Bulk Provisioning

Bulk Provisioning extends the Provisioning framework and lifecycle by allowing for multiple Service Providers, Groups, and Users to be created at the same time. This not only saves time, but it allows for the preparation and validation of data using your own business logic before it is submitted to BroadWorks as a single step. The preparation and submission occurs on the common Microsoft Excel format which makes the process easy to read and understand.

Alpaca has additional lifecycle steps available for Bulk Provisioning that allow for validation of spreadsheet data and smart population of cells. By default, Alpaca will perform additional validation to verify that your data not only is valid when considering BroadWorks but also other data in the same spreadsheet. Alpaca will also perform pre-processing and population of fields intelligently to help provisioning be as effortless as possible.

Bulk Provisioning can be run from the Cluster, Service Provider, and Group level.

Spreadsheet Format

The Bulk Provisioning spreadsheet is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in the XLS or XLSX format. Customizations to this document are documented below, but it is recommended to start with an empty template. You can also find a filled out example template here. Please note that this is an example and should not be loaded into your system. Comments and extra space are allowed at the top of each sheet within the spreadsheet. However, upon reading the first header row all additional rows should contain provisioning data. The header row controls how subsequent data rows are read and should contain the header names ignoring case. Additional header names can be used to pass data to provisioning listeners as described in the Alpaca developer guide.

Service Providers Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Service Providers must be named "Alpaca.ServiceProviders". This sheet is only read in when Bulk Provisioning is executed from the Cluster level. The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
serviceProviderId TRUE No default value. The id of the Service Provider. Must be unique.
serviceProviderName FALSE If left blank, serviceProviderName will be the same as serviceProviderId
isEnterprise FALSE FALSE Denotes whether the row is an Enterprise. If false or blank, the row will be a Service Provider.
useCustomRoutingProfile FALSE FALSE Only applies to Service Providers.
routingProfile FALSE No default value. The Routing Profile to be assigned to the Service Provider/Enterprise. The Routing Profile must be a valid option available in the BroadWorks system.
defaultDomain FALSE Defaults to the System default domain. Must be a valid domain already existing at the System level.
domains FALSE No default value. Comma separated list of non-default domains to assign to the Service Provider/Enterprise. Do not include the domain in the defaultDomain column. All domains must be valid and created at the System level.
defaultNcos FALSE No default value. Must be a valid ncos already existing at the System level.
ncos FALSE No default value. Comma separated list of non-default ncos to assign to the Service Provider/Enterprise. Do not include the ncos in the defaultNcos column. All ncos must be valid and created at the System level.
supportEmail FALSE No default value. Must be a valid email format.
trunkingCallCapacityMaxActiveCalls FALSE No default value. Can be "Unlimited" or a non-negative integer if on a Service Provider row. Can only be a non-negative integers if on an Enterprise row.
trunkingCallCapacityBurstingMaxActiveCalls FALSE No default value. Can be "Unlimited" or a non-negative integer.
phoneNumbers FALSE No default value. Comma-separated list of valid Phone Numbers to be assigned to the Service Provider/Enterprise. The phone numbers should be in the correct format. Ranges of phone numbers can be specified using a hyphen with spaces on each side, e.g., 8008008001 - 8008008005.

Service Packs Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Service Provider level Service Packs must be named "Alpaca.ServicePacks". This sheet is only read in when Bulk Provisioning is executed from the Cluster or Service Provider levels. The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
serviceProviderId Required when running from the Cluster level. If running from the Service Provider level, the serviceProviderId will be inferred. No default value. The id of the Service Provider to create the Service Pack in.
name TRUE No default value. The name of the Service Pack. Must be unique within the Service Provider.
description FALSE No default value.
availableForUse TRUE FALSE Denotes whether the Service Pack is available for user.
limitedTo FALSE If a number is not provided, defaults to unlimited. Valid values are non-negative integers or the text "Unlimited". Any negative number will be converted to "Unlimited".
services TRUE No default value. Comma separated list of valid User Service names.

