway responds to HTTP requests on port 8080 by default and to HTTPS requests on port 8443 by default.
  • The Gateway will register itself with the Eureka service and can be seen as successfully registered in the Eureka web interface.

Alpaca Eureka

  • The Eureka service performs service registration. The Alpaca Servers, Gateways, and Eurekas will all register and be able to perform lookups using the Eureka instance table.
  • Eureka exposes a web interface that displays registered instances. This is available by default on port 8761.


  • The RabbitMQ service is a message queueing platform that allows message and event propagation to all Alpaca Servers and connected clients.
  • The Alpaca Servers need to be configured to talk to all available RabbitMQ instances and will perform failover as necessary.
  • RabbitMQ exposes a web interface that displays the available message queues and interconnected RabbitMQ instances. This lives on port 15672 by default and uses the username and password created during configuration.


  • The MongoDB service is the backing database for Alpaca.
  • When configured for high availability it requires an odd number of instances to adequately allow for primary nomination and seamless failover.
  • By default, it is configured to be accessed on port 27017.

Alpaca Server

  • The Alpaca Server provides the web GUI and RESTful API. Each server is BroadWorks release specific and will register itself with the Alpaca Eureka instance to become available from the Gateway.
  • Requests from the Gateway will be proxied to the Server on its default port of 8085.
  • The scheduling system for tasks is performed by tool called Jobrunr. The multi-server support comes from scheduled events being stored in the distributed database. Jobrunr also provides a web interface for monitoring and seeing scheduled events. By default, this is on port 8001 with the username and password as configured in the Alpaca Server configuration.
  • The Server will perform outbound requests to BroadWorks but will also need internal access to RabbitMQ (TCP 5672), Eureka (TCP 8671), and MongoDB (TCP 27017) instances.

Service Layout

  • Alpaca can be configured to have all services on a single machine or layed out as a multi machine setup for resilience.
  • The single machine layout would look as follows:

  • The individual components can also be separated on separate machines or virtual machines. This configuration allows any piece to be hosted separately. The below image shows the connections between the various pieces as separated.

  • Each server instance can host the complete set of processes required to create a clustered Alpaca setup. The below image is an example of such a setup.

BroadWorks Clusters

An Alpaca BroadWorks Cluster refers to the connection that Alpaca has to a BroadWorks XSP and AS to send and receive data. Alpaca can be configured to connect to multiple BroadWorks Cluster at one time.

Initial Setup / Adding Clusters

After the installation process has been completed, you will need to configure Alpaca to be able to communicate with your BroadWorks Cluster(s). Find the steps to take this below.

  1. Navigate to your Alpaca server via a web browser.
  2. Log in using the default credentials:
    • username: admin
    • password:
    • It is recommended to immediately change the password upon login.
  3. From the navigation bar, expand the "Admin" drop-down and navigate to the "BroadWorks Clusters" page.
  4. To add a cluster, click the "Add Cluster" button and complete the form.
    • Cluster Nickname - This is the nickname that will be used to describe the cluster. All clusters must have a unique nickname. Examples: "ECG Production" or "ECG Lab1".
    • OCI Hostname - The address to send OCI calls to. This is the address of the XSP or EWS.
    • BroadWorks Admin Username - This account is used by Alpaca to perform background information retrieval for items such as the searchable database and licensing information.
    • BroadWorks Admin Password - The password for the account above.
  5. Once the form has been completed, click the "Save Changes" button. If an error has occurred, please check and verify that the credentials and addresses provided are correct.
  6. Repeat for each cluster.

Editing Clusters

Cluster information can be edited at any time by following the instructions below.

  1. Navigate the BroadWorks Cluster page. All BroadWorks Clusters that Alpaca has a connection with will appear here.
  2. Click on the cluster that needs to be edited.
  3. Modify the fields that need editing and click the "Update" button on the button right of the page.

Delete Clusters

Clusters can be removed from Alpaca at any time but please note that once a cluster has been removed its data will no longer be accessible via Alpaca.

  1. Navigate the BroadWorks Cluster page.
  2. Click on the cluster that needs to be deleted.
  3. Click the "Delete" button.

Remote Clients

Remote clients are configurations for Alpaca Remote installations on BroadWorks Application Servers or BroadWorks XSPs.

Adding Remote Clients

To add a Remote Client, navigate to the BroadWorks Cluster page and select an existing Cluster. Once expanded, click " Add Remote Client".

  • Name - The unique name that will identify the Remote Client.
  • Hostname - The hostname or url to the server that the Remote Client is on.
  • Server Type - AS or XSP.

Once the form has been completed, click the "Save Changes" button. If an error has occurred, please check and verify the information and try again.

Modifying / Deleting Clients

To modify/delete a Remote Client, navigate to the BroadWorks Cluster page and select an existing Cluster. Once expanded, click the Remote Client that needs to be modified.

The hostname and server type can be updated, once done, click "Save Changes".

To delete the client, click the "Delete" button.

Access Token

The access token is the unique identifier that tells Alpaca which remote it is talking to. This token can be refreshed, but once it is, the remote configuration will need to be updated and the remote restarted.

User Self-Care Portal

The User Self-Care Portal allows BroadWorks Users (user login type) to login to Alpaca and modify their BroadWorks service settings. BroadWorks admins can limit what services can be modified or viewed. Requires the Advanced Provisioning License. Upon logging in, an Alpaca User backed by a BroadWorks User will automatically be directed to their own User page and will be limited to this page and their own task page.


Alpaca admins can view and edit permissions for tables and inputs throughout Alpaca based on the user's assigned role.

Editing Permissions

As an admin, click on the permissions tab in the nav bar on the page that you wish to modify permissions. Then select the role you wish to view the page as. Once the role is selected, you can click "Edit Role" to modify how that role views the page.

Each input and table can have one of three permissions:

  • WRITE: User's with the selected role can view and modify the element.
  • READ: User's with the selected role can only view the element.
  • HIDDEN: User's with the selected role cannot see the element.

To modify an elements permissions, click the pencil next to the element (or in the case of a table, at the bottom left of the footer) and then select the permission for the element. Once all elements you wish to modify have been updated, click the Permissions tab in the nav bar and click "Submit Permissions". If you wish to cancel changes, click the Permissions tab in the nav bar and click the "Cancel Edit" button.

Resetting BroadWorks Password

Alpaca allows non-Alpaca users to reset their BroadWorks portal password without having to login to Alpaca or the BroadWorks portal. BroadWorks password resets will only work for users who have access to the email that is configured for their BroadWorks user in the profile section.


  1. Navigate to <ALPACA_URL>/password-reset.
  2. Enter the email address associated with your BroadWorks user.
    • If a user is found with the associated email, and verification email with a link will be sent to that email address.
    • If a user is not found with the associated email, the password cannot be reset.
  3. Once an email has been sent, the user has 10 minutes before the reset link in the email expires.
  4. Click the link in the email to be re-directed the the password reset form.
  5. Enter and confirm your desired password.
  6. Click Submit to perform the password reset.
  7. If successful, you will see "Password updated successfully.", otherwise an error will be displayed.

Number Inventory Management

When enabled, the Number Inventory Management feature tracks the State of DNs within a BroadWorks System and prevents ( unless overridden by an Admin) assigning DNs that have been recently un-assigned. Upon first boot of Alpaca 8.9.x+ (with Number Inventory enabled), all numbers will be gathered and inventory management will begin from that point in time. See Number Inventory Configuration.

Number States

  • Available - The number is assigned to a Service Provider and available to assign to a Group.
  • Reserved - The number is assigned to a Group but not assigned to a User/Service Instance or as a Group Calling Line ID.
  • In Service - The number is assigned to a User, Service Instance, or assigned as a Group Calling Line ID.
  • Aging - The number was assigned, and is not waiting the configured amount of days before returning to an Available or Reserved state. Aging Numbers cannot be assigned unless a System Admin provides an override.
  • Ported Out - The number was once in use in the BroadWorks System but is no longer assigned to any Service Provider.

Number Types

Number types only apply to Numbers that are In Service.

  • Primary - Assigned as a User/Service Instance's Primary Number.
  • Charge - Assigned as a Charge Number.
  • Fax Messaging - Assigned as a Fax Messaging Number.
  • Alternate - Assigned as an Alternate Number.
  • Voice Portal - Assigned as a Group Voice Portal number.


A number begins to age once it has been moved out of the 'In Service' state. When aging, a number cannot be put back into an 'In Service' state unless a System Admin provides an override. Alpaca checks each number daily to see if it the number of days the number has been aging has exceeded the configured aging period, if so the number is returned to the either Reserved, Available, or Ported Out depending on it's current location.

Group Calling Line ID

A number that is a Group Calling Line ID is a special case as it can be assigned as a Group Calling Line ID or to a User/Service Instance. If a number is assigned as a Group Calling Line ID, it is marked as In Service. If a number is a Group Calling Line ID and assigned to a User/Service Instance, it is also marked as In Service. If a number that is assigned as both a Group Calling Line ID and a User/Service Instance number, and it is removed from one of those, it will remain as In Service until removed from both.

User Interface

A Number Inventory tab is available for System Admins on the Dashboard, Cluster, Service Provider, Group, User, and Service Instance landing pages. Here, the numbers can be viewed, filtered, and searched.

Table Fields

  • Number - The number as stored in the database. Note that all numbers are stored individually. Ranges are split up and stored as individual numbers.
  • Rate Center - The assigned rate center.
  • State - The number's current state. The table is filterable on this field.
  • Owner - The entity the number is assigned to, if assigned.
  • Owner Type - The owners BroadWorks type, i.e. Service Provider, Group, User, Call Center, etc.
  • Cluster - The Cluster the number belongs to if assigned.
  • Service Provider - The Service Provider the number is belongs to if assigned.
  • Group - The Group the number belongs to if assigned.
  • Number Type - The type of number, if assigned.
  • Group CLID - Whether or not the number is a Group Calling Line ID.
  • Last Modified - The last time the number was modified, i.e. assigned, unassigned.

The table results can be searched. The search is a regular expression on the number field.

Parameter Maintenance

The Parameter Maintenance feature allows Admins to query a list of Users based off of provided filters and then apply prescribed actions to those users. Parameter Maintenance is available from the Actions tab of the Cluster, Service Provider, and Group pages.


Filters prescribe which users to apply actions to. If more than one filter is applied, only Users who match both filters will be returned. A maximum of 5 filters can be used.

Filter Categories

  • Service - Filter based on a BroadWorks User Service.
  • Service Pack - Filter based on Service Pack.

Filter Type

  • Assigned - Matches User's who have the Service or Service Pack assigned.
  • Un-assigned - Matches User's who have the Service or Service Pack un-assigned.


Actions are BroadWorks actions that will be performed on each User who matches the provided filters.

Action Categories

  • Service - The action will assign or un-assign a User Service. If the Service is not available to the User, no action will be applied to that User.
  • Service Pack - The action will assign or un-assign a Service Pack. If the Service Pack is not available to the User, no action will be applied to that User.

Action Type

  • Assign - Assigns the Service or Service Pack to the Users.
  • Un-assign - Un-assigns the Service or Service Pack to the Users.

Endpoint Monitoring

Endpoint monitoring allows Alpaca Users to monitor updates to endpoints at the Group level via the Endpoints tab. Filters can be applied to limit what endpoints to monitor. If an entity that is being monitored updates, then the entity will be highlighted in the UI. The following entities on an endpoint are monitored:

  • Registration Expiration
  • Contact URI Update
  • User Agent Update
  • Config File Update (Alpaca Remote on XSP reading access logs required)
  • Firmware File Update (Alpaca Remote on XSP reading access logs required)

Feature Quick Access

Feature Quick Access allows enabling/disabling a subset of BroadWorks services all in one place at the User Summary tab at the User location. The user can also be taken directly to the full service edit page for the selected services by using the follow link. The following services are accessible in the Feature Quick Access section (if assigned):

  • Call Forwarding Always
  • Call Forwarding Busy
  • Call Forwarding No Answer
  • Call Forwarding Not Reachable
  • Call Forwarding Selective
  • Do Not Disturb
  • Remote Office

BroadWorks Objects

BroadWorks Objects refers to the various entities that we see within a BroadWorks System. Objects such as Users, Groups, ServiceProviders, Devices, and Service Instances are referred to as BroadWorks Objects.


The User Add and Group Add features will create a new user or group. These features can be combined with Add-ons to enable specific tasks to be performed when creating new users/groups using Alpaca.

User Add

This feature adds a new user with the provided settings to the current BroadWorks Group. This feature is accessible from a Group's Actions tab.

The following information is required when using the User Add Feature.

  • User Id
    • Provide the User Id for the new user.
  • Domain
    • Select the appropriate domain from the dropdown list.
  • First Name
    • The user's first name.
  • Last Name
    • The user's last name.
  • Password
    • The user's initial CommPilot password.

Group Add

This feature adds a group to the current BroadWorks Service Provider/Enterprise. This feature is accessible from a Service Provider/Enterprise's Actions tab.

The following information is required when using the Group Add Feature.

  • Required information:
    • Group Id:
      • Provide the Id for the new group.
    • Domain:
      • Select the domain for the group from the drop-down list of available domains.
    • User Limit:
      • Provide the group's user limit.


The Delete feature allows you to delete a User, Group, or Service Provider. Note that this is a potentially dangerous function that will remove the entity from the BroadWorks System.

All objects that are deleted are also backed up in case the delete was not intentional and the data needs to be restored.

User Delete

  • This take will delete:
    • The user
    • The user's devices
      • Any devices shared with another user will not be deleted.
  • This will not delete:
    • The user's phone number
      • The phone numbers will be returned to the Group's number pool.
  • Bulk User Delete - Ability to delete multiple Users at one time.

Group Delete

  • This action will delete:
    • The group
    • All users contained within the group
    • All devices contained within the group.
  • This action will not delete:
    • The group's assigned phone numbers.
      • The phone numbers will be returned to the Service Provider/Enterprise's number pool

Service Provider Delete

This feature calls the Group Delete feature to remove the groups contained within the Service Provider/Enterprise.

  • This action will:
    • Delete the Service Provider/Enterprise
    • All groups contained within the Service Provider/Enterprise.
    • All users contained within the Service Provider/Enterprise.
    • All devices contained within the Service Provider/Enterprise
    • All phone numbers assigned to the Service Provider/Enterprise
  • This action will not delete/remove:
    • Any system level settings, like domains.


Alpaca has the capability to search through BroadWorks Objects, Audit Logs, Alerts, and Tasks.


Alerts can be searched via the Alert page which can be accessed by clicking the Alert History link on the Cluster page.

The fields that are searchable are:

  • Cluster
  • Summary Message

Audit Logs

Audit log searches are available on all pages with either the Latest Changes or History tabs.

The fields that are searchable are:

  • Command Type: An example would be "User Call Processing Policy Modified"
  • The administrator who performed the action.
  • The ID of the object the action was applied to.

BroadWorks Objects

Unlike the BroadWorks Portal, Alpaca has the ability to search through all types of supported BroadWorks Objects types in one search.

A BroadWorks object search can be performed via the search bar at the top of the page or via the individual searches on a type's tab. e.g cluster, service provider, etc.

The fields that are searchable are:

  • All object types
    • BroadWorks ID
    • BroadWorks Name
  • Users
    • Phone Number
    • Extension
    • Email Address
  • Devices
    • Mac Address


Alpaca alerting can be configured on two different levels: system and cluster. To modify the system alerting configuration navigate to the alerting tab on the Alpaca dashboard. To modify the cluster level alerting configuration navigate to the alerting tab on the cluster view. Once the "use custom alerting configuration" option has been selected at the Cluster level, all System configurations will be ignored for that cluster. To revert back to the System configuration for that Cluster, simply click the "Use System Config" button on the Cluster level Alert Configuration tab.
All alert types have a severity level that can be used to determine alert importance. If the severity is set to off, no alert will be sent. The types of alerts are described below.

Alerts can currently be sent via email.

License Alerts

License alerts are threshold alerts that are triggered if a particular BroadWorks license exceeds the configured percentage. An alert will be sent if any license passes the threshold.

Blacklisted Admin Alerts

Blacklisted admin alerts are triggered when an admin that matches one of the regular expressions in the list performs an action in BroadWorks.

Password Change Alerts

Password change alerts are triggered anytime a password or passcode is modified.

The following password change alerts can be toggled on or off:

  • SIP Authentication Password
  • BroadWorks Admin Login Password
  • User Web Portal Password
  • Voice Portal Passcode
  • Other Password - Includes password changes like device credentials changes, trunk group authentication changes, etc.

Unusual Time Change Alerts

Unusual Time Change alerts are triggered when an action is performed in BroadWorks outside of the times configured.

High Volume of Change Alerts

A high volume of change alert is triggered when a large number of actions are performed over the configured amount of time. There are two types of high volume of change alerts:

  • Admin Changes - Triggered when any admin performs more than the provided actions over the configured period of time.
  • Cluster Changes - Triggered when the number of actions performed within the provided time is exceeded for the entire cluster.

BroadWorks Connection Failure Alerts

BroadWorks connection failure alerts are triggered when Alpaca can no longer connect to BroadWorks with the provided credentials.

BroadWorks Disconnect Alert

  • Trigger condition:
    • Triggered when Alpaca loses connection to BroadWorks.
  • Clear condition:
    • This alert should clear when Alpaca reconnects to BroadWorks.
  • Acknowledgment:
    • This alert is not automatically acknowledged.

Audit Log Read Alert

  • Trigger condition:
    • Audit log read alerts are triggered when Alpaca is not receiving logs from Alpaca Remote.
  • Clear condition:
    • This alert will clear once Alpaca is successfully communicating with Alpaca Remote.
  • Acknowledgment:
    • This alert is not automatically acknowledged.

Admin Added Alert

Admin Added Alerts are triggered anytime a BroadWorks admin is added.

