
Release Notes

Last Updated: 08/11/2021 The ECG team is pleased to announce the release version 8.7.2 of Alpaca.

This version includes support for the R22 and R23 versions of the BroadWorks API.


  • Released 08/11/2021

What's Fixed

  • Fixed issue with the Communigate Reset Voicemail Password endpoint that prevented a password from being sent back.
  • [EnhancedCallLogsPanel][AL-2695] - Fixed display issues as well as duration calculation issue.
  • [UserGreetingsPanel] - All video inputs are not shown if "Voice Messaging User - Video" is not assigned.


  • Released 07/27/2021

What's Fixed

  • Fixed possible issue in the User Call Centers panel that could prevent the User from changing their CC availability.
  • The Call Center Join table within the User Call Centers panel now correctly enables/disables the join checkbox based off of login type and certain Call Center settings.


  • Released 07/15/2021

What's New

  • Added Find-Me/Follow-Me landing page and full settings.
  • Added Group Paging landing page and full settings.
  • Added Instant Group Call landing page and full settings.

What's Changed

  • When hovering over a disabled field, the cursor changes to indicate that the field is disabled.

What's Fixed

  • [Branding] - Fixed issue that sometimes prevent resources that were nested within sub-directories within the static directory to not be loaded.
  • [BulkUserDelete] - Fixed issue with search filters not being acknowledged when using Bulk User Delete.
  • [UserCustomRingback] - Fixed issue with Waiting Ringback tab not appearing under the correct additions. Hid video options if Custom Ringback User - Video is not assigned.
  • [AlternateIds] - Fixed issue that could cause the alternate ids on search indexes to not be updated correctly.
  • [AlpacaRoles][AL-2705] - Fixed issue with the AuthorityGroups duplicating when re-opening a Role Card that had previously been opened.

Previous Release Notes