A list of valid service names can be found here.

Service Provider Service Authorizations Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Service Provider level Service Authorizations must be named " Alpaca.SPLevelServiceAuth". This sheet is only read in when Bulk Provisioning is executed from the Cluster or Service Provider levels. The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
serviceProviderId Required when running from the Cluster level. If running from the Service Provider level, the serviceProviderId will be inferred. No default value. The id of the Service Provider to authorize the services to.
authorizationType TRUE No default value. Valid values are: "GROUP_SERVICE" or "USER_SERVICE"
serviceName TRUE No default value. The name of the Group or User Service to authorize. Must be a valid service name.
limitedTo FALSE If a number is not provided, defaults to unlimited. Valid values are non-negative integers or the text "Unlimited". Any negative number will be converted to "Unlimited".

A list of valid service names can be found here.

Groups Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Groups must be named "Alpaca.Groups". This sheet is only read in when Bulk Provisioning is executed from the Cluster or Service Provider levels. The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
serviceProviderId Required when running from the Cluster level. If running from the Service Provider level, the serviceProviderId will be inferred. No default value. The id of the Service Provider to assign the Group to.
groupId TRUE No default value. The id of the Group. Must be unique within the Service Provider.
groupName FALSE If left blank, the groupName will be the groupId.
callingLineIdName FALSE If left blank, the callingLineIdName will be the groupName if available, otherwise the groupId.
callingLineIdPhoneNumber FALSE No default value. The number will be assigned to the Service Provider and Group if not already assigned.
userLimit TRUE No default value. Must be a positive integer.
defaultDomain FALSE Defaults to the Service Provider default domain. Must be a valid domain already assigned to the Service Provider.
domains FALSE No default value. Comma separated list of non-default domains to assign to the Group. Do not include the domain in the defaultDomain column. All domains must be valid and assigned at the Service Provider level.
defaultNcos FALSE No default value. Must be a valid ncos already assigned at the Service Provider level.
ncos FALSE No default value. Comma separated list of non-default ncos to assign to the Group. Do not include the ncos in the defaultNcos column. All ncos must be valid and assigned at the Service Provider level.
trunkingCallCapacityMaxActiveCalls FALSE No default value. Must be a non-negative integer less than the amount assigned to the Service Provider (if not unlimited).
trunkingCallCapacityBurstingMaxActiveCalls FALSE No default value. Can be "Unlimited" or a non-negative integer. Must be less than the amount assigned to the Service Provider (if not unlimited).
minExtensionLength FALSE No default value. Must be an integer between 2 and 6. Cannot be greater than maxExtensionLength.
maxExtensionLength FALSE No default value. Must be an integer between 2 and 6. Cannot be less than minExtensionLength.
defaultExtensionLength FALSE No default value. Must be an integer between 2 and 6. Cannot be less than minExtensionLength or greater than maxExtensionLength.
groupServices FALSE No default value. Comma-separated list of valid Group Service names. All Group Services in the list must be authorized by the Service Provider and Group.
routingProfile FALSE No default value. The Routing Profile to be assigned to the Group. The Routing Profile must be a valid option available in the BroadWorks system. Cannot assign a Routing Profile to a Group in a Service Provider with useCustomRoutingProfile set to false.
phoneNumbers FALSE No default value. Comma-separated list of valid Phone Numbers to be assigned to the Group. The phone numbers should be in the correct format. Ranges of phone numbers can be specified using a hyphen with spaces on each side, e.g., 8008008001 - 8008008005.
preferredIntraLATACarrier FALSE No default Only used when Group Preferred Carrier is in service list.
preferredInterLATACarrier FALSE No default Only used when Group Preferred Carrier is in service list.
preferredInternationalCarrier FALSE No default Only used when Group Preferred Carrier is in service list.
enterpriseTrunkNumberRanges FALSE No default Only used when Route List is in service list. The phone numbers should be in the correct format. Ranges of phone numbers can be specified using a hyphen with spaces on each side, e.g., 8008008001 - 8008008005.
enterpriseTrunkNumberPrefixes FALSE No default Only used when Route List is in service list. The prefixes should be in the correct format. e.g., +1-1234.

