Installation CentOS and RedHat

Installation tested on CentOS 7.


Mongo Setup

Alpaca uses Mongo as it's backing database. A minimum of version 3.4 is required. The newest release can be found on Mongo's webpage.

Follow the official install instructions

TimesTen Setup

  1. Download the TimesTen installation archive.
  2. Extract and run
    • Installation as root is acceptable.
    • The instance name can be anything and will determine directory name.
    • Install in client only mode.
    • Installation location can be anywhere. Our example commands use /opt/TimesTen/tt1122.
    • Do not restrict access to root or another group if other tools will be installed on the server.
    • The TNS_ADMIN, quick start programs, documentation, HOST, and PORT can all be skipped.
  3. After installed, the TimesTen lib directory must be set in the ALPACA_TT_LIB environment variable for Alpaca to retrieve.
    • echo "export ALPACA_TT_LIB=/opt/TimesTen/tt1122/lib" >> /etc/bashrc
    • To add the path to the current shell run source /etc/bashrc
  4. Remove obsolete JDBC drivers.
    • In your TimesTen lib directory you will find multiple ttjdbc*.jar files. Alpaca only needs ttjdcb8.jar.
    • Create a backup directory and move all of the ttjdcb*.jar files except for the ttjdcb8.jar into this directory.
  5. Add TimesTen lib directory to the linux library linking path.
    • echo "/opt/TimesTen/tt1122/lib" > /etc/
    • Verify that the TimesTen library is loaded by ldconfig -v | grep TimesTen -A 20.
    • The output should display the library links being created.

Profile Server Setup

The IP address of the Alpaca system must be in an access control list on the BroadWorks profile server to allow access to device configuration files.

  1. Login to the Profile Server.
  2. In the BWCLI navigate to /Applications/BroadworksFileRepos/NetworkAccessLists/WebDav.
  3. Add the IP address of the Alpaca server.
    • add <IP_ADDRESS> description <DESCRIPTION>
    • e.g., if there's no NAT and you're running Alpaca on, you could do:
    • add "Alpaca workstation"

Application Server Open Client Server External Authentication ACL

Alpaca uses the XSPs to communicate via OCI to the Application Server. If the Application Server has an ACL configured for the OCS External Authentication, the XSPs must be listed.

  1. Login to the Application Server.
  2. In the BWCLI, login as an administrator and navigate to /Applications/OpenClientServer/ExternalAuthentication/AccessControlList
  3. Use the get command to confirm if an ACL is configured.
    • If an ACL is configured, ensure the XSP which Alpaca will send OCI requests to is listed.
      • Otherwise, if the XSP is not listed in the output, add the XSP using the following format.
        • add <XSP_IP_ADDRESS> description xsp
    • If no IPs are listed, then BroadWorks allows external authentication by default and no adjustments are necessary.

Audit Log NFS Setup

Alpaca indexes BroadWorks audit logs for each configured Application cluster. This requires access to a directory or directories housing BroadWorks Audit logs. This is typically done via NFS.

Source Application Server

  1. Make sure the following packages are installed:
    • nfs-utils-*
    • nfs-utils-lib-*
    • rpcbind-*
  2. Add the following line to the /etc/exports file.
    • /var/broadworks/logs/appserver <ALPACA_SERVER_IP>(ro,fsid=0,sync)
  3. Run the following commands:
    1. chkconfig nfs on
    2. chkconfig rpcbind on
    3. service rpcbind start
    4. service nfs start

Alpaca Server

  1. Add the following line to the /etc/fstab file.
    • <BW_AS_IP>:/var/broadworks/logs/appserver <DESTINATION_DIRECTORY> nfs defaults 1 1
  2. Mount all the file systems listed in /etc/fstab:
    • mount -a
    • This will ignore those marked as “noauto”, excluded by the -t flag, or those that are already mounted.

Alpaca Setup

  1. Download the Alpaca tarball(.tar.gz) to the /opt directory on the server.
  2. Extract the archive.
    • cd /opt
    • tar xzvf /opt/alpaca-21sp1-6.0.0-RELEASE-bin.tar.gz
  3. Create a symlink to the new alpaca directory.
    • ln -s alpaca-21sp1-6.0.0 /opt/alpaca
  4. Create an alpaca user with the home directory of /opt/alpaca.
    • useradd -m alpaca
  5. Change the ownership of the /opt/alpaca directory and all of its children.
    • chown -R alpaca:alpaca /opt/alpaca/
  6. Copy the license file from the ECG portal ecg.license.txt into the config directory.
  7. Perform configuration according to Alpaca configuration guides.
  8. Copy the alpaca file into /etc/init.d.
  9. Run the following commands:
    1. chkconfig --add alpaca
    2. chkconfig alpaca on
  10. Launch service with service alpaca start.
  11. Alpaca can then be accessed by visiting http://<SERVER_IP>:8080 or other location as configured.