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Release Notes
Last Updated: 04/13/2021 The ECG team is pleased to announce the release version 8.2.3 of Alpaca.
This version includes support for the R22 and R23 versions of the BroadWorks API.
- Released 04/13/2021
What's New
- Added User Authentication service panel.
- Added configuration
. Defaults to true. When set to false, after logout, the user will be redirected to a logout complete page.
What's Fixed
- Fixed bug that would allow link generation for non-accessible objects, causing access errors in the front end.
- Released 04/12/2021
What's New
- [AL-2418] - Added ability to add custom header logo.
- [AL-2418] - Added ability to override default 'Alpaca' header text.
- [AL-2412] - Added User level Schedules panel.
- [AL-2411] - Added ability to limit visibility of nav tabs via configuration. See Configuration.
- [AL-2415] - Added ability to limit visibility of breadcrumbs based on Login Type via configuration. See Configuration.
- [AL-2421] - Updated cluster status to show tooltips for unavailable and login failed.
What's Changed
- Added
columns to the UserDetailsReport. - [AL-2413] - When SSO is enabled, and there is only one provider configured, Alpaca login will be automatically
redirected to the SSO provider's login site. Regular login can be reached at
. - [AL-2409] - Added configuration for Communigate mail server domains that is used with the Communigate Voicemail Tool.
- [AL-2423] - Modified styling of the On/Off (isActive) toggle on service panels.
What's Fixed
- [AL-2417] - Fixed unexpected behavior when hiding service panels through the permission editor.
- [GroupSchedules] - Fixed issue that caused deleted schedule events to remain in the schedule event list until page reload.
- [SSOLogin] - Users created via SSO, are now correctly marked as activated. This prevents them from being automatically deleted by the daily activation check.
- [AL-2424] - Fixed possible error that could occur on the Device User's tab if the User is a Music-On-Hold user.
- [ClusterStatus] - Fixed issue with tooltips and icons not appearing for alerts.
- Released 03/31/2021
What's Changed
- [AL-2384] - Updated Communigate VoicemailBox Task to always set the Voice Portal Auto Login flag to false.
What's Fixed
- [AL-2410][BasicCallLogs] - Fixed issue with time being displayed in epoch time instead of in a human readable format.
- Improved memory usage when running tasks and reports.
- [AlpacaUserPanel] - Made username input read-only (non-editable) when modifying.
- [ServicesPanel] - Fixed issue with User's being able to see the User level Services panel.
- Fixed bug that allowed creation of an Alpaca User with an un-supported BroadWorks Login Type.
- [UserMigration] - Fixed bug that caused Custom Device Credentials to not be set correctly during a standalone User Migration.
- Released 03/11/2021
What's New
- Added BroadWorks R23 Support
What's Fixed
- [CommunigateTool] - Added missing verification step for the Communigate Voicemail Tool.
- [GroupCallCenterRouting] - Fixed bug that could cause the service panel to not load due to an empty list.
- Fixed UI bug that could cause unexpected behavior when hitting the enter key in an input within a service panel.
- [GroupAccountCodeAdministration] - Fixed possible array out of bounds error when not using the "ACCOUNTCODE" option.
- [GroupNightForwarding] - Added validation on the phone number field if ON or AUTOON is selected.
- [PreferredCarrierGroup] - Fixed backwards logic that could cause fields to be blank when logged in as an Admin.
- [ScheduleEvent] - Added validators that startDate was before endDate and that startTime was before endTime.
- [Schedule] - Fixed bug that could the service panel to not load due to an empty list.
- [Department] - Fixed bug that could cause the Calling Linde ID Phone Number field to be empty.
- [BusyLampField] - Fixed issue with the domain field not displaying when logged in as a User.
- [BroadWorksMobility] - Fixed logic issue that allow Users to change the alert state.
- [CriteriaPanels] - Added fix to prevent double clicking the active toggle.
- [SecurityClassification] - Fixed issue with the "Unclassified" option not appearing if no other classification options were available.
- [AdvancedVoiceMessaging] - Added validators for conditionally required fields depending on the mail server selection.
- [FaxMessaging] - Added missing "None" choice.
- [Alias] - Fixed error that occurs when trying to save and there were not any previous aliases.
- [PinholeDigitPlan] - Fixed load issue when there are no digitPatternPermissions.
- [DigitPlan] - Fixed load issue when there are no digitPatternPermissions.
- [OutgoingAuthorizationCodes] - Added missing "Custom" input.
- [IncomingCallingPlan] - Fixed load issue when there are not any digitPatternPermissions
- [Executive] - Fixed bug that could cause the service panel to not load due to an empty list.
- [CallCenter] - Fixed bug that could cause the service panel to not load due to an empty list.
- [BroadWorksMobility] - Fixed sizing issue that caused a weird wrap when "None Available" was selected in the dropdown.
- [BroadWorksAnywhere] - Fixed logic that prevented adding a number if the initial number list was null.
- [UserProfile] - Updated NCOS logic to show the none option if no NCOS is set, but then remove that option once an NCOS is set.
- [DirectRoute] - Fixed bug that could cause the service panel to not load due to an empty list.
- [UserEnableCiscoSoftClientTask] - Added database migration to convert old UserEnableUCOneTask to UserEnableCiscoSoftClientTask.