A list of valid service names can be found here.

Group Series Completion Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Group Series Completion must be named "Alpaca.SeriesCompletion". This sheet is only read in when Bulk Provisioning is executed from the Cluster or Service Provider levels. The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
serviceProviderId TRUE No default value. The id of the Service Provider associated with the Group.
groupId Required when running from the Cluster or Service Provider level. If running from the Group level, the groupId will be inferred. No default value. The id of the Group where the Series Completion is being set.
seriesCompletionName TRUE No default value. The name of the Series Completion instance being created or modified.
userIdList FALSE No default value. A comma-separated list of User IDs that are to be included in the Series Completion instance. Each User must belong to the same Group as the Series Completion instance. A valid domain must be included.

Group Service Authorizations Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Group level Service Authorizations must be named " Alpaca.GroupLevelServiceAuth". This sheet is only read in when Bulk Provisioning is executed from the Cluster or Service Provider levels. The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
groupId Required when running from the Cluster or Service Provider level. If running from the Group level, the groupId will be inferred. No default value. The id of the Group to authorize the services to.
authorizationType TRUE No default value. Valid values are: "SERVICE_PACK", "GROUP_SERVICE" or "USER_SERVICE"
serviceName TRUE No default value. The name of the Service Pack, Group Service, or User Service to authorize. Must be a valid service name.
limitedTo FALSE If a number is not provided, defaults to unlimited. Valid values are non-negative integers or the text "Unlimited". Any negative number will be converted to "Unlimited".

A list of valid service names can be found here.

Department Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Group Departments must be named "Alpaca.Departments". This sheet is only read in when Bulk Provisioning is executed from the Cluster or Service Provider levels. The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
serviceProviderId TRUE No default value. The id of the Service Provider/Enterprise that the department is in.
groupId Required when provisioning a Group level department. No default value. The id of the Group to create the department in.
departmentName TRUE No default value. The name of the department.
parentDepartmentName FALSE No default value. The name of the parent department (if needed)
parentDepartmentLevel Required if parentDepartmentName is provided. No default value. The parent department level. Valid values are "GROUP" or "ENTERPRISE"
callingLineIdName FALSE No default value. Not used for ENTERPRISE level departments.
callingLineIdNumber FALSE No default value. Not used for ENTERPRISE level departments. The number will be added to the Service Provider and then assigned to the Group before assigning to the Department.

Enterprise Trunk Number Range Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Enterprise Trunk Number Ranges must be named "Alpaca.EntNumRange". This sheet is only read in when Bulk Provisioning is executed from the Cluster or Service Provider levels. The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
serviceProviderId TRUE No default value. The id of the Service Provider/Enterprise that the Enterprise Trunk Number Range is in.
rangeStart TRUE No default value. The starting number of the Enterprise Trunk Number Range./td>
rangeEnd TRUE No default value. The ending number of the Enterprise Trunk Number Range.
extensionLength FALSE No default value. The length of the extension. If no length is provided, it will attempt to use the default extension length. This does not apply to R22.

Enterprise Trunk Number Prefixes Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Enterprise Trunk Number Prefixes must be named "Alpaca.EntNumPrefix". This sheet is only read in when Bulk Provisioning is executed from the Cluster or Service Provider levels. The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
serviceProviderId TRUE No default value. The id of the Service Provider/Enterprise that the Enterprise Trunk Number Prefix is in.
rangeStart TRUE No default value. The starting number of the Enterprise Trunk Number Prefix extension range. This does not apply to R22.
rangeEnd TRUE No default value. The ending number of the Enterprise Trunk Number Prefix extension range. This does not apply to R22.
prefix TRUE No default value. The prefix to be applied to the Enterprise Trunk Number Prefix.