The following Admin types can be toggled on or off:

  • System Admin
  • Service Provider Admin
  • Group Admin
  • Group Department Admin

Admin Added Alert

Admin Added Alerts are triggered anytime a BroadWorks admin is deleted.

The following Admin types can be toggled on or off:

  • System Admin
  • Service Provider Admin
  • Group Admin
  • Group Department Admin

User Created Alert

User Created Alerts are triggered anytime a user is added.

The following User types can be toggled on or off:

  • BroadWorks User
  • Auto Attendant
  • BroadWorks Anywhere
  • Call Center
  • Collaborate Bridge
  • Find-me/Follow-me
  • Flexible Seating Host
  • Group Paging
  • Hunt Group
  • Instant Group Call
  • Meet Me Conferencing Bridge
  • Route Point
  • Voice XML

Email Notification Configuration

  • Types of emails:
    • New Alert - Sent when a new alert is triggered.
    • Cleared Alert - Sent when an alert is cleared.
    • Batched Alert - Sent when multiple alerts are triggered at a similar time. Those alerts will be compiled into one email.
  • Email - The email addresses that the alerts are sent to.
  • Subject - The subject line of the email.
  • Body - The HTML body of the email.

Writing Templates

Alpaca uses Thymeleaf email template engine. Examples can be seen below.

Object Usage

A big part of Thymeleaf is that it allows the use of Java objects. The Alpaca object that is available for use in the templates is the alert variable. Note that in the new alert and cleared alert templates, a single Alert is the object that is available. The Batched Alerts templates have a list of alerts in the alerts variable. The variables on the alert object that are available for use are as follows:

  • id - The object's unique id.
  • cluster - The cluster the alert belongs to.
    • nickname - The human-readable nickname of the cluster.
  • mode - The mode of the alert - Historical or Threshold.
    • humanName - The human-readable name of the alert mode.
  • severity - The severity of the alert at the time of creation.
    • humanName - The human-readable name of the alert severity.
  • type - The type of alert.
    • humanName - The human-readable name of the alert type.
  • idMessage - Unique identifier for this alert type + object id
  • summaryMessage - A summary of what the alert is about.
  • detailMessage - The full detail of an alert.
  • cleared - Whether or not the alert has been cleared.
  • clearedDate - The date and time the alert was cleared.
  • clearedBy - The user that cleared the alert.
  • acknowledged - Whether or not the alert has been acknowledged.
  • acknowledgedDate - The date and time the alert was acknowledged.
  • acknowledgedBy - The user that acknowledged the alert.
  • acknowledgedMessage - The acknowledged message.
Examples Example 1 - Cleared Alert

<div class="jumbotron">
    <h1 class="display-3"><span th:text="${alert.type}">Alert Type</span> Cleared</h1>
    <p class="lead">This notification is a generated automatic service to you.</p>
    <hr class="my-4"/>
    <p>The following alert was cleared at <span th:text="${alert.clearedDate}">date</span> by
        <span th:text="${alert.clearedBy}">admin</span>.</p>
    <p th:text="${alert.detailMessage}">Alert detail message.</p>
    <p>You do not need to respond to this email.</p>
Example 2 - New Alert

<div class="jumbotron">
    <h1 class="display-3"><span th:text="${alert.type.humanName}">Alert Type</span> Notification</h1>
    <p class="lead">This notification is a generated automatic service to you.</p>
    <hr class="my-4"/>
    <p th:text="${alert.detailMessage}">Alert detail message.</p>
    <p>You do not need to respond to this email. If, however, you think that this change may have been made in error or
        fraudulently, <b>please
            contact us immediately</b></p>
    <p class="lead">
        <a class="btn btn-primary" href="#" role="button">Contact Us</a>
Example 3 - Batched Alert

<div class="jumbotron">
    <h1 class="display-3">Notification of <span th:text="${alerts.size()}">#</span> Alpaca Alerts</h1>
    <p class="lead">This notification is a generated automatic service to you.</p>
    <!-- Thymeleaf Loop -->
    <div th:each="alert : ${alerts}">
        <hr class="my-4"/>
        <h4 th:text="*{alert.type.humanName}">Alert Type</h4>
        <p th:text="*{alert.detailMessage}">Detail Message</p>
    <p>You do not need to respond to this email. If, however, you think that this change may have been made in error or
        fraudulently, <b>please
            contact us immediately</b></p>
    <p class="lead">
        <a class="btn btn-primary" href="#" role="button">Contact Us</a>


Operations that are long running are handled as background tasks within Alpaca. The Task pages allow their process to be tracked over time and later checked to ascertain details about their completion status. The Task pages can be accessed from the Task button in the header bar.

Task Difficulty

Every task and report has an assigned difficulty rating on a scale of 1-50. 1 being a simple task, 50 being a complicated one. An overall difficulty is calculated based off of the task's difficulty rating and the estimated number of entities/objects that task involves. The difficulty to used to either warn the user that the task will be long running or completely prevent the task from running based off of what is configured in the Task Difficulty configuration.


Once a task is started, it enters the task queue. The task queue is checked every 30 seconds (if another task is not already running) and the top task is pulled from the queue and started.

There are two task queues, one for reports and one for other tasks. These queues are separate from each other so Alpaca can run one task and one report at the same time.

Recurring Tasks

Certain tasks, mainly reports and exports, can be set to recur automatically at a user defined interval.

Task Types


  • User Add
  • User Delete
  • Bulk User Delete
  • Group Add
  • Group Delete
  • Service Provider Delete
  • Device Reboot
  • SIP Authentication Reset


  • Device Migration
  • User Migration
  • Enterprise Migration
  • Group To Enterprise Migration
  • User Collection Migration
  • User Replace


  • Communication Barring Criteria Report
  • Communication Barring Profile Report
  • Group Service Assigned Report
  • Meet Me Conferencing Report
  • User Call Forwarding Always Details Report
  • User Details Report
  • User Registration Report
  • User Service Assigned Report
  • User Service Details Report
  • User Voice Portal Not Changed Report
  • Audit Log Summary Report
  • Call Processing Call Limits Report
  • Device Details Report
  • Phone Numbers Report
  • Custom Tag Status Report

System and Other Tasks

  • Cluster Cleanup
  • Create Voicemail Box
  • Alpaca User Creation

Individual Task Page

The individual task page allows you to see more information about a particular task. This is also the page you will be re-directed to after starting any task. Here you can monitor the live tasks logs and download them when the task is complete. You can also view the task process report after it has been completed as well as basic information such as the start time, who started it, and where it was started from.

By clicking the Download Task Archive button you can download the entire task archive or in the case of reports, you can download the report output. Note that the tasks archive cannot be downloaded until the task is complete.

Task List Page

The Task List page allows you to view all tasks (depending on Task Authority in role)

Recurring Tasks Page

Lists tasks that are set to occur. Recur intervals for tasks can be modified here. The status of a recurring tasks can be viewed here. Note that if the entity that the task is for is deleted, the task will become invalid.

Selectable Interface

Certain pages in Alpaca have a selectable interface activated. This allows selection of multiple objects to perform a task. Individual objects can be selected, all objects on the current page, or all objects on all pages can be selected.

The following tasks are available through the selectable interface:

  • Bulk User Delete
  • Device Reboot

Task Cleanup

Tasks and reports will be cleaned up daily based off of their completed date and the configured retention period. The cleanup process will remove the following:

  • All log files associated with the task.
  • All attachment files associated with the task.
  • The database object that the task is backed by.
  • Temporary files generated from running the task.

This process will remove the files from the local file system or the S3 file system depending on which is currently in use.



Provisioning of a standard User within BroadWorks can be an arduous task. The User must be added to a destination Group that meets all the requirements to host the User. Moreover, the User simply being added in BroadWorks does not create a working User. A working User requires the assignment of a phone number, creation and assignment of a device, and the assignment and configuration of services and service packs. Each step provides another opportunity for error to be introduced on the part of the provisioner.

To remedy these struggles, Alpaca provisioning allows for the creation of a User to be attached to a provisioning lifecycle. Each lifecycle step allows for additional provisioning that matches the workflow and use-cases of your BroadWorks platform. Alpaca comes equipped with lifecycle plugins to validate User data, perform intelligent data population, and perform the additional provisioning to result in a working and secure standard User. In addition, the lifecycle allows for the opportunity to make any changes and provisioning required to match your desired outcome. Visit the Alpaca developer guide to learn more about creating custom provisioning lifecycle plugins.

Bulk Provisioning

Bulk Provisioning extends the Provisioning framework and lifecycle by allowing for multiple Service Providers, Groups, and Users to be created at the same time. This not only saves time but it allows for the preparation and validation of data using your own business logic before it is submitted to BroadWorks as a single step. The preparation and submission occurs on the common Microsoft Excel format which makes the process easy to read and understand.

Alpaca has additional lifecycle steps available for Bulk Provisioning that allow for validation of spreadsheet data and smart population of cells. By default, Alpaca will perform additional validation to verify that your data not only is valid when considering BroadWorks but also other data in the same spreadsheet. Alpaca will also perform pre-processing and population of fields intelligently to help provisioning be as effortless as possible.

Bulk Provisioning can be ran from the Cluster, Service Provider, and Group level.

Spreadsheet Format

The Bulk Provisioning spreadsheet is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in the XLS or XLSX format. Customizations to this document are documented below but it is recommended to start with the template. Comments and extra space are allowed at the top of each sheet within the spreadsheet. However, upon reading the first header row all additional rows should contain provisioning data. The header row controls how subsequent data rows are read and should contain the header names ignoring case. Additional header names can be used to pass data to provisioning listeners as described in the Alpaca developer guide.

Service Providers Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Service Providers must be named "Alpaca.ServiceProviders". This sheet is only read in when Bulk Provisioning is executed from the Cluster level. The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
serviceProviderId true No default value. The id of the Service Provider. Must be unique.
serviceProviderName false If left blank, serviceProviderName will be the same as serviceProviderId
isEnterprise false false Denotes whether the row is an Enterprise. If false or blank, the row will be a Service Provider.
useCustomRoutingProfile false false Only applies to Service Providers.
defaultDomain false Defaults to the System default domain. Must be a valid domain already existing at the System level.
domains false No default value. Comma seperated list of non-default domains to assign to the Service Provider/Enterprise. Do not include the domain in the defaultDomain column. All domains must be valid and created at the System level.
defaultNcos false No default value. Must be a valid ncos already existing at the System level.
ncos false No default value. Comma seperated list of non-default ncos to assign to the Service Provider/Enterprise. Do not include the ncos in the defaultNcos column. All ncos must be valid and created at the System level.
supportEmail false No default value. Must be a valid email format.
trunkingCallCapacityMaxActiveCalls false No default value. Can be "Unlimited" or a non-negative integer if on a Service Provider row. Can only be a non-negative integers if on an Enterprise row.
trunkingCallCapacityBurstingMaxActiveCalls false No default value. Can be "Unlimited" or a non-negative integer.

Service Packs Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Service Provider level Service Packs must be named "Alpaca.ServicePacks". This sheet is only read in when Bulk Provisioning is executed from the Cluster or Service Provider levels. The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
serviceProviderId Required when running from the Cluster level. If running from the Service Provider level, the serviceProviderId will be inferred. No default value. The id of the Service Provider to create the Service Pack in.
name true No default value. The name of the Service Pack. Must be unique within the Service Provider.
description false No default value.
availableForUse true false Denotes whether the Service Pack is available for user.
limitedTo false If a number is not provided, defaults to unlimited. Valid values are non-negative integers or the text "Unlimited". Any negative number will be converted to "Unlimited".
services true No default value. Comma seperated list of valid User Service names. See [valid service names](/files/guides/62/download/ValidServiceNames.txt).

Service Provider Service Authorizations Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Service Provider level Service Authorizations must be named " Alpaca.SPLevelServiceAuth". This sheet is only read in when Bulk Provisioning is executed from the Cluster or Service Provider levels. The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
serviceProviderId Required when running from the Cluster level. If running from the Service Provider level, the serviceProviderId will be inferred. No default value. The id of the Service Provider to authorize the services to.
authorizationType true No default value. Valid values are: "GROUP_SERVICE" or "USER_SERVICE"
serviceName true No default value. The name of the Group or User Service to authorize. Must be a valid service name. See [valid service names](/files/guides/62/download/ValidServiceNames.txt).
limitedTo false If a number is not provided, defaults to unlimited. Valid values are non-negative integers or the text "Unlimited". Any negative number will be converted to "Unlimited".

Groups Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Groups must be named "Alpaca.Groups". This sheet is only read in when Bulk Provisioning is executed from the Cluster or Service Provider levels. The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
serviceProviderId Required when running from the Cluster level. If running from the Service Provider level, the serviceProviderId will be inferred. No default value. The id of the Service Provider to assign the Group to.
groupId true No default value. The id of the Group. Must be unique within the Service Provider.
groupName false If left blank, the groupName will be the groupId.
callingLineIdName false If left blank, the callingLineIdName will be the groupName if available, otherwise the groupId.
userLimit true No default value. Must be a positive integer.
defaultDomain false Defaults to the Service Provider default domain. Must be a valid domain already assigned to the Service Provider.
domains false No default value. Comma seperated list of non-default domains to assign to the Group. Do not include the domain in the defaultDomain column. All domains must be valid and assigned at the Service Provider level.
defaultNcos false No default value. Must be a valid ncos already assigned at the Service Provider level.
ncos false No default value. Comma seperated list of non-default ncos to assign to the Group. Do not include the ncos in the defaultNcos column. All ncos must be valid and assigned at the Service Provider level.
trunkingCallCapacityMaxActiveCalls false No default value. Must be a non-negative integer less than the amount assigned to the Service Provider (if not unlimited).
trunkingCallCapacityBurstingMaxActiveCalls false No default value. Can be "Unlimited" or a non-negative integer. Must be less than the amount assigned to the Service Provider (if not unlimited).
minExtensionLength false No default value. Must be an integer between 2 and 6. Cannot be greater than maxExtensionLength.
maxExtensionLength false No default value. Must be an integer between 2 and 6. Cannot be less than minExtensionLength.
defaultExtensionLength false No default value. Must be an integer between 2 and 6. Cannot be less than minExtensionLength or greater than maxExtensionLength.
groupServices false No default value. Comma-seperated list of valid Group Service names. All Group Services in the list must be authorized by the Service Provider and Group. See [valid service names](/files/guides/62/download/ValidServiceNames.txt).

Group Service Authorizations Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Group level Service Authorizations must be named " Alpaca.GroupLevelServiceAuth". This sheet is only read in when Bulk Provisioning is executed from the Cluster or Service Provider levels. The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
groupId Required when running from the Cluster or Service Provider level. If running from the Group level, the groupId will be inferred. No default value. The id of the Group to authorize the services to.
authorizationType true No default value. Valid values are: "SERVICE_PACK", "GROUP_SERVICE" or "USER_SERVICE"
serviceName true No default value. The name of the Service Pack, Group Service, or User Service to authorize. Must be a valid service name. See [valid service names](/files/guides/62/download/ValidServiceNames.txt).
limitedTo false If a number is not provided, defaults to unlimited. Valid values are non-negative integers or the text "Unlimited". Any negative number will be converted to "Unlimited".

Group Department Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Group Departments must be named "Alpaca.Departments". This sheet is only read in when Bulk Provisioning is executed from the Cluster or Service Provider levels. The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
groupId Required when running from the Cluster or Service Provider level. If running from the Group level, the groupId will be inferred. No default value. The id of the Group to authorize the services to.
departmentName true No default value. The name of the department.
parentDepartmentName false No default value. The name of the parent department (if needed)
parentDepartmentLevel false No default value. The parent department level. Valid values are "GROUP" or "ENTERPRISE"
callingLineIdName false No default value.
callingLineIdNumber false No default value. The number will be added to the Service Provider and then assigned to the Group before assigning to the Department.

Users Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load users must be named "Alpaca.Users". The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
character false No default value. The character of the row can be used by plugins to determine specific actions to be administered. For example, a "Premium" character might be used to add a specific service pack, configure a specific service, or modify the userId to match a desired format.
groupId Required when Bulk Provisioning is being run from the Cluster or Service Provider level. No default value. The id of the Group that the user belongs to. Can be an existing Group or one that is being provisioned in the spreadsheet.
userId false

If phoneNumber exists, defaults to phoneNumber@defaultDomain.

