

Typographic Conventions

Normal text looks like this. Text that a computer outputs is in a fixed-width type like this. Text that you type into a computer is in key input like this, or strikethrough key input if you can't see it, such as with passwords. Code looks like this. Placeholders (text that should not be taken literally) is in fixed width italics like this.

Text Description
login: fflinstone The literal username is "fflinstone"
password: passwordherebutinvisible The password won't be displayed
bash:~$ cd /boot The command you'll enter is "cd /boot"
bash:/boot$ su
password: ProperRootPasswordHere The root password isn't provided here.
bash:/boot# mv vmlinux vmlinuz.YYYY-MM-DD-HHMMSS Replace the placeholder with the date.

Alpaca Server System Requirements

The minimum system requirements to run the Alpaca Server are as follows:

  • Storage: 100 GB
  • CPU: 2


You can determine the current PERM_ALLOCATED_SIZE on a Broadworks Application server using the ttIsql command:

  1.$ ttIsql
  2. Command> dssize
  3. Output

     The following values are in KB:
     PERM_ALLOCATED_SIZE:      1048576
     PERM_IN_USE_SIZE:         71861
     PERM_IN_USE_HIGH_WATER:   71944
     TEMP_ALLOCATED_SIZE:      348160
     TEMP_IN_USE_SIZE:         28888
     TEMP_IN_USE_HIGH_WATER:   32368

  4. Command> exit

In this example, our PERM_ALLOCATED_SIZE is 1048576 kB (1.05 GB), so this system requires 6 GB (4 + 2(1)) of RAM.

BroadWork's Host IDs

A perpetual ECG License requires the Host Ids of all of the BroadWorks Application Servers that Alpaca will be communicating with.

There are two ways to retrieve the Host IDs: From the XSP_CLI and directly off of the Application Server.


All host ids used by an XSP are located at: XSP_CLI/System/Licensing.

  1.$ bwadmin
  2. XSP_CLI> cd System/Licensing
  3. XSP_CLI/System/Licensing> get
  4. Output

    customerName         = Engineers Consulting Group
    licenseType          = HARD
    expirationDate       = 09/16/2017
         Host Id
    1 entries found.


Specific AS host ids can be seen from the AS via /usr/local/broadworks/bw_base/sbin/bwdd | grep UUID or dmidecode | grep UUID.