Group Outgoing Calling Plan Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Group Outgoing Calling Plan must be named " Alpaca.GroupOutgoingCallingPlan". This sheet is only read in when Bulk Provisioning is executed from the Cluster or Service Provider levels. The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
groupId Required when running from the Cluster or Service Provider level. If running from the Group level, the groupId will be inferred. No default value. The id of the Group to apply Group Outgoing Calling Plan settings to.
department TRUE No default value. The name if the department to apply settings to. Use the value "Group Default" to apply to the Group.
originatingGroup FALSE N Valid values: "Y", "N", "A", "T1", "T2", "T3"
originatingLocal FALSE N Valid values: "Y", "N", "A", "T1", "T2", "T3"
originatingTollFree FALSE N Valid values: "Y", "N", "A", "T1", "T2", "T3"
originatingToll FALSE N Valid values: "Y", "N", "A", "T1", "T2", "T3"
originatingInternational FALSE N Valid values: "Y", "N", "A", "T1", "T2", "T3"
originatingOperatorAssisted FALSE N Valid values: "Y", "N", "A", "T1", "T2", "T3"
originatingChargeableDirectoryAssistance FALSE N Valid values: "Y", "N", "A", "T1", "T2", "T3"
originatingSpecialServicesI FALSE N Valid values: "Y", "N", "A", "T1", "T2", "T3"
originatingSpecialServicesII FALSE N Valid values: "Y", "N", "A", "T1", "T2", "T3"
originatingPremiumServicesI FALSE N Valid values: "Y", "N", "A", "T1", "T2", "T3"
originatingPremiumServicesII FALSE N Valid values: "Y", "N", "A", "T1", "T2", "T3"
originatingGroup FALSE N Valid values: "Y", "N", "A", "T1", "T2", "T3"
originatingURLDialing FALSE N Valid values: "Y", "N", "A", "T1", "T2", "T3"
originatingUnknown FALSE N Valid values: "Y", "N", "A", "T1", "T2", "T3"
redirectingGroup FALSE FALSE Valid values: true, false
redirectingLocal FALSE FALSE Valid values: true, false
redirectingTollFree FALSE FALSE Valid values: true, false
redirectingToll FALSE FALSE Valid values: true, false
redirectingInternational FALSE FALSE Valid values: true, false
redirectingOperatorAssisted FALSE FALSE Valid values: true, false
redirectingChargeableDirectoryAssistance FALSE FALSE Valid values: true, false
redirectingSpecialServicesI FALSE FALSE Valid values: true, false
redirectingSpecialServicesII FALSE FALSE Valid values: true, false
redirectingPremiumServicesI FALSE FALSE Valid values: true, false
redirectingPremiumServicesII FALSE FALSE Valid values: true, false
redirectingGroup FALSE FALSE Valid values: true, false
redirectingURLDialing FALSE FALSE Valid values: true, false
redirectingUnknown FALSE FALSE Valid values: true, false
redirectedOutsideGroup FALSE FALSE Valid values: true, false
callMeNowGroup FALSE No default. Valid values: true, false. Call Me Now must be authorized.
callMeNowLocal FALSE No default. Valid values: true, false. Call Me Now must be authorized.
callMeNowTollFree FALSE No default. Valid values: true, false. Call Me Now must be authorized.
callMeNowToll FALSE No default. Valid values: true, false. Call Me Now must be authorized.
callMeNowInternational FALSE No default. Valid values: true, false. Call Me Now must be authorized.
callMeNowOperatorAssisted FALSE No default. Valid values: true, false. Call Me Now must be authorized.
callMeNowChargeableDirectoryAssistance FALSE No default. Valid values: true, false. Call Me Now must be authorized.
callMeNowSpecialServicesI FALSE No default. Valid values: true, false. Call Me Now must be authorized.
callMeNowSpecialServicesII FALSE No default. Valid values: true, false. Call Me Now must be authorized.
callMeNowPremiumServicesI FALSE No default. Valid values: true, false. Call Me Now must be authorized.
callMeNowPremiumServicesII FALSE No default. Valid values: true, false. Call Me Now must be authorized.
callMeNowGroup FALSE No default. Valid values: true, false. Call Me Now must be authorized.
callMeNowURLDialing FALSE No default. Valid values: true, false. Call Me Now must be authorized.
callMeNowUnknown FALSE No default. Valid values: true, false. Call Me Now must be authorized.