If extension exists, defaults to usr_groupId_extension@defaultDomain.

lastName true No default value.
firstName true No default value.
voicePortalPasscode false If defaultPasscode exists, defaults to defaultPasscode. Otherwise, defaults to a randomly generated value.
webPassword true If defaultPassword exists, defaults to defaultPassword. Otherwise, defaults to a randomly generated value.
macAddress false No default value. macAddress is used if deviceName is set and is not an existing device. This value must be unique across the entire system.
deviceType true, if deviceName is specified for a non-existing device No default value. deviceType is used if deviceName is set and is not an existing device. This value must be an existing device type on the system.
deviceName false Defaults to macAddress This field triggers all downstream device assignment fields. It can be used to assign a User to an existing device or in conjunction with other device fields create a new Group Access Device.
primaryLinePort true, if deviceName is specified If phoneNumber exists, defaults to phoneNumber@sipDefaultDomain. Otherwise, defaults to userId@sipDefaultDomain.
deviceUserName false Defaults to random 10 character value.
devicePassword false If the deviceType requires authentication and defaultPassword exists, defaults to defaultPassword. Otherwise defaults to a random password according to the group password rules.
sipUserName false Defaults to a random 10 character value. This is assigned to the user if the Authentication service or a service pack containing Authentication is assigned during provisioning.
sipPassword false Defaults to a random password matching the SIP password rules. This is assigned to the user if the Authentication service or a service pack containing Authentication is assigned during provisioning.
mailEmailAddress false No default. If VoiceMessagingGroup is assigned at the Group level and VoiceMessagingUser is assigned to the user as a service or through a service pack, this is used to update the advanced voice management settings.
mailUserName false Defaults to a random 10 character value. If VoiceMessagingGroup is assigned at the Group level and VoiceMessagingUser is assigned to the user as a service or through a service pack, this is used to update the advanced voice management settings.
mailPassword false Defaults to a random password matching group password rules. If VoiceMessagingGroup is assigned at the Group level and VoiceMessagingUser is assigned to the user as a service or through a service pack, this is used to update the advanced voice management settings.
services false No default This is a comma separated list of services to assign to the User. During validation, the service will be checked to be a valid service on the system. It will also be checked that it is available to be authorized and that there are enough usage spots available for it to be assigned. See [valid service names](/files/guides/62/download/ValidServiceNames.txt).
servicePacks false No default This is a comma separated list of service packs to assign to the User. During validation, the service pack will be checked to be a valid service pack within the group. It will also be checked that it is available to be authorized and that there are enough usage spots available for it to be assigned.
callingLineIdLastName false Defaults to lastName
callingLineIdFirstName false Defaults to firstName
hiraganaLastName false Defaults to lastName
hiraganaFirstName false Defaults to firstName
phoneNumber Either phoneNumber or extension are required No default If phoneNumber exists, it must be unique across the spreadsheet. It must also be available for assignment from the destination group.
extension Either phoneNumber or extension are required No default If extension exists, it must be unique across the spreadsheet. It also cannot be in use within the destination group.
callingLineIdPhoneNumber false No default
departmentFullPath false No default Not used by the default implementation.
language false No default
timeZone false No default
defaultAlias false No default
title false No default
pagerPhoneNumber false No default
mobilePhoneNumber false No default
emailAddress false No default
yahooId false No default
networkClassOfService false No default
callingLineIdBlockingOverride false No default If set to "ENABLED", sets the User's CallingLineIdBlockingOveride service to active.
callingLineIdDeliveryBlocking false No default If set to "ENABLED", sets the User's CallingLineIdDeliveryBlocking service to active.
voiceMailMode false UNIFIEDGROUP Voice Messaging mode. Can be UNIFIEDGROUP, UNIFIEDPERSONAL, or FORWARD.
voiceMailForwardAddress Required when voicemailMode is set to FORWARD. No default The voicemessaging forward to email address.
voiceMailIsActive false TRUE Voicemail isActive state.
blfURI false No default The user's BLF List URI. Can use variables USERID, PHONENUMBER, or EXTENSION. Can also be custom. Can be entered with or without domain. If no domain is provied, the configured defaultBlfUriDomain will be used. If defaultBlfUriDomain is not provdied, the Groups default domain will be used.
trunkGroup false No default The Trunk Group to assign the user to. Must be already created in BroadWorks or in the Trunking sheet. Cannot be used if a device has been provided.
enterpriseTrunk false No default Not required. Used in conjunction with Trunk Group. The Enterprise Trunk to assign the User to. Must be a valid Enterprise Trunk in BroadWorks. If no Trunk Group is provided, this field is ignored.
alternateTrunkIdentity false No default Not required. Used in conjunction with Trunk Group. The Alternate Trunk Identity to assign to the User. If no Trunk Group is provided, this field is ignored.
enableCiscoSoftClient false false Not required. If set to true, the User Enable Cisco Soft Client logic will be ran for the user.
cfaPhoneNumber false No default Only used when Call Forwarding Always is in service list.
cfaRingReminder false false Only used when Call Forwarding Always is in service list.
cfbPhoneNumber false No default Only used when Call Forwarding Busy is in service list.
cfnaPhoneNumber false No default Only used when Call Forwarding No Answer is in service list.
cfnaNumberOfRings false No default Only used when Call Forwarding No Answer is in service list.
cfnrPhoneNumber false No default Only used when Call Forwarding Not Reachable is in service list.
callTransferNumberOfRings false false Only used when Call Transfer is in service list.
callTransferEnableBusyCamp false false Only used when Call Transfer is in service list.
callTransferBusyCampSeconds false No default Only used when Call Transfer is in service list.
callTransferUseDiversionInhibitorForBlindTransfer false No default Only used when Call Transfer is in service list.
callTransferUseDiversionInhibitorForConsecutiveCalls false No default Only used when Call Transfer is in service list.
callWaitingIsActive false No default Only used when Call Waiting is in service list.
callWaitingDisableCLIDDelivery false No default Only used when Call Waiting is in service list.
chargeNumber false No default Only used when Charge Number is in service list.
chargeNumberUseForEnhancedTranslations false false Only used when Charge Number is in service list.
chargeNumberIncludeForNetworkCalls false false Only used when Charge Number is in service list.
callingNameDeliveryEnabledInternal false No default Only used when Calling Name Delivery is in service list.
callingNameDeliveryEnabledExternal false No default Only used when Calling Name Delivery is in service list.
callingNumberDeliveryEnabledInternal false No default Only used when Calling Number Delivery is in service list.
callingNumberDeliveryEnabledExternal false No default Only used when Calling Number Delivery is in service list.

Shared Call Appearance Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load SCAs must be named "Alpaca.SCAs". The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
userId true No default The id of the user to attach the device to as a Shared Called Appearance. This user must be present on the Alpaca.Users sheet.
deviceName false Defaults to macAddress This field triggers all downstream device assignment fields. It can be used to assign a User to an existing device or in conjunction with other device fields create a new Group Access Device.
deviceType true, if deviceName is specified for a non-existing device No default value. deviceType is used if deviceName is set and is not an existing device. This value must be an existing device type on the system.
macAddress false No default value. macAddress is used if deviceName is set and is not an existing device. This value must be unique across the entire system.
linePort true No default The line port to associated the SCA with.
enable false false Whether or not the SCA is enabled.
allowOrigination false false Whether or not the SCA is allowed to make outgoing calls.
allowTermination false false Whether or not the SCA is allowed to recieve incoming calls.

Devices Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load devices must be named "Alpaca.Devices". This sheet can be left empty and the Alpaca.Users and Alpaca.SCA sheets can be used to create/assign devices. The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
deviceName false Defaults to macAddress This field triggers all downstream device assignment fields. It can be used to assign a User to an existing device or in conjunction with other device fields create a new Group Access Device.
deviceType true, if deviceName is specified for a non-existing device No default value. deviceType is used if deviceName is set and is not an existing device. This value must be an existing device type on the system.
macAddress false No default value. macAddress is used if deviceName is set and is not an existing device. This value must be unique across the entire system.
deviceUserName false Defaults to random 10 character value.
devicePassword false If the deviceType requires authentication and defaultPassword exists, defaults to defaultPassword. Otherwise defaults to a random password according to the group password rules.
tagSet false No default value. The tag set to apply to the device. Must be an existing tag set. Tag sets must be enabled on R22 systems.

Device Tags Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load devices must be named "Alpaca.DeviceTag". The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
deviceName Required if macAddress is not provided. If not provided, it is assumed that the macAddress is the deviceName. No default value. The device to assign the device tag to. Must exist in spreadsheet.
macAddress Required if deviceName is not provided. No default value. The mac address of the device to assign the device tag to. Must exist in spreadsheet.
tagName true No default value. The name of the tag.
tagValue true No default value. The value of the tag.

Trunking Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load devices must be named "Alpaca.Trunking".The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
name true No default value. Name of the Trunk Group.
pilotUserId false No default value. The id of the pilot user for the Trunk Group. This is a key to the userId field in the Alpaca.Pilot sheet.
departmentLevel Required if departmentName is provided. No default value. Level for the Trunk Group's department. Valid values: 'ENTERPRISE', 'GROUP'.
departmentName Required if departmentLevel is provided. No default value. Name of the Trunk Group's department. Must be an existing department.
deviceName false No default value. Must be a valid device.
deviceLevel Required if deviceName is provided. No default value. Valid values are: 'SYSTEM', 'SERVICEPROVIDER', 'GROUP'
maxActiveCalls true 0 The Maximum Active Calls Allowed in the trunk group. The total number of maximum active calls cannot exceed the Trunking Call Capacity.
maxIncomingCalls false No default value. The Maximum Active Incoming Calls Allowed in the trunk group. The maximum number of active incoming calls allowed cannot exceed the maximum number of active calls allowed. NOTE: You can set the maximum number of active incoming calls to "0" to indicate that the trunk group only accepts originating calls. However, if you set both the maximum number of active incoming calls and the maximum number of active outgoing calls to "0", the trunk group is not able to accept any calls.
maxOutgoingCalls false No default value. The the Maximum Active Outgoing Calls Allowed in the trunk group. The maximum number of active incoming calls allowed cannot exceed the maximum number of active calls allowed. NOTE: You can set the maximum number of active outgoing calls to "0" to indicate that the trunk group only accepts terminating calls. However, if you set both the maximum number of active incoming calls and the maximum number of active outgoing calls to "0", the trunk group is not able to accept any calls.
enableBursting false false Enables bursting. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
burstingMaxActiveCalls false No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
burstingMaxIncomingCalls false No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
burstingMaxOutgoingCalls false No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
capacityExceededAction false No default value. Valid values are: 'FORWARD', 'REROUTE'. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
capacityExceededForwardAddress Required if capacityExceededAction set to 'FORWARD'. No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
capacityExceededRerouteTrunkGroupName Required if capacityExceededAction set to 'REROUTE'. No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
capacityExceededRerouteTrunkGroupServiceProvider Required if capacityExceededAction set to 'REROUTE'. No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
capacityExceededRerouteTrunkGroupGroup Required if capacityExceededAction set to 'REROUTE'. No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
capacityExceededTrapInitialCalls false No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
capacityExceededTrapOffsetCalls false No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
unreachableDestinationAction false No default value. Valid values are: 'FORWARD', 'REROUTE'. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
unreachableDestinationForwardAddress Required if unreachableDestinationAction set to 'FORWARD'. No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
unreachableDestinationRerouteTrunkGroupName Required if unreachableDestinationAction set to 'REROUTE'. No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
unreachableDestinationRerouteTrunkGroupServiceProvider Required if unreachableDestinationAction set to 'REROUTE'. No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
unreachableDestinationRerouteTrunkGroupGroup Required if unreachableDestinationAction set to 'REROUTE'. No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
invitationTimeout false No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
requireAuthentication true false Enables authentication for the Trunk Group.
sipAuthenticationUserName Required if requireAuthentication is set to 'true'. Defaults to a random string. Authentication Password for the Trunk Group.
sipAuthenticationPassword Required if requireAuthentication is set to 'true'. Defaults to a random password matching the Group's password rules. Authentication Password for the Trunk Group.
hostedUserIdList false No default value. Comma seperated (no-spaces) userId list. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
trunkGroupIdentity false No default value. Must include a valid domain that is assigned to the Group.
otgDtgIdentity false No default value. The name of the originating trunk group identity/destination trunk group identity.
allowTerminationToTrunkGroupIdentity false false
allowTerminationToDtgIdentity false false
includeTrunkGroupIdentity false false
includeTrunkGroupIdentityForNetworkCalls false false
includeOtgIdentityForNetworkCalls false false
enableNetworkAddressIdentity false false
allowUnscreenedCalls false false
allowUnscreenedEmergencyCalls false false
pilotUserCallingLineIdentityForExternalCallsPolicy false NOCALLS Valid values are: 'ALLORIGINATINGCALLS', 'UNSCREENEDORIGINATINGCALLS', 'NOCALLS'.
callForwardingAlwaysAction false No default value. Valid values are: 'FORWARD', 'REROUTE'. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
callForwardingAlwaysForwardAddress Required if callForwardingAlwaysAction is set to 'FORWARD'. No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
callForwardingAlwaysRerouteTrunkGroupName Required if callForwardingAlwaysAction is set to 'REROUTE'. No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
callForwardingAlwaysRerouteTrunkGroupServiceProvider Required if callForwardingAlwaysAction is set to 'REROUTE'. No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
callForwardingAlwaysRerouteTrunkGroupGroup Required if callForwardingAlwaysAction is set to 'REROUTE'. No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
peeringDomain Required if routeToPeeringDomain is set to 'true'. No default value. Must be a valid domain that is assigned to the Group.
routeToPeeringDomain false false
prefixEnabled false false
prefix Required if prefixEnabled is set to 'true'. No default value.
statefulReroutingEnabled false false Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
sendContinuousOptionsMessage false false Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
continuousOptionsSendingIntervalSeconds false No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
failureOptionsSendingIntervalSeconds false No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
failureThresholdCounter false No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
successThresholdCounter false No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
inviteFailureThresholdCounter false No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
inviteFailureThresholdWindowSeconds false No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
useSystemCallingLineAssertedIdentityPolicy false true
useSystemCLIDSourceForScreenedCallsPolicy false true
userLookupPolicy false BASIC Valid values are: 'BASIC', 'EXTENDED', 'BASICLOOKUPPREFERFROM'
useSystemUserLookupPolicy false true
pilotUserCallingLineIdentityForEmergencyCallsPolicy false NOCALLS Valid values are: 'ALLORIGINATINGCALLS', 'UNSCREENEDORIGINATINGCALLS', 'NOCALLS'
implicitRegistrationSetSupportPolicy false DISABLED Valid values are: 'ENABLED', 'DISABLED'
useSystemImplicitRegistrationSetSupportPolicy false true
sipIdentityForPilotAndProxyTrunkModesPolicy false PILOTUSER Valid values are: 'PILOTUSER', 'USER'. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
useSystemSIPIdentityForPilotAndProxyTrunkModesPolicy false true
useSystemSupportConnectedIdentityPolicy false true
supportConnectedIdentityPolicy false DISABLED Valid values are: 'ENABLED', 'DISABLED'

Pilot User Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Pilot Users must be named "Alpaca.Pilot".The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
userId false No default value. Must include a valid domain that is assigned to the Group.
lastName true No default value.
firstName true No default value.
callingLineIdLastName false Defaults to lastName
callingLineIdFirstName false Defaults to firstName
password true Defaults to a randomly generated value based on Group Password Rules.
departmentLevel Required if departmentName is provided. No default value. Level for the Pilot User's department. Valid values: 'ENTERPRISE', 'GROUP'.
departmentName Required if departmentLevel is provided. No default value. Name of the Pilot User's department. Must be an existing department.
linePort true No default value. Must incldue a valid domain that is assigned to the Group.
callingLineIdPhoneNumber false No default value.
ncos false No default value. Must be a valid Network Class of Service that is assigned to the Group.

Selective Call Rejection

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Selective Call Rejection configurations must be named " Alpaca.SelectiveCallRejection".The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
userId true No default value. Must be a User that is in the Alpaca.User spreadsheet.
description true No default value. The criteria description.
reject true false
timeSchedule false No default value.
timeScheduleLevel Required when timeSchedule is provided. No default value. The level that the schedule belongs to: USER, GROUP, or SERVICEPROVIDER
holidaySchedule false No default value.
holidayScheduleLevel Required when holidaySchedule is provided. No default value. The level that the schedule belongs to: USER, GROUP, or SERVICEPROVIDER
callsFromMode false ANY Valid Options: ANY, FORWARDED, SPECIFIEDONLY
providedAnyPrivate false No default value.
providedAnyUnavailable false No default value.
providedNumberList false No default value. Comma seperated list.
callsToList false No default value. Comma seperated list.

Speed Dial 8

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Speed Dial 8 configurations must be named "Alpaca.SpeedDial8".The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
userId true No default value. Must be a User that is in the Alpaca.User spreadsheet.
speedCode true No default value. Must be a number between 2-8. No duplicates per UserId.
description false No default value.
phoneNumber true No default value.

Speed Dial 100

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Speed Dial 100 configurations must be named "Alpaca.SpeedDial100".The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
userId true No default value. Must be a User that is in the Alpaca.User spreadsheet.
speedCode true No default value. Must be a number between 0-99. No duplicates per UserId.
description false No default value.
phoneNumber true No default value.

Hunt Group

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Hunt Groups must be named "Alpaca.HuntGroup".The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
id true No default value. The id of the Hunt Group. Must include a valid domain that is assigend to the Group.
callingLineIdLastName true No default value.
callingLineIdFirstName true No default value.
callingLineIdPhoneNumber false No default value.
phoneNumber false No default value. Must be available for assignement in the destination Group.
extension false No default value. Must meet Group extension length rules.
password true If defaultPassword exists, defaults to defaultPassword. Otherwise, defaults to a randomly generated value.
departmentLevel Required if departmentName is provided. No default value. Level for the Trunk Group's department. Valid values: 'ENTERPRISE', 'GROUP'.
departmentName Required if departmentLevel is provided. No default value. Name of the Trunk Group's department. Must be an existing department.
language false No default
timeZone false No default
huntAfterNoAnswer false FALSE
noAnswerNumberOfRings true 5 Must be between 1-20
forwardAfterTimeout false FALSE
forwardTimeoutSeconds Required when forwardAfterTimeout = TRUE 0
forwardToPhoneNumber Required when forwardAfterTimeout = TRUE No default
agentUserId false No default Comma-seperated list of User Ids (with domains). Must be in spreadsheet or already exist in Group.
allowCallWaitingForAgents false FALSE
useSystemHuntGroupCLIDSetting false FALSE
includeHuntGroupNameInCLID false FALSE
enableNotReachableForwarding false FALSE
notReachableForwardToPhoneNumber Required when enableNotReachableForwarding = TRUE. No default value.
makeBusyWhenNotReachable false FALSE
allowMembersToControlGroupBusy false FALSE
enableGroupBusy false FALSE
applyGroupBusyWhenTerminatingToAgent false FALSE
networkClassOfService false No default value. Must be a valid NCOS that is assigned to the destination Group.

Spreadsheet Submission

When a spreadsheet is ready for provisioning it will be submitted to the Alpaca Web Interface in the Bulk User Add wizard. This wizard can be accessed by navigating to the desired destination Group and selecting “Bulk User Add” from the “Actions” submenu. When the spreadsheet is submitted using the wizard, Alpaca will perform a series of validation steps to confirm that the data will be accepted and is valid. Any additional validation, such as custom lifecycle plugins, that have been installed will also run. Errors during this step will be reported within the wizard for evaluation and potential resolution.

If a spreadsheet has been submitted and has successfully passed validation, then it is ready for the final options before beginning the process. First, enter a password that will be used for decrypting the User credentials spreadsheet upon task completion. The task will generate User credentials as needed, which will then be available at the end of the provisioning task as a downloadable encrypted spreadsheet. Second, select if you would like to receive an email when the task is complete. Finally, start the task. When the task starts you will be automatically taken to the task page that will track the progress of the Bulk User Add. The log will show the status and information about the completed steps. Once the task has been completed successfully, the progress indicator will turn green indicating that provisioning was completed.


Device Migration


It is sometimes necessary to replace an endpoint due to hardware failure or equipment upgrade. Without this tool, equipment replacement required that all of the users be removed from the old device, the old device needed to be deleted, a new device was created, and all of the users were reprovisioned on the new device. BroadWorks device tags were lost along with speed dials and calls lists.

Device Migration provides the functionality of modifying a Group or Service Provider Access Device’s MAC address, Name, or Device Type while retaining settings, assigned Users, configuration files, and custom tags.


Device Migration can be accessed via the Migration button within the Actions tab on either the Group Access Device or Service Provider Access Device page.

  1. Select the Device Name, MAC Address, and Device Type. Note that you do not have to change all parameters.
  2. Click Check Requirements to check Device Migration Requirements. See below for more details.
  3. If there are Requirement errors, they will be printed to the screen, otherwise, the device is ready to be migrated.
  4. Click the Migrate Device button to perform the migration.
  5. After the button has been pressed, you will be re-directed to the task page where you can monitor the status of the migration.

Background Procedure

  • Retrieval of Device Information
  • Retrieve Access Device configuration files
  • Retrieve Access Device tags
  • Check Device Migration Requirements
  • Send reset command to Access Device
  • Unassign Users from the Access Device
  • Delete the original Access Device
  • Create the new Access Device with desired settings
  • Add Access Device tags
  • Reassign Users
  • Add Access Device custom files
  • Rebuild the Access Device configuration


Following the information retrieval process, the full details of the Device are backed up for recovery purposes. The settings information retrieved is backed up as JSON. Device configuration files are backed up in their original format. These files collectively can be used for recovery purposes.


Requirements for a valid Device Migration are checked upon beginning a Device Migration.

  • Available MAC Address
    • The MAC address that is selected must be available across the BroadWorks system and must be valid.
  • Device File Availability
    • All non-custom Device configuration files must be accessible by Alpaca during the initial loading of device information.
  • Obsolete Device Type
    • The destination device type must not be marked as obsolete.
  • Device Name
    • The device name must be available for use.

Device File Migration


During a migration process that involves Access Devices, there will commonly be a desire to migrate configuration files and templates during the process. A common scenario would be to migrate a directory configuration file so that manually configured speed dials can be retained following migration. To achieve this end configuration needs to occur within the Alpaca configuration file and the device must meet specific requirements as outlined below.


Device file migration is controlled from the Alpaca Configuration. Further details on the specific values can be found here.

As an example, imagine we were migrating Device Types of the name "PolyTemplate". During the migration, we wished to move the directory file that controls speed dials. We could look in BroadWorks under the Files and Authentication section for the "PolyTemplate" device type. We would then insert the file formats of the files that we wished to migrate into the configuration. The final configuration would similar to this:

  - device-type-regex: "PolyTemplate"
    file-regexes: [

This would inform Alpaca to migrate the specified files along with the device during migration procedures. If no device file migration rules are provided, Alpaca will skip the downloading of device files.

Supported Configurations

Device File retrieval and insertion can be performed in a number of ways.

For retrieval Alpaca currently supports Device Types using -

  • Device Management Server (DMS) with HTTP/HTTPS/FTP
  • Legacy with FTP

For insertion after a migration Alpaca currently supports -

  • Device Management Server (DMS) with HTTP/HTTPS/FTP

This means that also we can migrate from a legacy Device Type we do not support migrating to a legacy Device Type.

Supported Device File Tags

Alpaca currently supports migration of device files using the following device file tags:


Enterprise Migration


A BroadWorks's Service Provider or Enterprise can be highly customized with Groups, Users, Devices, Service Instances, and settings. The bulk of provisioning level settings reside under this umbrella of information. Because of this is it highly time-consuming to build and configure an Enterprise with all of its corresponding components. If later the Enterprise needs to be moved to a different application server cluster the process of collecting all the settings and information regarding the Enterprise is daunting.

Functional Description

This feature, Enterprise Migration, provides a function that allows BroadWorks' Enterprises to be moved from one BroadWorks system to another including Groups, Users, Devices, settings, passwords, greetings, and corresponding Device Management files, except as identified in Limitations.

The specific services and data migrated and supported are documented here:


Enterprise Migration can be accessed via the Migration button within the Actions tab on Service Provider page. Note that you can return to any previously completed step by clicking the check mark next to the step name.

  1. Once on the Enterprise Migration page, click the Start button to begin the process. Once clicked, the encumbrance check will begin.
  2. If no encumbrances are found, the next step will appear. Otherwise, you may not proceed until the encumbrances are resolved.
  3. In this step, you must choose the Cluster you wish to migrate the Enterprise/Service Provider to. Once chosen, click the Check Requirements button to proceed.
  4. If no requirements are found, the next step will appear. Otherwise, you may not proceed until the requirements are resolved.
  5. If all checks pass, the migrate step becomes available.
  6. Click Migrate User to begin the migration process.
  7. After the button has been pressed, you will be re-directed to the task page where you can monitor the status of the migration.
Default Domain Adoption

As a part of the migration process, all entities (Users, Groups, Admins, Service Instances, etc) that use the source default domain, will adopt the destination default domain upon migration completion.


  • Migration - The movement of a BroadWorks entity from one place to another without loss of data.
  • Source Enterprise - The Enterprise that is going to be migrated.
  • Source System - The BroadWorks System that contains the Enterprise that is going to be migrated.
  • Destination System - The BroadWorks System that the Enterprise will be migrated to.

Background Procedure

Enterprise Migration performs a sequence of information retrieval prior to migration to ensure that the Enterprise meets the set of requirements that will allow the Enterprise to successfully migrate to the destination system. There are two types of restrictions that would prevent a valid migration - Requirements and Encumbrances. If either one of the restrictions contains errors then the migration will not be allowed to proceed. See the Limitations section for further information.

  • Export the Enterprise or Service Provider from the Source Broadworks system
  • Check Migration Validity for Requirements and Encumbrances
  • Remove Groups
  • Remove Enterprise Trunk Number Ranges
  • Remove Enterprise
  • Create New Enterprise
  • Authorize Services and Service Packs
  • Add Enterprise Settings
  • Add Service Settings
  • Add Enterprise Service Settings (Enterprise Only)
  • Add Devices
  • Add Groups and their Users
  • Add Enterprise Settings that need to be added after Groups
  • Assign Users and Devices
  • Add Credentials

Recovery and Rollback of Migration


During migration activity, BroadWorks Users & Auto Attendants are deleted from the source system, and therefore BroadWorks Voicemail and Auto Attendant greetings are deleted. In general, with all BroadWorks features involved, some files will be deleted from the source system.

ECG recommends a backup that allows you to restore the system to all BroadWorks-managed files. This could include these options:

  • Filesystem snapshots
  • Virtual machine snapshots
  • BroadWorks complete backups

Alpaca Migration users can consider scheduling auto backup on the systems to complete before the migration maintenance window begins. E.g., auto backup primary-side servers at 23:00, and secondary servers at 23:30, and then do migration work at 00:01.

Methods Option A: Import-based Rollback

Following the information retrieval process (export) the full details of the Enterprise are backed up for recovery purposes. The settings information retrieved is backed up as JSON. Announcement files and device configuration files are backed up in their original format (e.g., .wav files are stored as .wav binary files). These files collectively can be used for recovery purposes.

Option B: Backup-Based Rollback

If, in a maintenance activity, an Alpaca user wishes to rollback to the primary system using filesystem backups

  1. Restore the TimesTen database
  2. Restore the BroadWorks-managed files that had been deleted in the process


Non-Migrated Elements

Alpaca can migrate all non-system level BroadWorks settings that are accessible through OCI. The following elements cannot be migrated between BroadWorks Systems

  • Service Pack Migration Tasks
  • Enterprise Call Center Branding
  • BroadWorks Receptionist Notes
  • Call Center Reporting Data
  • Any feature-related data stored uniquely on the DBS.

Requirements are restrictions on migration that are determined by inspecting the desired Destination Application Server to determine if the Enterprise can be moved into the Destination Application Server successfully.

  • Domains
    • The Domains (e.g., "") that are available and being used by the Enterprise must exist in the target system.
  • Device Types
    • The Destination system must have all Identity Device profile types as currently used on the source system.
  • Network Class of Service
    • The Destination System must have all the Network Class of Services currently used on the source system.
  • Office Zones
    • The Destination System must have all the Offices Zones currently used on the source system.
  • Media Sets
    • The Destination System must have all the Media Sets currently on the source system.
  • Service Licensing
    • The Destination System must have enough Service Licenses available for each service that the source Enterprise uses.
  • Carrier
    • If the Source Enterprise is using a System Carrier, then the Destination BroadWorks Server must have the same Carrier(s) available.
  • Route Point External System
    • If the Source Enterprise is using a RoutePointExternalSystem, then the Destination BroadWorks Server must have the same RoutePointExternalSystem(s) available.
  • Communication Barring Criteria
    • If the Source Enterprise is using a System Communication Barring Criteria/Incoming Criteria, then the Destination BroadWorks System must have the same Communication Barring Criteria(s) available.
  • Mobile Network (R21SP1)
    • If the Source Enterprise is using a Mobile Network as a part of BroadWorks Mobility Mobile Subscriber, then the Destination BroadWorks System must have the same Mobile Network(s) available.
  • Call Recording Platform
    • If a Group in the Source Enterprise is using a System Call Recording Platform, then the same Call Recording Platform must be available on the Destination System.
  • BroadWorks Software version, patches, and activatable features
    • Must match between the Source and Destination BroadWorks Systems.
  • Identity/Device Profile Types
    • The Destination System must contain all of the IDPTs that are in use by the Source Enterprise.
  • Default Country Code
    • The Default Country Code on the Destination System must be the same as that of the Source System.
  • File System Protocol
    • The File System Protocol on the Destination System must match that of the Source System.
  • System Realm
    • The System Realms of the Source and Destination Systems must match.
  • System-Level Trunk Group Status Codes
    • The Destination System must contain all of the System-Level Trunk Group Status Codes that are being used on the Source System.
  • Enhance Call Logging Configuration
    • The Enhanced Call Logging Configurations on the Destination System must match the configuration of the Source System.
  • Calling Party Categories
    • The Destination System must contain all of the Calling Party Categories that are being used by the Source Enterprise.
  • Classmarks
    • The Destination System must contain all of the Classmarks that are being used by the Source Enterprise.
  • The Source System must not have
    • Pending Migration Tasks
  • The Destination System must not have
    • Telephone Numbers (DNS) that are being migrated from the Source System.
  • The destination BroadWorks Application Server cluster may use the same Network Server as the source, or a different network server. If the destination Network Server is not the same server as the source Network Server, the Destination Network server must match the Source network server in these respects:
    • Routing profiles that are named the same as in the Source Network Server for any groups or Service Providers that are moved.
    • Dial Plans
    • Default Country Code
    • Voice VPN Settings
  • The Destination System must have Provisioning Validation disabled (AS_CLI/Interface/ProvisioningValidation)
  • Group IDs
    • All Group Ids that are being used in the Source Enterprise, must be available for use on the Destination Server.
  • Routing Profile
    • The destination BroadWorks Cluster must contain all Routing Profiles being used in the source Service Provider.
  • System Password Rules
    • The System Password Rules "Rules apply to" value must be the same on the source and destination for a valid migration.
  • System Portal Passcode Rules
    • If System Portal Passcode rules are being used by a Group in the Service Provider, the Source rules must not be less strict than the destination rules.

Encumbrances are restrictions that are contained within the Enterprise's settings. These restrictions do not require a Destination Application Server to be determined and can be checked in advance for potential migration targets.

  • System Access Device
    • If a User in the Enterprise is assigned to an Identity/Device Profile, and this is a System-level resource, then the Enterprise cannot be migrated.
  • External Authentication
    • If the Source Enterprise is using External Authentication, then the Enterprise cannot be migrated.

Group To Enterprise Migration


A BroadWorks's Group can be highly customized with Users, Devices, and various service instances. The configuration process can be extensive and time-consuming. If the Group was originally created within a Service Provider, but now needs to exist within an Enterprise, the manual process of achieving this can be arduous.

This feature, Group to Enterprise Migration, provides a function that allows a BroadWork's Group that is currently within a Service Provider, to be moved out of that Service Provider to an Enterprise that was created based on the settings of the Group to be migrated. There is also an option to split the Group into multiple Groups


Group To Enterprise Migration can be accessed via the Group To Enterprise Migration button within the Actions tab on Group page. Note that you can return to any previously completed step by clicking the check mark next to the step name.

  1. Once on the Group to Enterprise Migration page, enter the name of the Enterprise you wish to create. Note that this must be a unique Id.
  2. In the next step, you can split up the Groups if you wish. To split up the Groups, enter a new Group Id in the box and press add. You can add as many Groups as needed. Once the Groups have been added, you may drag and drop the Users to the desired Group.
  3. Click Next Step to begin the encumbrance check. If no encumbrances are found, the next step will appear. Otherwise, you may not proceed until the encumbrances are resolved.
  4. The requirement checks will begin right after the encumbrance checks pass. If no requirements are found, the next step will appear. Otherwise, you may not proceed until the requirements are resolved.
  5. If all checks pass, the migrate step becomes available. Click Migrate To Enterprise to begin the migration process.
  6. After the button has been pressed, you will be re-directed to the task page where you can monitor the status of the migration.

Background Procedure

Group to Enterprise Migration performs a sequence of information retrieval prior to migration to ensure that the Group meets the set of requirements and encumbrances that will allow the Group to successfully migrate out of the current Service Provider into a new Enterprise and possibly split into multiple Groups.

  • Retrieve Group Information
  • Check Migration Validity
  • Remove Users from Group
  • Remove Group
  • Remove Phone Numbers from Service Provider
  • Create New Enterprise
  • Authorize Services and Service Packs
  • Add Enterprise Settings
  • Transform the single Group into multiple Groups (optional)
  • Add Service Settings
  • Add the Group(s) to the new Enterprise


Following the information retrieval process, the full details of the Group are backed up for recovery purposes. The settings information retrieved is backed up as JSON. Announcement files and device configuration files are backed up in their original format. These files collectively can be used for recovery purposes.


  • Encumbrances are restrictions that are contained within the Group or Users settings. These restrictions do not require a Destination Enterprise to be determined and can be checked in advance for potential migration targets.
User Level Encumbrances
  • Call Center Encumbrance
    • If one of the Users who is being migrated out of the Group is an Agent or Supervisor on a Call Center, then the Migration is encumbered.
  • Hunt Group Encumbrance
    • If one of the Users who is being migrated out of the Group is an Agent on a Hunt Group, then the Migration is encumbered.
  • Meet Me Conferencing Encumbrance
    • If one of the Users who is being migrated out of the Group is a Host on a Conferencing Bridge, then the Migration is encumbered.
  • Call Park Encumbrance
    • If one of the Users who is being migrated is assigned to a Call Park, then all other Users who are assigned to that Call Park must also be migrated. The Call Park may not have Users who are not being migrated assigned, otherwise this is a migration encumbrance.
  • Group Paging Encumbrance
    • If a User who is being migrated out of the Group is included in the Originators or Targets List for a Group Paging, then the migration is encumbered.
  • Collaborate Bridge Encumbrance
    • If one of the Users who is being migrated out of the Group is an Owner on a Collaborate Bridge, then the Migration is encumbered.
  • Find Me Follow Me Encumbrance
    • If one of the Users who is being migrated out of the Group is in an Alerting Group of a Find Me Follow Me, then the Migration is encumbered.
  • Call Pickup Encumbrance
    • If one of the Users who is being migrated is assigned to a Call Pickup Group, then all other Users assigned to that Call Pickup Group must also be migrated. The Call Pickup Group may not have Users who are not being migrated assigned, otherwise this is a migration encumbrance.
  • Trunk Group Encumbrance
    • If a User who is to be migrated belongs to a Trunk Group or Enterprise Trunk or is a Pilot User on a Trunk Group, then the migration is encumbered.
  • Device Encumbrance
    • If a User who is being migrated is attached to a device, all other Users who are attached to the same device must also be migrated. If the device has Users who are not being migrated, then the migration encumbered.
Group Level Encumbrances
  • Route Point Encumbrance - If the Group contains a Route Point, the migration is encumbered.
  • Device Encumbrance - If the Group uses System or Service Provider level devices, the migration is encumbered.
  • Attendant Console Encumbrance - If a Group's Auto Attendant monitors Users outside of the Group, the migration is encumbered.
  • Shared Call Appearance Encumbrance - If Users in a Group belong to an SCA shared to devices outside of the Group, the migration is encumbered.
  • Hunt Group Encumbrance - If a Group's Hunt Group has Users from another Group, the migration is encumbered.
  • Meet Me Conferencing Encumbrance - If a host on one of the Group's Meet Me Conferencing Bridge belongs to another Group, the migration is encumbered.
Service Provider / Enterprise Level Encumbrances
  • External Authentication Encumbrance - If external authentication is being used, the migration is encumbered.

Requirements are restrictions on migration that are determined by inspecting the desired Destination Enterprise to determine if the Group can be moved into the Destination Enterprise.

  • Enterprise ID Requirement - The provided Enterprise ID must not belong to another Enterprise within the System, otherwise, the migration has requirements that are not met.
  • Group ID Requirement - The provided Group IDs must not belong to other Groups within the System, otherwise, the migration has requirements that are not met.

User Migration


In a large organization, a User may be placed in one Group, and highly customized with services, settings, greetings, devices, and memberships in Group services. But later the User needs to be moved to a different Group. Example 1: The User's original Group may have grown impractically large so that provisioning and management tools are inefficient. Example 2: Another reason to move a user between groups may be Call Pickup Groups (CPG): if a user needs to be in the same CPG with another, they must be in the same Group.

In these cases, deleting the User from one Group, then adding them back to the other, is a disruptive operation. A human operator needs to collect details on every setting, and on the User's device. To minimize the effect on Users moved, even their passwords must be migrated to their new group.

This feature, User Migration, provides a function that allows BroadWorks' Users to be moved from one Group to another Group with no loss of information, settings, passwords, greetings, or attached files.


User Migration can be accessed via the Migration button within the Actions tab on the User page. Note that you can return to any previously completed step by clicking the check mark next to the step name.

  1. Once on the User Migration page, click the Start button to begin the process. Once clicked, the encumbrance check will begin.
  2. If no encumbrances are found, the next step will appear. Otherwise, you may not proceed until the encumbrances are resolved.
  3. In this step, you must choose the Group you wish to migrate the User to. Once chosen, click the Check Requirements button to proceed.
  4. If no requirements are found, the next step will appear. Otherwise, you may not proceed until the requirements are resolved.
  5. If all checks pass, the migrate step becomes available. Click Migrate User to begin the migration process.
  6. After the button has been pressed, you will be re-directed to the task page where you can monitor the status of the migration.

Background Procedure

User Migration performs a sequence of information retrieval prior to migration to ensure that the User meets the set of requirements that will allow the User to successfully migrate to the Destination Group. There are two types of restrictions that would prevent a valid migration - Requirements and Encumbrances. If either one of the restrictions contains errors then the migration will not be allowed to proceed.

  • Check Migration Validity
  • Migrate Access Device
  • Remove User
  • Migrate Phone Number
  • Create New User
  • Set BLF entries on monitoring Users
  • Set Non-Service User settings
  • Add and Assign Services and Service Packs
  • Add Custom Announcements
  • Add Service specific settings
  • Add Credentials
  • Rebuild Access Device Configuration


Following the information retrieval process, the full details of the User are backed up for recovery purposes. The settings information retrieved is backed up as JSON. Announcement files and device configuration files are backed up in their original format. These files collectively can be used for recovery purposes.



Requirements are restrictions that are determined by inspecting the desired Destination Group to determine if the User can be moved into the Destination Group successfully.

  • Intra-Enterprise Inter-Group
    • The source and destination group must exist within the same Enterprise.
  • Domains
    • The Domain (e.g., "") that is applied to the User (at the Profile), and to the User's Identity/Device Profile Line/Port, must exist in the target group.
  • Service and Service Pack Authorization
    • Services and Service Packs that the User is currently assigned must be available within the Destination Group.
  • Group Schedules
    • The schedules contained within the User’s Source Group must also be contained within the User’s Destination Group.
  • Group User Limit
    • The Destination Group must have sufficient user availability to perform the move.
  • Group Extension Length
    • The Destination Group must have a valid extension length for the User.
  • Group Extension Availability
    • The Destination Group must have the current User extension available.
  • Department Availability
    • If a User is assigned to a Department, the Destination Group must have that Department available as well.
  • User Voice Messaging
    • If a User has the Voice Messaging User service assigned, either the Destination Group has to have Voice Messaging Group assigned or a System Voice Portal must exist otherwise the migration is not valid.
  • Feature Access Code
    • If a User's source Group has a Service assigned that adds extra Feature Access Codes, then the Destination Group must also have the service assigned to prevent loss of data. An example of this is Hunt Group. If a Group has the Hunt Group service assigned, the following Feature Access Codes are added to the User: Hunt Group Busy Activation, Hunt Group Busy Deactivation, Hunt Group Busy Interrogation.
  • Network Class Of Service
    • If a User has a Network Class of Service (NCOS), then the destination Group must have this NCOS available.
  • Polycom Phone Services Custom Contact Directory
    • If a User has Polycom Phone Services assigned and has a Group Custom Contact Directory configured for Polycom Phone Services, then the destination Group must include a Custom Contact Directory with the same name.
  • Calling Plan
    • If a User is using Digit Strings or Pinhole Digit Strings from the source Group, those Digit Strings need to be
    • available on the destination.

Encumbrances are restrictions that are contained within the User’s settings and the User’s Access Device’s settings. These restrictions do not require a Destination Group to be determined and can be checked in advance for potential migration targets.

  • Shared Call Appearance
    • If the User has a Shared Call Appearance assignment on an Identity/Device Profile, and the Identity/Device Profile is a Group-Level resource, and if the Identity/Device Profile has any other User or Shared Call Appearance assigned to it, the User is not moved.
  • Call Pickup Group
    • If the User is a member of a Call Pickup Group, the User is not moved.
  • Attendant Console
    • If the User is monitoring any users, then the User will not be moved.
  • Meet-Me Conferencing Bridge
    • If the User has a Meet-Me Conferencing Bridge assigned, the User will not be moved.
  • Single-User Device
    • If the User is assigned to an Identity/Device Profile, and this is a group-level resource, then the Identity/Device Profile must have only this one user assigned to it. That is, the Group-level Identity/Device Profile cannot have multiple users assigned to it.
  • Hunt Group
    • If the User is a member of a Hunt Group they cannot be moved.

User Collection Migration

The User Collection Migration location allows the simultaneous migration of multiple Users that may have some entanglements from one Group to another. An example would be Users with a shared device. In a regular User Migration if the User has a shared device then the migration would be encumbered. In a User Collection Migration, we are able to move both Users as well as the device they share.


User Collection Migration can be accessed via the Group To Enterprise Migration button within the Actions tab on the Group page. Note that you can return to any previously completed step by clicking the check mark next to the step name.

  1. Once on the User Collection Migration page, choose the Group you wish to migrate the Users into.
  2. In the next step, drag all of the Users that you wish to migrate over to the right drag and drop panel.
  3. Click Next Step to begin the encumbrance check. If no encumbrances are found, the next step will appear. Otherwise, you may not proceed until the encumbrances are resolved.
  4. The requirement checks will begin right after the encumbrance checks pass. If no requirements are found, the next step will appear. Otherwise, you may not proceed until the requirements are resolved.
  5. If all checks pass, the migrate step becomes available. Click Migrate to begin the migration process.
  6. After the button has been pressed, you will be re-directed to the task page where you can monitor the status of the migration.

Background Procedure

User Collection Migration performs a sequence of information retrieval prior to migration to ensure that the Users meet the set of requirements and encumbrances that will allow them to successfully migrate from their current Group to another.

  • Retrieve User(s) Information.
  • Check Migration Validity.
  • Remove Users from Group.
  • Remove Devices from Group.
  • Add Phone Numbers to Destination.
  • Add Devices to Destination.
  • Add Users to Destination.
  • Assign Devices to Users.
  • Add User Service Settings.


Following the information retrieval process, the full details of the Users are backed up for recovery purposes. The settings information retrieved is backed up as JSON. Announcement files and device configuration files are backed up in their original format. These files collectively can be used for recovery purposes.



Encumbrances are restrictions that are contained within the User's settings. These restrictions do not require a Destination Group to be determined and can be checked in advance for potential migration targets.

  • Call Pickup Group Encumbrance - If a User is a member of a Call Pickup Group, the migration is encumbered.
  • Meet Me Conferencing Encumbrance - If a User has a Meet Me Conferencing Bridge assigned, the migration is encumbered.
  • Hunt Group Encumbrance - If a User is a member of a Hunt Group, the migration is encumbered.
  • Group Calling Line ID Encumbrance - If a User has the same phone number as the Group Calling Line ID, the migration is encumbered.
  • Enterprise Trunk Encumbrance - If a User is a member of an Enterprise Trunk, the migration is encumbered.

Requirements are restrictions on migration that are determined by inspecting the desired Destination Group to determine if the Users can be moved into the Destination Group.

  • Group User Limit Requirement - If the Group does not have enough User space available to accommodate the migration, the migration is not valid.
  • Intra-Enterprise Inter-Group Requirement - The source and destination group must exist within the same Enterprise or Service Provider, otherwise, the migration is not valid.
  • Domain Requirement- The Domain (e.g., "") that is applied to the User (at the Profile), and to the User's Identity/Device Profile Line/Port, must exist in the destination Group, otherwise the migration is not valid.
  • Service and Service Pack Authorization Requirement - Services and Service Packs that the User is currently assigned must be available within the Destination Group.
  • Group Schedules Requirement - The schedules contained within the User’s Source Group must also be contained within the User’s Destination Group, otherwise, the migration is not valid.
  • Group Extension Length Requirement - The Destination Group must have a valid extension length for the User, otherwise, the migration is not valid.
  • Group Extension Availability Requirement - The Destination Group must have the current User extension available, otherwise, the migration is not valid.
  • Calling Plan - If a User is using Digit Strings or Pinhole Digit Strings from the source Group, those Digit Strings need to be available on the destination.

User Replace


BroadWorks users are customizable containers of business rules related to their business phone. It often includes details for call routing such as Call Forward Always, Hunt Groups, Call Centers, etc. But, it is also customizations such as user ID, username (First and Last), email addresses, and voice greetings.

When an employee leaves the organization or changes positions within the organization, it is often necessary to change or remove the customizations of the BroadWorks user. However, we don’t want to lose the embedded business logic associated with that user.

User Replace Tool for the replacement or removal of individual user specifics without losing the business logic.


User Replace can be accessed via the Replace button within the Actions tab on the User page. Note that you can return to any previously completed step by clicking the check mark next to the step name.

  1. Once on the User Replace page, fill in the new first and last name.
  2. If Named Extension is selected, choose a new User Id, otherwise, the id will be in the format @.
  3. Select the Clear VM CC Address option if you would like for the BroadWorks voicemail carbon copy address to be cleared. Note that the carbon copy address will only be cleared if Voice Management is turned on.
  4. Select the Reset Devices option if you would like for the User's devices to reset after the replace operation has completed.
  5. Click Replace User when ready to begin.
  6. After the button has been pressed, you will be re-directed to the task page where you can monitor the status of the migration.

Background Procedure

User Replace is designed to replace or reset user-specific customizations without losing the embedded business logic. As such, the process does not delete the underlying User. Rather it modifies settings to allow for an easy replacement of a BroadWorks user between real-world end users.

Procedure -

  • Retrieve User Information
  • Check that the desired User ID is available
  • Modify the Busy Lamp Field URI
    • The URI is updated to the new User ID + “_BLF”
  • Update User Information
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Calling Line ID First Name
    • Calling Line ID Last Name
  • Clear User Information
    • Title
    • Pager Number
    • Mobile Number
    • Email Address
    • Address Street
    • Address Location
  • Generate new User web password compliant with Group password rules
  • Clear Voicemail Greetings for -
    • Busy Greeting
    • No Answer Greeting
    • Extended Away Greeting
    • Alternate Greetings
    • Personalized Name Greeting
  • Delete all announcements in the User’s announcement repository
  • Generate new Voice Portal passcode compliant with Group passcode rules
  • Update Advanced Voice Management settings if service is assigned
    • Clear the Carbon Copy Email Address if the ‘Clear CC’ is checked
    • Disable Voicemail Forwarding unless the ‘Retain Forwarding Address’ is checked.
    • Reset Voice Messaging Advanced settings
      • UserId is First Initial + Last Initial + Extension
      • Generated password
  • Reset the User’s Access Devices
  • Modify the User’s UserID


Requirements for a valid User Replacement are checked upon beginning a replacement procedure. Any Requirement errors are presented in the “User Replace” page to alert the provisioner to the error.

  • Available UserID
    • The desired UserID must be available in the BroadWorks system.

Import / Export


Import and Export are Alpaca tools that can be used to backup and replace BroadWorks entities if needed.


Exporting an entity will produce an Alpaca Archive (typically a .tar.gz) that contains all information needed to perform an import. Export can be accessed via the actions tab on the various BroadWorks entity pages. Once an export is started, Alpaca will be redirected to the Export task page. Once the export has completed, the Alpaca Archive can be retrieved via the download button on the task page.

Export is available for Service Providers, Enterprises, Groups, and Users.


Import can be used to put a previously backed up or exported entity back into BroadWorks. Note that the entity must be removed from BroadWorks before attempting an import. Imports are meant to be put an entity back into the same place that it was originally. Only archives that have been exported by Alpaca can be imported back into Alpaca.

To perform an import, navigate to the actions tab on the entity page that you want to import into, i.e. if you are importing a Group, you would want to go to the Service Provider/Enterprise level. You will then be prompted for a file. This is where you provide the exported or backed-up Alpaca Archive. Once the import task begins, Alpaca will be redirected to the Import task page. From here, the status of the import can be monitored. Note that the same validity checks that occur during a migration apply here, if the validity checks fail, the import cannot proceed.

Import is available for Service Providers, Enterprises, Groups, and Users.


Report Types

CSV (Comma-separated Values)

A CSV file is a delimited text file that uses a comma to separate values. A CSV file stores tabular data (numbers and text) in plain text. Each line of the file is a data record. Each record consists of one or more fields, separated by commas. Most spreadsheet applications, such as Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets, support opening .csv files in an easy to read format. Although harder to interpret in plain text, most text processing applications support opening .csv files.


TSV (Tab-separated Values)

A tab-separated values (TSV) file is a simple text format for storing data in a tabular structure, e.g., database table or spreadsheet data, and a way of exchanging information between databases. Each record in the table is one line of the text file. Each field value of a record is separated from the next by a tab character. Most spreadsheet applications, such as Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets, support opening .tsv files in an easy to read format. Although harder to interpret in plain text, most text processing applications support opening .tsv files.

ServiceProviderId    GroupId    UserId    CallForwardingAlwaysServiceEnabled    CallForwardingSelectiveServiceEnabled
Sample_ServiceProvider    Sample_Group    true    false
Sample_ServiceProvider    Sample_Group    SampleUser2    false    false

Excel (XLSX)

Reports outputted in an Excel format are meant to be opened in a spreadsheet processor such as Microsoft Excel.


Download Sample


Reports outputted in plain text will be formatted in an ASCII table and are best viewed from a terminal.

│ServiceProviderId     │GroupId     │UserId               │CallForwardingAlwaysServiceEnabled│CallForwardingSelectiveServiceEnabled│
│Sample_ServiceProvider│Sample_Group││true                              │false                                │
│Sample_ServiceProvider│Sample_Group│SampleUser2          │false                             │false                                │

User Call Forwarding Always Report


The User Call Forwarding Always Report provides details about a User's Call Forwarding Always settings. Can be used at the Cluster, ServiceProvider, and Group levels.


  • ServiceProviderId - The id of the Service Provider that the User belongs to.
  • GroupId - The id of the Group that the User belongs to.
  • UserId - The id of the Broadworks User that the row relates to.
  • CallForwardingAlwaysServiceEnabled - Whether or not the Call Forwarding Always user service is enabled.
  • CallForwardingSelectiveServiceEnabled - Whether or not the Call Forwarding Always Selective user service is enabled.

Communication Barring Criteria Report


The Communication Barring Criteria Report provides details about Communication Barring criteria for all the Service Providers in the system with a Communication Barring Criteria assigned. This report is only available at the cluster level.


  • ServiceProviderId - The id of the Service Provider that the User belongs to.
  • CriteriaName - The name of the Criteria
  • CriteriaDescription - The description of the criteria

Communication Barring Profile Report


The Communication Barring Profile Report provides details about Communication Barring profiles for all the Service Providers in the system with a Communication Barring Profile. This report is only available at the cluster level.


  • ServiceProviderId - The id of the Service Provider that the User belongs to.
  • CallBarringProfile - The name of the profile.
  • description - The description of the profile.
  • isDefault - Whether or not the profile is the default.

For information on the following columns see the official BroadWorks Documentation .

  • originatingDefaultAction
  • originatingDefaultTreatmentId
  • originatingDefaultTransferNumber
  • originatingDefaultCallTimeout
  • originatingRule_criteria
  • originatingRule_action
  • originatingRule_timeSchedule
  • redirectingDefaultAction
  • redirectingDefaultCallTimeout
  • redirectingRule_criteria
  • redirectingRule_action
  • redirectingRule_timeSchedule
  • callMeNowDefaultAction
  • callMeNowDefaultCallTimeout
  • callMeNowRule_criteria
  • callMeNowRule_action
  • callMeNowRule_timeSchedule
  • incomingDefaultAction
  • incomingDefaultCallTimeout
  • incomingRule_criteria
  • incomingRule_action
  • incomingRule_timeSchedule

Meet Me Conferencing Report


The MeetMe Conferencing Report provides details about a User's Meet Me Conferencing settings and configuration. Can be used at the Cluster, ServiceProvider, and Group levels.


  • UserId - The id of the Broadworks User that the row relates to.
  • GroupId - The id of the Group that the User belongs to.
  • ServiceProviderId - The id of the Service Provider that the User belongs to.
  • LastName - The User's last name.
  • FirstName - The User's first name.
  • EmailAddress - The User's Email Address
  • Bridge ID - The ID of the Bridge that the conference is on.
  • Title - The title of the conference.
  • Max Participants - The maximum amount of participants allowed on the conference.
  • Security PIN enabled - Whether or not Security Pin is enabled for the conference.
  • Security PIN - The conference's security pin.
  • Schedule Type - The schedule type for the conference.
  • Phone Number - The bridge's phone number.
  • Extension - The bridge's extension.
  • Conference ID - The id of the conference.
  • Moderator ID - The id of the moderator for the conference.
  • Moderator Required - Whether or not a moderator is required.

User Registration Report


The User Registrations Report provides lists all users with a registered device in the specified entity. Can be used at the Cluster, Service Provider, and Group levels.


  • UserId - The id of the Broadworks User that the row relates to.
  • DeviceName - The name of the registered device.
  • DeviceLevel - The level of the registered device, i.e. Group, Service Provider, System
  • User-Agent - The name and software version of the of the device client (from the device's registration request User-Agent header).
  • Expiration - The registration expiry date, for dynamic registrations.

User Details Report


The User Details Report includes basic User information as well as select user service information. Can be used at the Cluster, Service Provider, and Group levels.


  • Type - The type of User i.e User, Call Center, HuntGroup, etc.
  • UserId - The id of the Broadworks User that the row relates to.
  • LastName - The User's last name.
  • FirstName - The User's first name.
  • GroupId - The id of the Group that the User belongs to.
  • ServiceProviderId - The id of the Service Provider that the User belongs to.
  • PhoneNumber - The User's phone number.
  • Extension - The User's extension.
  • LinePort - The line port of the User's primary device.
  • DeviceType - The device type of the User's primary device.
  • MacAddress - The mac address of the User's primary device.
  • DeviceName - The device name of the User's primary device.
  • AccessDeviceLevel - The device level of the User's primary device. i.e Group, Service Provider, System
  • ConfigurationMode - The Configuration mode of the User's primary device.
  • VoiceMailCarbonCopyAddress - The User's voice mail carbon copy email address.
  • isRegistered - Boolean value of whether or not the User's primary device is registered.
  • Services - A list of services that are assigned to the User.
  • ServicePacks - A list of service packs that are assigned to the User.
  • CLIDLastName - The User's Calling Line ID Last Name.
  • CLIDFirstName - The User's Calling Line ID First Name.
  • CLIDPhoneNumber - The User's Calling Line ID Phone Number.
  • HiraganaLastName - The User's Hiragana last name.
  • HiraganaFirstName - The User's Hiragana first name.
  • Language - The User's selected language.
  • TimeZone - The User's selected time zone.
  • TimeZoneDisplayName - The display name for the User's selected time zone.
  • DefaultAlias - The User's default alias.
  • CFAisActive - Whether or not Call Forwarding Always is active.
  • CFANumber - The User's Call Forwarding Always forward to number.
  • CFARingSplash - Whether or not Call Forwarding Always Ring Splash is selected.
  • CFBisActive - Whether or not Call Forwarding Busy is active.
  • CFBNumber - The User's Call Forwarding Busy forward to number.
  • CFNAisActive - Whether or not Call Forwarding Not Available is active.
  • CFNANumber - The User's Call Forwarding Not Available forward to number.
  • CFNARings - The User's Call Forwarding Not Available number if rings.
  • CallWaitingIsActive - Whether or not Call Waiting is active.
  • DisableCLIDDelivery - Whether or not Disable Calling Line ID Delivery is enabled.
  • CLIDBlocking - Whether or not Calling Line ID Blocking is enabled.
  • CallingNameRetrieval - Whether or not Calling Name Retrieval is enabled.
  • DNDIsActive - Whether or not Do Not Disturb is active.
  • DNDRingSplash - Whether or not Do Not Disturb Ring Splash is active.
  • ExternalCLIDDeliveryIsActive - Whether or not External Calling Line ID Delivery is active.
  • Department - The User's department.
  • NCOS - The User's selected Network Class Of Service.
  • InTrunkGroup - Whether or not the User is a trunking User.
  • IsPilotUser - Whether or not the User is a Pilot User.

User Service Assigned Report


The User Service Assigned Report details which Users within the current entity (Cluster, Service Provider, Group) have or don't have the provided service assigned. Can be used at the Cluster, Service Provider, and Group levels.


  • UserId - The id of the Broadworks User that the row relates to.
  • GroupId - The id of the Group that the User belongs to.
  • ServiceProviderId - The id of the Service Provider that the User belongs to.
  • ServiceName - The name of the User Service that is being checked for assignment.
  • ServiceIsAssigned - Boolean value that denotes whether or not the provided service is assigned.

User Service Details Report


The User Service Details Report provides details on what services are and are not assigned to Users within the provided entity. Can be used at the Cluster, Service Provider, and Group levels.


  • UserId - The id of the Broadworks User that the row relates to.
  • LastName - The User's last name.
  • FirstName - The User's first name.
  • GroupId - The id of the Group that the User belongs to.
  • ServiceProviderId - The id of the Service Provider that the User belongs to.
  • PhoneNumber - The User's phone number.
  • Extension - The User's extension.
  • The next columns will be the names of services and service packs assigned at the Group Level.

User Voice Portal Not Changed Report


The User Voice Portal Not Changed Report details whether or not Users in a Group, Service Provider, or Cluster have changed their default Voice Portal Password. Can be used at the Cluster, Service Provider, and Group levels.


  • UserId - The id of the Broadworks User that the row relates to.
  • LastName - The User's last name.
  • FirstName - The User's first name.
  • GroupId - The id of the Group that the User belongs to.
  • ServiceProviderId - The id of the Service Provider that the User belongs to.
  • PhoneNumber - The User's phone number.
  • Extension - The User's extension.
  • Voice Portal Changed - Whether or not the Voice Portal Passcode has been changed from the default value.
  • Last Modified Date - The last time the User was modified.

Device Details Report


The Device Details Report provides details about all devices in the system. This includes all System, Service Provider, and Group Access Devices.


  • Organization ID - The id of the Service Provider or Enterprise that the device belongs to if applicable.
  • Group ID - The id of the Group that the device belongs to if applicable.
  • Identity/Device Profile Name - The name of the device.
  • Identity/Device Profile Type - The device type.
  • MAC Address - The device's MAC address.
  • Configuration - The device's configuration type.
  • Access Protocol - The access protocol the device uses.
  • Provisioning URL - The provisioning URL to use to register the device.

Phone Numbers Report


The Phone Numbers Report provides information about where each number in the system is assigned and whether it is activated or not.


  • ServiceProviderId - The id of the Service Provider or Enterprise that the number is assigned to.
  • ServiceProviderName - The name of the Service Provider or Enterprise that the number is assigned to.
  • GroupId - The id of the Group that the number is assigned to if applicable.
  • GroupName - The name of the Group that the number is assigned to if applicable.
  • UserId - The id of the user the number is assigned to if applicable.
  • PhoneNumber - The phone number.
  • Activated - Whether or not the number is activated.

Audit Log Detail Report


The Audit Log Detail report provides condensed details about audit logs for the selected entity. The report can be ran from the Dashboard, Cluster, Service Provider, Device, Group, User, and Admin levels. To run the report, navigate to either a Latest Changes or History tab, choose the appropriate filters (if necessary), and then click the download button in the top right corner of the tab.


  • Request - The BroadWorks request that was performed.
  • Target - The target of the request, i.e. the entity affected by the request.
  • Target Type - The type of object the target is, i.e. User, Group, etc.
  • Modifier - The user/admin who performed the request
  • Modifier Type - The type of object the modifier is, i.e. System Admin, Group Admin, User, etc.
  • Cluster - The cluster the request was performed on.
  • Date - The date the request was performed.

Call Processing Call Limits Report


This report summarizes the Call Processing Limits set in BroadWorks for a set of Groups.


  • ServiceProviderId - Id of the Service Provider the Group belongs to.
  • GroupId - Id of the Group.
  • PolicyLevel - Whether the Service Provider or Group level rules are being used.
  • Max Concurrent Calls - Number of max concurrent calls supported.
  • Mac Concurrent Video Calls - Number of max concurrent video calls supported.
  • Max Duration for Answered Calls - Max call time (in minutes) for answered calls.
  • Max Duration for Unanswered Calls - Max call time (in minutes) for unanswered calls.
  • Max Concurrent Redirected Calls - Max number of redirected (simultaneous forwards) calls.
  • Max Concurrent Find Me/Follow Me Invocations - Max number of simultaneous call processing invocations (calls) for services with Follow Me redirection/
  • Max Find Me/Follow Me Depth - Max depth of forking for Simultaneous Ringing, Sequential Ringing, and Remote Office services.
  • Max Redirection Depth - Max depth (call chaining) during the redirection process.

Emergency CLID Report


Provides details on what phone number would appear to the 911 operator if the user was to make an emergency call.


  • ServiceProviderId - Id of the Service Provider.
  • GroupId - Id of the Group.
  • UserId - Id of the User.
  • PhoneNumber - Phone number for the User.
  • Extension - Extension for the User.
  • Source - Whether or not USE DN or USE CONFIGURABLE CLID is configured and what level it is set at.
  • Emergency CLIN - The phone number that will appear to the 911 operator if the User places an emergency call.

Custom Tag Status Report


The Custom Tag Status Report provides the values for the selected tags (or all tags in that entity (Group, SP, System) if not are specifically selected) on a per-device basis. Can be used at the Cluster, ServiceProvider, and Group levels.


  • Device Name - Name of the BroadWorks device.
  • Device Type - The IDPT.
  • Device Level - The device level, i.e. Group, Service Provider, System
  • Group - The Group the device belongs to (if applicable)
  • Service Provider - The Service Provider the device belongs to (if applicable).
  • Tag Set - The tag set assigned to the device (if applicable).
  • The rest of the columns headers represent the tag names that were chosen for the report. The cell values will be the devices value for that tag if the tag is configured for that device.

Cluster Status Widgets

Cluster Status Widgets appear on the dashboard for each Cluster that you have access to.

Alert Status

The alert status will cause the border of the widget to appear a different color based on the severity of the highest non-cleared alert.

  • Green - No current alerts
  • Yellow - Medium severity alert active
  • Red - High severity alert active
  • Blue - Low severity alert active
  • Grey - There is a cluster misconfiguration or the cluster is not configured for the user.

The number of un-acknowledged alerts will be displayed on the right side of the status widget. Clicking this will re-direct you to the Cluster's alert page.

CommuniGate Voicemail Wizard


The CommuniGate Voicemail Wizard assists in the provisioning of voicemail only Users and their configuration within BroadWorks and CommuniGate Pro. The wizard collects the basic information as needed and performs a sequence of provisioning steps to create the user.


The CommuniGate Voicemail Wizard can be accessed via the Tools dropdown in the header bar. Note that this will not appear if it is not licensed.

Begin by filling out the settings bar with the information desired to create the user.

  • Residential / Commercial - This radio button modifies the Group ID created to prepend "r" for residential or "b" for commercial (business). Setting this to residential also enabled voice-portal auto login.
  • Number - The number to be added and assigned to the User.
  • Digiport - This controls which SMDI server route is used for the User.
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • User Limit - The User limit for the created Group. Defaults to 5.
  • Web Portal Password - The initial web portal password for the user.
  • Voice Portal Passcode - The initial voice portal passcode for the user.

When the settings have been entered click Create to begin the procedure.

The wizard will begin and follow the following process.

  • Add the number to the Service Provider
  • Create a new Group in the Service Provider
  • Authorize Services
  • Assign Phone Number
  • Set Calling Line ID Number
  • Modify Group Extension Length
  • Set Group Outgoing Calling Plan
  • Set Group Password Rules
  • Set Group Passcode Rules
  • Set Group Voice Portal Settings
  • Create User
  • Assign Services
  • Assign Voice Portal Passcode
  • Set Voice Management Options
  • Set Advanced Voice Management Options
  • Set Message Waiting Indicator Options
  • Add Alias
  • Add SMDI Route
  • Create the mailbox on CommuniGate Pro Server

The status of the creation will appear in the status log. This is updated every 30 seconds and immediately following completion of the procedure.

Alpaca User Creation

Creates Alpaca Users from BroadWorks Admins. This task can be ran from the Cluster, Service Provider, and Group levels. Note that this task resets the BroadWorks password of the Admin to a randomly generated value. All passwords will be exported to a password-protected spreadsheet once the task has completed.


  • includeSystemAdmins - Creates Alpaca Users from System Admins within the selected entity.
  • includeProvisoningAdmins - Creates Alpaca Users from Provisioning Admins within the selected entity.
  • includeServiceProvdierAdmins - Creates Alpaca Users from Service Provider Admins within the selected entity.
  • includeGroupAdmins - Creates Alpaca Users from Group Admins within the selected entity.
  • includeDepartAdmins - Creates Alpaca Users from Department Admins within the selected entity.
  • systemAdminRole - The Alpaca Role that will be assigned to Alpaca Users created from System Admins.
  • systemProvsioningRole - The Alpaca Role that will be assigned to Alpaca Users created from Provisioning Admins.
  • systemServiceProviderRole - The Alpaca Role that will be assigned to Alpaca Users created from Service Provider Admins.
  • systemGroupRole - The Alpaca Role that will be assigned to Alpaca Users created from Group Admins.
  • systemDepartmentRole - The Alpaca Role that will be assigned to Alpaca Users created from Department Admins.
  • sendEmail1 - If set, once the task is complete, an email with the password-protected spreadsheet will be sent to the email address of the Alpaca User who started the task.

You will be prompted for a password for the exported spreadsheet. The password must be at least 6 characters.


  • If an Alpaca User already exists with the username or email address of a BroadWorks Admin, another will not be created.

Alpaca Command Line Interface


The Alpaca CLI is an optional client for the Alpaca Server that provides easy access to a number of useful provisioning tools. The CLI connects via HTTPS to the server and works in tandem with the web interface to increase productivity.

Installation instruction are located here. Configuration instructions are located here.


Launch the Alpaca CLI from your terminal using ./alpaca-cli. Once Alpaca has launched, you will need to log in.

Logging In

An Alpaca User (configured in the Alpaca Web Interface) is required to log in to the CLI.

Once the application has started, use the login command to log in as an Alpaca User.

login [username] [password]

A successful login will return true and the CLI prompt.


Once logged in, the CLI command will become available.


Some CLI commands are accessible globally (from every location) others require that you be at a particular location to be able to run.

Global System Commands
    cd: Changes the current directory into the target location
    count: Retrieves count of objects at the current location.
    get: Retrieves the objects from the current location.
    login: Login to the Alpaca Server
    logout: Logout of the Alpaca Server
    web-socket-connect: Connects to the Alpaca WebSocket.
    web-socket-disconnect: Disconnects the Alpaca WebSocket.
    clear: Clear the shell screen.
    exit, quit: Exit the shell.
    help: Display help about available commands.
    script: Read and execute commands from a file.
    stacktrace: Display the full stacktrace of the last error.
    import-service-provider: Imports a Service Provider to the Cluster
Service Provider
    export-service-provider: Exports a Service Provider
    import-group: Imports a Group into the Service Provider
    migrate-service-provider: Migrates a Service Provider
   export-group: Exports a Group
   import-user: Imports a User into the Group
   migrate-group: Migrates a Group
   export-user: Exports a User
   migrate-user: Migrates a User

The help command can be used anywhere in the application. Typing help will give you a list of all commands. Note that commands marked with an * are unavailable at your current location. Typing help <command> will provide you with detailed information about the specific command.

Alpaca/:> help login

    login - Login to the Alpaca Server

    login [--username] string  [--password] string  

    --username  string


    --password  string


Alpaca Connectivity


  • OCI-P: 2208
  • TimesTen: 11203
  • HTTP: 80
  • HTTPS: 443
  • FTP: 20

Comprehensive Feature List


BroadWorks Objects

Header Search Field
  • Search for Service Providers/Enterprises from anywhere via the header search field.
  • Search for Groups from anywhere via the header search field.
  • Search for Users from anywhere via the header search field.
  • Search for Group Access Devices from anywhere via the header search field.
  • Search for Service Provider Access Devices from anywhere via the header search field.
  • Search for System Admins from anywhere via the header search field.
  • Search for Service Provider Admins from anywhere via the header search field.
  • Search for Group Admins from anywhere via the header search field.
  • Search for Department Admins from anywhere via the header search field.
  • Search for Provisioning Admins from anywhere via the header search field.
  • Filter BroadWorks Object searches by "Object Type".
  • Filter BroadWorks Object searches by "Cluster".
  • Sort search results by "Id".
  • Sort search results by "Name".
  • Sort search results by "Created Date".
  • Sort search results by "Last Modified".
  • Sort search results by "Status".
Cluster Page
  • Search for Service Providers/Enterprises within the Cluster.
    • Sort search results by "Id".
    • Sort search results by "Name".
    • Sort search results by "isEnterprise".
    • Sort search results by "Last Modified".
  • Search for Administrators within the Cluster.
    • Sort search results by "Id".
    • Sort search results by "Name".
    • Sort search results by "Type".
  • Search for System Access Devices within the Cluster.
    • Sort search results by "Name".
    • Sort search results by "Mac Address".
    • Sort search results by "Device Type".
Service Provider/Enterprise Page
  • Search for Groups within the Service Provider/Enterprise.
    • Sort search results by "Id".
    • Sort search results by "Name".
    • Sort search results by "User Limit".
    • Sort search results by "Last Updated".
  • Search for Service Provider Access Devices within the Service Provider/Enterprise.
    • Sort search results by "Name".
    • Sort search results by "Mac Address".
    • Sort search results by "Device Type".
Group Page
  • Search for Users within the Group.
    • Sort search results by "Id".
    • Sort search results by "First Name".
    • Sort search results by "Last Name".
    • Sort search results by "Phone Number".
    • Sort search results by "Extension".
    • Sort search results by "Email".
    • Sort search results by "Last Updated".
  • Search for Group Access Devices within the Group.
    • Sort search results by "Name".
    • Sort search results by "Mac Address".
    • Sort search results by "Device Type".

Audit Logs

Dashboard Level
  • View "Latest Changes" for all connected clusters via the Dashboard.
  • Filter "Latest Changes" that contain a provided string.
  • Filter "Latest Changes" by time frame - "Any".
  • Filter "Latest Changes" by time frame - "This Week".
  • Filter "Latest Changes" by time frame - "Last Week".
  • Filter "Latest Changes" by time frame - "This Month".
  • Filter "Latest Changes" by time frame - "Last Month".
  • Filter "Latest Changes" by time frame - "Custom".
  • Filter "Latest Changes" by Cluster.
  • View the "Raw" data for an Audit Log Entry.
  • View the "JSON" data for an Audit Log Entry.
  • Sort search results by "Target".
  • Sort search results by "Performed By".
  • Sort search results by "Date".
Cluster Level
  • View "History" for Cluster.
  • Filter "History" that contain a provided string.
  • Filter "History" by time frame - "Any".
  • Filter "History" by time frame - "This Week".
  • Filter "History" by time frame - "Last Week".
  • Filter "History" by time frame - "This Month".
  • Filter "History" by time frame - "Last Month".
  • Filter "History" by time frame - "Custom".
  • View the "Raw" data for an Audit Log Entry.
  • View the "JSON" data for an Audit Log Entry.
  • Sort search results by "Target".
  • Sort search results by "Performed By".
  • Sort search results by "Date".
Service Provider/Enterprise Level
  • View "History" for Service Provider/Enterprise.
  • Filter "History" that contain a provided string.
  • Filter "History" by time frame - "Any".
  • Filter "History" by time frame - "This Week".
  • Filter "History" by time frame - "Last Week".
  • Filter "History" by time frame - "This Month".
  • Filter "History" by time frame - "Last Month".
  • Filter "History" by time frame - "Custom".
  • View the "Raw" data for an Audit Log Entry.
  • View the "JSON" data for an Audit Log Entry.
  • Sort search results by "Target".
  • Sort search results by "Performed By".
  • Sort search results by "Date".
Group Level
  • View "History" for Group.
  • Filter "History" that contain a provided string.
  • Filter "History" by time frame - "Any".
  • Filter "History" by time frame - "This Week".
  • Filter "History" by time frame - "Last Week".
  • Filter "History" by time frame - "This Month".
  • Filter "History" by time frame - "Last Month".
  • Filter "History" by time frame - "Custom".
  • View the "Raw" data for an Audit Log Entry.
  • View the "JSON" data for an Audit Log Entry.
  • Sort search results by "Target".
  • Sort search results by "Performed By".
  • Sort search results by "Date".
User Level
  • View "History" for User.
  • Filter "History" that contain a provided string.
  • Filter "History" by time frame - "Any".
  • Filter "History" by time frame - "This Week".
  • Filter "History" by time frame - "Last Week".
  • Filter "History" by time frame - "This Month".
  • Filter "History" by time frame - "Last Month".
  • Filter "History" by time frame - "Custom".
  • View the "Raw" data for an Audit Log Entry.
  • View the "JSON" data for an Audit Log Entry.
  • Sort search results by "Target".
  • Sort search results by "Performed By".
  • Sort search results by "Date".


  • Manage alerting system-wide or for an individual Cluster via the "Settings" tab.
  • License Alerts
  • Blacklist Admin Alerts
  • Password Change Alerts
  • Unusual Time Change Alerts
  • High Volume of Change Alerts
  • BroadWorks Connection Failure Alerts
  • Audit Log Read Failure Alerts
  • Admin Created Alerts
  • Admin Deleted Alerts
  • User Created Alerts
  • Receive email notifications for new, cleared, and batched alerts with customizable templates.

Dashboard Features

  • Monitor status of each connected BroadWorks Cluster.
  • View number of available and unavailable BroadWorks Clusters.
  • Run an Audit Log Detail Report.

Cluster Level Features

  • Monitor License Usage with an interactive graph.
  • View and acknowledge alerts.
  • View number of Groups, Group Devices, Users, and Service Provider Devices.


  • Import a Service Provider/Enterprise.
  • Enabled Polycom Phone Services for a device type.
  • Create a Voicemail User within BroadWorks and Communigate Pro.


  • Call Processing Call Limits Report
  • Communication Barring Criteria Report
  • Communication Barring Profile Report
  • Device Details Report
  • Emergency CLID Report
  • Group Service Assigned Report
  • Meet Me Conferencing Details Report
  • Phone Number Report
  • User Call Forwarding Always Details Report
  • User Details Report
  • User Migration Encumbrance Report
  • User Registrations Report
  • User Service Assigned Report
  • User Service Details Report
  • Voice Messaging Not Changed Report

Service Provider/Enterprise Level Features

Manage BroadWorks Service Provider/Enterprise Services/Settings

  • Administrators
  • Advice Of Charge
  • Assign Domains
  • Assign Network Classes of Service
  • Assign Office Zones
  • Assign Route Point External Systems
  • Assign System Defined Communication Barring Criteria
  • Assign System Defined Communication Barring Incoming Criteria
  • BroadWorks Mobility
  • Call Processing Policies
  • Carriers
  • Comm Barr Profiles
  • Dial Plan Policy
  • Dialable Caller Id
  • Digit Pattern Criteria
  • Endpoints
  • Feature Access Codes
  • Group Paging Targets Capacity
  • Integrated IM&P
  • Malicious Call Trace
  • MWI Delivery to Mobile Endpoint
  • Number Portability Query
  • Numbers
  • Profile
  • Routing Profile
  • Schedules
  • Service Pack Usage
  • Service Packs
  • Services
  • Session Admission Control Capacity
  • Session Admission Control White List
  • Trunking Call Capacity
  • Voice Messaging
  • Voice Portal
  • Zone Calling Restrictions
Enterprise Only Services/Settings
  • Agent Default Settings
  • Agent Theshold Profiles


  • Group Import
  • Service Provider Export
  • Service Provider Delete
  • Service Provider Migration
  • Service Provider Rename
  • Reset Service Provider SIP Authentication
  • Group Add


  • Call Processing Call Limits Report
  • Device Details Report
  • Emergency CLID Report
  • Group Service Assigned Report
  • Meet Me Conferencing Details Report
  • Phone Number Report
  • User Call Forwarding Always Report
  • User Details Report
  • User Migration Encumbrance Report
  • User Registrations Report
  • User Service Assigned Report
  • User Service Details Report
  • Voice Messaging Not Changed Report

Group Level Features

  • View Registration information for Devices in the Group.

Manage BroadWorks Group Services/Settings

  • Acct/Auth Codes - Administration
  • Acct/Auth Codes - Codes Management
  • Activate Numbers
  • Advice of Charge
  • Agent Default Settings
  • Agent Threshold Profiles
  • Agent Unavailable Codes
  • Assign Domains
  • Assign Enterprise Trunk Number Prefixes
  • Assign Enterprise Trunk Number Ranges
  • Assign Group Services
  • Assign Network Classes of Service
  • Assign Numbers
  • Assign Office Zones
  • Assign Route Point External Systems
  • Auto Attendant
  • BroadWorks Anywhere
  • Call Capacity
  • Call Centers
  • Call Disposition Codes
  • Call Park
  • Call Pickup
  • Call Processing Policies
  • Call Recording Platform
  • Collaborate Bridges
  • Communication Barring - Profiles
  • Communication Barring Authorization Codes
  • Departments
  • Device Configuration
  • Device Management Event Queues
  • Dial Plan Policy
  • Dialable Caller ID
  • Enterprise Trunk
  • Exchange Integration
  • Existing User Services
  • Find-me/Follow-me
  • Flexible Seating Host
  • Group Night Forwarding
  • Group Paging
  • Group Paging Targets Capacity
  • Group Web Policies
  • Hunt Group
  • IMRNs
  • Incoming Calling Plan
  • Instant Group Call
  • Integrated IM&P
  • Intercept Group
  • Meet-Me Conference Bridges
  • Meet-Me Conference Ports
  • Mobile Subscriber Directory Numbers
  • Music/Video On Hold
  • MWI Delivery to Mobile Endpoint
  • New User Services Template
  • Outgoing Calling Plan
  • Outgoing Digit Plan
  • Outgoing Pinhole Digit Plan
  • Passcode Rules
  • Password Rules
  • Pinhole Digit Strings
  • Polycom Phone Services
  • Pre-Alerting Announcement
  • Preferred Carrier Group
  • Profile
  • Routing Policy Settings
  • Routing Profile
  • Schedules
  • Services
  • Session Admission Control Capacity
  • Session Admission Control Group
  • Third-Party Voice Mail Support
  • Transfer Numbers
  • Trunk Group
  • Trunking Call Capacity
  • Virtual On-Net Users
  • Voice Messaging
  • Voice Portal
  • Voice XML


  • Group Migration
  • User Import
  • Group Export
  • Group Delete
  • User Collection Migration
  • Group to Enterprise Migration
  • Bulk Provisioning
  • Bulk User Delete
  • Reset Group SIP Authentication
  • User Add


  • Call Processing Call Limits Report
  • Device Details Report
  • Group Service Assigned Report
  • Meet Me Conferencing Details Report
  • Phone Number Report
  • User Call Forwarding Always Report
  • User Details Report
  • User Migration Encumbrances Report
  • User Registrations Report
  • User Service Assigned Report
  • User Service Details Report
  • Voice Messaging Not Changed Report

Auto Attendant Level Features

Manage Auto Attendant Services/Settings

  • Addresses
  • After Hours Menu
  • Aliases
  • Alternate Numbers
  • Announcement Repository
  • Anonymous Call Rejection
  • Assign Services
  • Basic Call Logs
  • Business Hours Menu
  • Call Application Policies
  • Call Forwarding Always
  • Call Forwarding Always Busy
  • Call Forwarding Always Secondary
  • Call Forwarding Always Selective
  • Call Me Now
  • Call Notify
  • Call Policies
  • Call Recording
  • Calling Line ID Delivery Blocking
  • Charge Number
  • Communication Barring User-Control
  • Connected Line Identification Restriction
  • Custom Ringback User / Video
  • Distribution Lists
  • Diversion Inhibitor
  • Do Not Disturb
  • Enhanced Call Logs
  • External Custom Ringback
  • Fax Messaging
  • Feature Access Codes
  • Greetings
  • Group Night Forwarding
  • Holiday Menu
  • Incoming Calling Plan
  • Outgoing Authorization Codes
  • Outgoing Calling Plan
  • Outgoing Digit Plan
  • Outgoing MWI
  • Outgoing Pinhole Digit Plan
  • Voice Portal Passcode
  • Pre-Alerting Announcement
  • Priority Alert
  • Privacy
  • Profile
  • Selective Call Acceptance
  • Selective Call Rejection
  • Submenus
  • Third-Party Voice Mail Support
  • Transfer Numbers
  • Voice Messaging User / Video
  • Voice Portal
  • Zone Calling Restrictions

Hunt Group Level Features

Manage Hunt Group Services/Settings

  • Addresses
  • Aliases
  • Alternate Numbers
  • Announcement Repository
  • Anonymous Call Rejection
  • Assign Services
  • Basic Call Logs
  • Call Application Policies
  • Call Forwarding Always
  • Call Forwarding Always Busy
  • Call Forwarding Always Secondary
  • Call Forwarding Always Selective
  • Call Me Now
  • Call Notify
  • Call Policies
  • Calling Line ID Delivery Blocking
  • Calling Name Retrieval
  • Charge Number
  • Communication Barring User-Control
  • Connected Line Identification Restriction
  • Custom Ringback User / Video
  • Directory Number Hunting
  • Distribution Lists
  • Diversion Inhibitor
  • Do Not Disturb
  • Enhanced Call Logs
  • External Custom Ringback
  • Fax Messaging
  • Feature Access Codes
  • Greetings
  • Group Night Forwarding
  • Incoming Calling Plan
  • Outgoing Authorization Codes
  • Outgoing Calling Plan
  • Outgoing Digit Plan
  • Outgoing MWI
  • Outgoing Pinhole Digit Plan
  • Voice Portal Passcode
  • Pre-Alerting Announcement
  • Priority Alert
  • Privacy
  • Profile
  • Selective Call Acceptance
  • Selective Call Rejection
  • SMDI Message Desk
  • Third-Party Voice Mail Support
  • Transfer Numbers
  • Voice Messaging User / Video
  • Voice Portal
  • Zone Calling Restrictions

Call Center Level Features

Manage Call Center Services/Settings

  • Addresses
  • Agents
  • Aliases
  • Alternate Numbers
  • Announcement Repository
  • Announcements
  • Anonymous Call Rejection
  • Assign Services
  • Basic Call Logs
  • Bounced Calls
  • Call Application Policies
  • Call Disposition Codes
  • Call Forwarding Always
  • Call Forwarding Always Busy
  • Call Forwarding Always Secondary
  • Call Forwarding Always Selective
  • Call Me Now
  • Call Notify
  • Call Policies
  • Call Recording
  • Calling Line ID Delivery Blocking
  • Calling Name Retrieval
  • Charge Number
  • Comfort Message Bypass
  • Communication Barring User-Control
  • Connected Line Identification Restriction
  • Custom Ringback User/Video
  • Directory Number Hunting
  • Distinctive Ringing
  • Distribution List
  • Diversion Inhibitor
  • DNIS
  • Do Not Disturb
  • Enhanced Call Logs
  • External Custom Ringback
  • Fax Messaging
  • Feature Access Codes
  • Forced Forwarding
  • Greetings
  • Group Night Forwarding
  • Holiday Service
  • Incoming Calling Plan
  • Night Service
  • Outgoing Authorization Codes
  • Outgoing Calling Plan
  • Outgoing Digit Plan
  • Outgoing MWI
  • Outgoing Pinhole Digit Plan
  • Overflow
  • Pre-Alerting Announcement
  • Priority Alert
  • Privacy
  • Profile
  • Queue Status Notification
  • Selective Call Acceptance
  • Selective Call Rejection
  • Standed Calls
  • Status & Statistics
  • Stranded Calls - Unavailable
  • Supervisors
  • Third-Party Voice Mail Support
  • Thresholds
  • Transfer Numbers
  • Virtual On-Net Enterprise Extensions
  • Voice Messaging User / Video
  • Voice Portal
  • Zone Calling Restrictions
  • Voice Portal Passcode
  • Web Access Password

Trunk Group Level Features

Manage Trunk Group Settings

  • Profile
  • Call Forwarding Always
  • Capacity Management
  • Stateful Trunk Group Rerouting
  • Unreachable Destination
  • Trunk Group User Creation
  • Registrations
  • Security Classification

Meet Me Conference Bridge Level Features

Manage Meet Me Conference Bridge Services/Settings

  • Addresses
  • Aliases
  • Alternate Numbers
  • Announcement Repository
  • Anonymous Call Rejection
  • Assign Services
  • Call Application Policies
  • Call Forwarding Always
  • Call Forwarding Always Busy
  • Call Forwarding Always Secondary
  • Call Forwarding Always Selective
  • Call Notify
  • Call Policies
  • Call Transfer
  • Calling Line ID Delivery Blocking
  • Calling Name Retrieval
  • Calling Party Category
  • Charge Number
  • Classmark
  • Communication Barring Authorization Codes
  • Communication Barring User-Control
  • Connected Line Identification Restriction
  • Distribution Lists
  • Diversion Inhibitor
  • Do Not Disturb
  • Fax Messaging
  • Feature Access Codes
  • Greetings
  • Group Night Forwarding
  • Incoming Calling Plan
  • Outgoing Authorization Codes
  • Outgoing Calling Plan
  • Outgoing Digit Plan
  • Outgoing MWI
  • Outgoing Pinhole Digit Plan
  • Password
  • Pre-Alerting Announcement
  • Privacy
  • Profile
  • Selective Call Acceptance
  • Selective Call Rejection
  • Third-Party Voice Mail Support
  • Transfer Numbers
  • Voice Messaging User / Video
  • Voice Portal
  • Zone Calling Restrictions

BroadWorks Anywhere Portal Level Features

Manage BroadWorks Anywhere Portal Services/Settings

  • Addresses
  • Aliases
  • Alternate Numbers
  • Announcement Repository
  • Anonymous Call Rejection
  • Assign Services
  • Basic Call Logs
  • Call Application Policies
  • Call Forwarding Always
  • Call Forwarding Always Secondary
  • Call Forwarding Busy
  • Call Forwarding Selective
  • Call Me Now
  • Call Notify
  • Call Policies
  • Calling Line ID Delivery Blocking
  • Charge Number
  • Communication Barring User-Control
  • Connected Line Identification Restrictions
  • Custom Ringback User/Video
  • Distribution Lists
  • Diversion Inhibitor
  • Do Not Disturb
  • Enhanced Call Logs
  • External Custom Ringback
  • Fax Messaging
  • Feature Access Codes
  • Greetings
  • Group Night Forwarding
  • Incoming Calling Plan
  • Outgoing Authorization Codes
  • Outgoing Calling Plan
  • Outgoing Digit Plan
  • Outgoing MWI
  • Outgoing Pinhole Digit Plan
  • Pre-alerting Announcement
  • Priority Alert
  • Privacy
  • Profile
  • Selective Call Acceptance
  • Selective Call Rejection
  • Third-Party Voice Mail Support
  • Transfer Numbers
  • Voice Messaging User/Video
  • Zone Calling Restrictions

Group Paging Level Features

Manage Group Paging Services/Settings

  • Addresses
  • Announcement Repository
  • Assign Services
  • Call Application Policies
  • Call Forwarding Always Secondary
  • Call Notify
  • Call Policies
  • Charge Number
  • Communication Barring User-Control
  • Custom Ringback User
  • Feature Access Codes
  • Group Night Forwarding
  • Line ID Blocking
  • Originators
  • Pre-Alerting Announcement
  • Privacy
  • Profile
  • Selective Acceptance
  • Selective Rejection
  • Targets

Find-Me/Follow-Me Level Features

Manage Find-Me/Follow-Me Services/Settings

  • Addresses
  • Alerting Groups
  • Aliases
  • Alternate Numbers
  • Announcement Repository
  • Anonymous Call Rejection
  • Assign Services
  • Call Application Policies
  • Call Forwarding Always
  • Call Forwarding Always Busy
  • Call Forwarding Not Reachable
  • Call Forwarding Secondary
  • Call Forwarding Selective
  • Call Me Now
  • Call Notify
  • Call Policies
  • Calling Line ID Delivery Blocking
  • Charge Number
  • Communication Barring Authorization Codes
  • Communication Barring User-Control
  • Connected Line Identification Restriction
  • Custom Ringback User
  • Distribution Lists
  • Diversion Inhibitor
  • Do Not Disturb
  • External Ringback User
  • Feature Access Codes
  • Greetings
  • Group NIght Forwarding
  • Incoming Calling Plan
  • Outgoing Authorization Codes
  • Outgoing Calling Plan
  • Outgoing Digit Plan
  • Outgoing MWI
  • Outgoing Pinhole Digit Plan
  • Password
  • Pre-Alerting Announcement
  • Privacy
  • Profile
  • Selective Call Acceptance
  • Selective Call Rejection
  • Third-Party Voice Mail Support
  • Transfer Numbers
  • Voice Messaging User / Video
  • Voice Portal
  • Zone Calling Restrictions

Instant Group Call Level Features

Manage Instant Group Call Services/Settings

  • Addresses
  • Aliases
  • Alternate Numbers
  • Announcement Repository
  • Anonymous Rejection
  • Assign Services
  • Call Application Policies
  • Call Forwarding Always
  • Call Forwarding Always Secondary
  • Call Forwarding Busy
  • Call Forwarding Selective
  • Call Me Now
  • Call Notify
  • Call Policies
  • Charge Number
  • Communication Barring User-Control
  • Connected Line Identification Restriction
  • Custom Ringback User
  • Distribution Lists
  • Diversion Inhibitor
  • Do Not Disturb
  • External Custom Ringback
  • Fax Messaging
  • Feature Access Codes
  • Greetings
  • Group Night Forwarding
  • Incoming Calling Plan
  • Line ID Blocking
  • Outgoing Authorization Codes
  • Outgoing Calling Plan
  • Outgoing Digit Plan
  • Outgoing MWI
  • Outgoing Pinhole Digit Plan
  • Password
  • Pre-Alerting Announcement
  • Priority Alert
  • Privacy
  • Profile
  • Selective Acceptance
  • Selective Rejection
  • Third-Party Voice Mail Support
  • Transfer Numbers
  • Voice Management
  • Voice Portal
  • Zone Calling Restrictions

Flexible Seating Host Level Features

Manage Flexible Seating Host Services/Settings

  • Addresses
  • Assign Services
  • Authentication
  • Basic Call Logs
  • Call Application Policies
  • Call Policies
  • Charge Number
  • Enhanced Call Logs
  • Guest Association
  • Line ID Blocking
  • Privacy
  • Profile
  • Routing Policies

Access Device Level Features

Manage Access Device Services/Settings

  • Custom Tags
  • Files
  • Profile
  • Tag Set


  • Access Device Migration
  • Access Device Tag Compressor

User Level Features

Manage BroadWorks User Services/Settings

  • Addresses
  • Advice Of Charge
  • Aliases
  • Alternate Numbers
  • Alternate User Ids
  • Announcement Repository
  • Anonymous Call Rejection
  • Assign Call Centers
  • Route Point Supervisors
  • Assign Services
  • Authentication
  • Automatic Callback
  • Automatic Hold/Retrieve
  • Barge-in Exempt
  • Basic Call Logs
  • Bridges
  • BroadWorks Agent
  • BroadWorks Anywhere
  • BroadWorks Mobility
  • BroadWorks Receptionist - Enterprise
  • BroadWorks Receptionist - Office
  • BroadWorks Receptionist - Small Business
  • BroadWorks Supervisor
  • Business Communicator Desktop
  • Business Communicator Desktop - Audio
  • Business Communicator Desktop - Video
  • Business Communicator Mobile
  • Business Communicator Mobile - Audio
  • Business Communicator Mobile - Video
  • Business Communicator Tablet
  • Business Communicator Tablet - Audio
  • Business Communicator Tablet - Video
  • Busy Lamp Field
  • Call Application Policies
  • Call Centers
  • Call Forwarding Always
  • Call Forwarding Always Secondary
  • Call Forwarding Busy
  • Call Forwarding No Answer
  • Call Forwarding Not Reachable
  • Call Forwarding Selective
  • Call Me Now
  • Call Notify
  • Call Policies
  • Call Processing Policies
  • Call Recording
  • Call Return
  • Call Transfer
  • Call Waiting
  • Calling Line ID Blocking Override
  • Calling Line ID Delivery Blocking
  • Calling Name Delivery
  • Calling Name Retrieval
  • Calling Party Category
  • Charge Number
  • Classmark
  • Client License 15 (Broadworks IBM Sametime Connector)
  • Client License 16 (UC-Connect Client License)
  • Client License 3 (BroadWorks AssistantEnterprise)
  • Collaborate - Sharing
  • Collaborate Rooms
  • CommPilot Express
  • Communication Barring Authorization Codes
  • Communication Barring User-Control
  • Conference Room
  • Conferences
  • Connected Line Identification Restriction
  • Custom Ringback User
  • Customer Originated Trace
  • Device Policies
  • Direct Route
  • Directed Call Pickup
  • Directed Call PIckup with Barge-in
  • Distribution Lists
  • Diversion Inhibitor
  • Do Not Disturb
  • Enhanced Call Logs
  • Executive
  • Executive-Assitant
  • External Calling Line ID Delivery
  • External Custom Ringback
  • Fax Messaging
  • Feature Access Codes
  • Flash Call Hold
  • Flexible Seating Guest
  • Greetings
  • Group Directory
  • Group Night Forwarding
  • Hoteling Guest
  • Hoteling Host
  • In-Call Service Activation
  • Incoming Calling Plan
  • Integrated IM&P
  • Intercept User
  • Internal Calling Line ID Delivery
  • Last Number Redial
  • Meet Me Recordings
  • MobileLink
  • Music/Video On Hold
  • MWI Delivery to Mobile Endpoint
  • N-Way Call
  • Number Portability Announcement
  • Office Communicator Tab
  • Office Zone
  • Outgoing Authorization Codes
  • Outgoing Calling Plan
  • Outgoing Digit Plan
  • Outgoing MWI
  • Outgoing Pinhole Digit Plan
  • Personal Phone List
  • Physical Location
  • Polycom Phone Services
  • Pre-Alerting Announcement
  • Preferred Carrier User
  • Prepaid
  • Priority Alert
  • Privacy
  • Profile
  • Push Notification Registrations
  • Push to Talk
  • Remote Office
  • Route List
  • Schedules
  • Security Classification
  • Selective Acceptance
  • Selective Rejection
  • Sequential Ring
  • Shared Call Appearance
  • Silent Alerting
  • Simultaneous Ring Personal
  • Speed Dial 100
  • Speed Dial 8
  • Third-Party MWI Control
  • Third-Party Voice Mail Support
  • Three-Way Call
  • Transfer Numbers
  • Two-Stage Dialing
  • Video Add-On
  • Voice Management
  • Voice Portal
  • Voice Portal Calling
  • Voice Portal Passcode
  • Web Access Password
  • Zone Calling Restrictions


  • Delete Voicemail User
  • Reset Email Password
  • User Export
  • User Delete
  • User Migration
  • Reset User SIP Authentication
  • Reset User Passwords
  • User Replace
  • Enable Cisco Soft Client

Task Level Features

  • View Running/Queued/Recent/Recurring Tasks
  • Pause/Resume Task Manager
  • Search through Task History
    • Filter by status - "All".
    • Filter by status - "Running".
    • Filter by status - "Initializing".
    • Filter by status - "Queued".
    • Filter by status - "Paused".
    • Filter by status - "Stopped".
    • Filter by status - "Cancelled".
    • Filter by status - "Finished".
    • Sort by "Status".
    • Sort by "Name".
    • Sort by "Created Date".
    • Sort by "Scheduled Date".
    • Sort by "Completed Date".
    • Sort by "Progress".

Individual Task Features

  • View the status of task and percentage complete.
  • View started time, created by, and location information.
  • View task logs.
  • Download task logs.
  • Download task attachments (Reports, Exports, etc.)

Admin Level Features

Alpaca Users

  • View current users.
    • Sort by "Username".
    • Sort by "Name".
    • Sort by "Email".
    • Sort by "Alpaca Role".
    • Sort by "Last Modified Date".
  • Edit users.
  • Delete users.

BroadWorks Clusters

  • View clusters.
  • Edit clusters.
  • Delete clusters.

Alpaca Roles

  • View roles.
  • Add roles.
  • Edit roles.
  • Delete roles.

System Metrics

  • View JVM metrics.
  • View HTTP request metrics.
  • View Service statistics.

Account Level Features

  • Update account information.
  • Reset password.
  • Add BroadWorks credentials.
  • Remove BroadWorks credentials.
  • Update BroadWorks credentials.

Exported Data

Service Provider / Enterprise Shared Data

  • List of Activatable Features for the system.
  • Information objects for all Service Provider Access Devices within the Service Provider.
  • List of announcement files used by the Service Provider. *
  • List containing all of the ids of Groups in the Service Provider.
  • Information objects for all Groups within the Service Provider.
  • List containing all of the ids of Admins within the Service Provider.
  • Mapping of Admin ids to their detailed data.
  • Mapping of Admin ids to their login information. **
  • Mapping of Admin ids to their policy details.
  • Service Provider Answer confirmation details.
  • Call Processing Policy details.
  • Preferred Carrier details.
  • Communication Barring Assigned Criteria list.
  • Communication Barring Assigned Incoming Criteria list.
  • Communication Barring Profile list.
  • Mapping of Communication Barring Profile name to profile details.
  • Communication Barring Digit Pattern Criteria list.
  • Mapping of Communication Barring Digit Pattern Criteria name to digit pattern details.
  • Device Profile Authentication Password Rules.
  • Dialable Caller ID details.
  • Dialable Caller ID Criteria details.
  • Dial Plan Policy details.
  • Dial Plan Policy Access Code list.
  • Digit Collection details.
  • List of all DNs within the Service Provider.
  • List of domains assigned to the Service Provider.
  • Enhanced Call Logs details.
  • Feature Access Code details.
  • List of File Repository Users. **
  • Mapping of File Repository User id to password. **
  • Group Paging Targets Capacity details.
  • IMRN details.
  • Integrated IM&P Password. **
  • Meet Me Conferencing details.
  • Mapping of Mobile Subscriber Directory Numbers to Network.
  • List of Network Class of Services assigned to the Service Provider.
  • Number Portability Query details.
  • List of Office Zones assigned to the Service Provider.
  • Voice Portal Passcode Rules.
  • Web Portal Password Rules.
  • SIP Authentication Password Rules.
  • Route Point External System list.
  • Routing Profile details.
  • List of Schedules.
  • Mapping of Schedules to their events.
  • System Licensing detail.
  • Service Authorization details.
  • List of Service Packs within the Service Provider.
  • Service Provider Service settings.
  • Session Admission Control Capacity details.
  • Session Admission Control Whitelist details.
  • System TimeZone list.
  • Language list.
  • Application Server Set details.
  • Voice Portal Branding details.
  • System Password Rules.
  • System Passcode Rules.

Enterprise Only Data

  • Enterprise Service Settings.
  • Enterprise Announcement List. **
  • Call Center Agent Default settings.
  • Call Center Agent Threshold Profile list.
  • Call Center Agent Unavailable Code list.
  • Call Center Agent Unavailable Code settings.
  • Call Center Call Disposition Code list.
  • Call Center Routing Policy details.
  • Call Center Enhanced Reporting details.
  • Call Center Enhanced Reporting Report Template list.
  • Call Center Enhanced Reporting Scheduled Report list.
  • Common Phone list.
  • List of Enterprise departments.
  • Voice VPN details.
  • Voice VPN Policy list.
  • Session Admission Control Group list.
  • Communication Barring Authorization Code list.

Group Data

  • Information objects for all Group Access Devices within the Group.
  • List containing the ids of all of the Users within the Group.
  • Information objects for all Users within the Group.
  • List of Pilot Users.
  • Group Service details.
  • Group User Service details.
  • Information objects for all Auto Attendants within the Group.
  • Information objects for all Find Me/Follow Me instances within the Group.
  • Information objects for all Meet Me Conference Bridges within the Group.
  • Information objects for all Voice XML instances within the Group.
  • Information objects for all Broadworks Anywhere Portals within the Group.
  • Information objects for all Collaborate Bridges within the Group.
  • Information objects for all Flexible Seating Hosts within the Group.
  • Information objects for all Group Paging instances within the Group.
  • Information objects for all Instant Group Call instances within the Group.
  • Information objects for all Hunt Groups within the Group.
  • Information objects for all Route Point instances within the Group.
  • Information objects for all Call Centers within the Group.
  • Meet Me Conferencing settings.
  • Call Center Agent Default settings.
  • Call Center Routing Policy details.
  • Call Center Call Disposition Code list.
  • Call Center Enhanced Reporting Branding details.
  • Call Center Enhanced Reporting details.
  • Call Center Enhanced Reporting Report Template list.
  • Call Center Enhanced Reporting Scheduled Report list.
  • Call Center Agent Unavailable Code list.
  • Call Center Agent Unavailable Code settings.
  • Mapping of the count of each Service Instance type within the Group.
  • Announcement files. *
  • Dialable Caller ID details.
  • Dialable Caller ID Criteria list.
  • List of admins within the Group.
  • Mapping of Admin ids to their detailed data.
  • Mapping of Admin ids to their login information. **
  • Mapping of Admin ids to their policy details.
  • Broadworks Mobile Manager details.
  • Broadworks Mobile Manager Domain list.
  • BroadWorks Mobile Manager Home Zone list.
  • Call Processing Policy details.
  • Common Phone List details.
  • Communication Barring settings.
  • Communication Barring Authorization Code list.
  • Communication Barring Profile list.
  • Custom Contact Directory list.
  • List of Group Departments.
  • Mapping of Department Key to Department details.
  • Mapping of Department Key to Department Admin list.
  • Mapping of Department Admin to login information, **
  • List of Device Types used within the Group.
  • Mapping of Device Type to Custom Tags.
  • Mapping of Device File to Device File details.
  • Dial Plan Policy details.
  • Dial Plan Policy Access Code list.
  • Digit Collection details.
  • List of DNs used within the Group.
  • List of DNs and their activation status.
  • List of DNs and their assignment status.
  • List of domains assigned to the Group.
  • List of Endpoi**nts within the Group.
  • Exchange Integration details.
  • Exchange Integration Password. **
  • Extension Length details.
  • Feature Access Code details.
  • Group Paging Targets Capacity settings.
  • IMRN details.
  • Broadworks Mobility Mobile Subscriber Directory Number list.
  • List of assigned Network Class of Service.
  • Number Activation Mode.
  • List of Office Zones.
  • Mapping of Department to Outgoing Calling Plan Auth Codes.
  • Group Outgoing Calling Plan Auth Codes.
  • Voice Portal Passcode Rules.
  • Web Portal Password Rules.
  • Group Policy details.
  • Route Point External System list.
  • Routing Profile details.
  • List of Schedules.
  • Map of Schedules to Schedule Events.
  • Session Admission Control details.
  • Session Admission Control Group list.
  • Trunk Group Password map. **
  • Group Voice Portal credentials. **

Broadworks User Shared Data (Users and Service Instances)

  • User Service details.
  • User Group Service settings.
  • Announcement list. *
  • User Call Policy details.
  • Authentication Information. **
  • User Communication Barring details.
  • Feature Access Code details.
  • List of DNs used by the User.

User Only Data

  • Primary Device details.
  • Information objects for all Devices used by the User.
  • Mapping of Devices to Additional Type (SCA, Music On Hold, etc).
  • Registration list.
  • Busy Lamp Field Monitoring Map.
  • Primary Endpoint Advanced settings.
  • User Schedule details.
  • Mapping of Schedules to Events.
  • Call Processing Policy details.
  • Communication Barring settings.
  • Device Policy details.
  • Personal Phone list.
  • Meet Me Conferencing Conference list.
  • Mapping of Conference to Delegate list.
  • Mapping of Conference to Conference details.
  • Mapping of Conference to Greeting details.
  • Mapping of Conference to Access information. **
  • Call Center settings.
  • Call Center thin client settings.
  • Broadworks Anywhere settings.
  • Broadworks Anywhere Phone Number list.
  • Broadworks Anywhere Selective Criteria map.
  • Flexible Seating Guest details.
  • Collaborate Instant Room Parameters details.
  • Collaborate Instant Room list.
  • Collaborate Project Room list.
  • Collaborate My Room details.
  • Receptionist thin client settings.

Auto Attendant Only Data

  • Submenu Usage list.
  • Submenu list.

Find Me / Follow Me Only Data

  • Alerting Group list
  • Alerting Group Selective Criteria list.

Collaborate Bridge Only Data

  • Voice Portal details.

Flexible Seating Host Only Data

  • Routing policy details.
  • Guest Association details.

Group Paging Only Data

  • Originator list.
  • Target list.

Route Point Only Data

  • Bounced Call details.
  • Distinctive Ringing details.
  • Announcement settings.
  • Fail Over Policy details.
  • Forced Forwarding details.
  • Holiday Service details.
  • Night Service details.
  • Overflow settings.
  • Call Disposition Code list.
  • Call Disposition Code settings.
  • DNIS settings.
  • DNIS list.
  • Mapping of DNIS to Announcement.
  • Mapping of DNIS to Agent.

Call Center Only Data

  • Agent list.
  • Announcement settings.
  • Distinctive Ringing details.
  • Statistics Reporting settings.
  • Supervisor list.
  • Map of Supervisor to Agent list.
  • Holiday Service details.
  • Night Service details.
  • Overflow settings.
  • Stranded Call settings.
  • Stranded Call Unavailable settings.
  • Bounced Call details.
  • Comfort Message Bypass details.
  • Forced Forwarding details.
  • Queue Status Notification settings.
  • Queue Call Disposition Code list.
  • Queue Call Disposition Code settings.
  • DNIS list.
  • Mapping of DNIS to Announcement.
  • Mapping of DNIS to Agent.

Access Device Data (System, Service Provider and Group)

  • Custom Credentials. **
  • List of Users on the device.
  • List of Device Files.
  • Custom Tag information.

* Information pulled from Profile Server.

** Information pulled from TimesTen.