Users Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load users must be named "Alpaca.Users". The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
character FALSE No default value. The character of the row can be used by plugins to determine specific actions to be administered. For example, a "Premium" character might be used to add a specific service pack, configure a specific service, or modify the userId to match a desired format.
groupId Required when Bulk Provisioning is being run from the Cluster or Service Provider level. No default value. The id of the Group that the user belongs to. Can be an existing Group or one that is being provisioned in the spreadsheet.
userId FALSE

If phoneNumber exists, defaults to phoneNumber@defaultDomain.

If extension exists, defaults to usr_groupId_extension@defaultDomain.

lastName TRUE No default value.
firstName TRUE No default value.
voicePortalPasscode FALSE If defaultPasscode exists, defaults to defaultPasscode. Otherwise, defaults to a randomly generated value.
webPassword TRUE If defaultPassword exists, defaults to defaultPassword. Otherwise, defaults to a randomly generated value.
macAddress FALSE No default value. macAddress is used if deviceName is set and is not an existing device. This value must be unique across the entire system.
deviceType true, if deviceName is specified for a non-existing device No default value. deviceType is used if deviceName is set and is not an existing device. This value must be an existing device type on the system.
deviceName FALSE Defaults to macAddress This field triggers all downstream device assignment fields. It can be used to assign a User to an existing device or in conjunction with other device fields create a new Group Access Device.
primaryLinePort true, if deviceName is specified If phoneNumber exists, defaults to phoneNumber@sipDefaultDomain. Otherwise, defaults to userId@sipDefaultDomain.
useCustomUserNamePassword FALSE Defaults to TRUE.
deviceUserName FALSE Defaults to random 10 character value. Only used if useCustomUserNamePassword is TRUE.
devicePassword FALSE If the deviceType requires authentication and defaultPassword exists, defaults to defaultPassword. Otherwise, defaults to a random password according to the group password rules. Only used if useCustomUserNamePassword is TRUE.
sipUsername FALSE Defaults to a random 10 character value. This is assigned to the user if the Authentication service or a service pack containing Authentication is assigned during provisioning.
sipPassword FALSE Defaults to a random password matching the SIP password rules. This is assigned to the user if the Authentication service or a service pack containing Authentication is assigned during provisioning.
mailEmailAddress FALSE No default. If VoiceMessagingGroup is assigned at the Group level and VoiceMessagingUser is assigned to the user as a service or through a service pack, this is used to update the advanced voice management settings.
mailUserName FALSE Defaults to a random 10 character value. If VoiceMessagingGroup is assigned at the Group level and VoiceMessagingUser is assigned to the user as a service or through a service pack, this is used to update the advanced voice management settings.
mailPassword FALSE Defaults to a random password matching group password rules. If VoiceMessagingGroup is assigned at the Group level and VoiceMessagingUser is assigned to the user as a service or through a service pack, this is used to update the advanced voice management settings.
services FALSE No default This is a comma separated list of services to assign to the User. During validation, the service will be checked to be a valid service on the system. It will also be checked that it is available to be authorized and that there are enough usage spots available for it to be assigned.
servicePacks FALSE No default This is a comma separated list of service packs to assign to the User. During validation, the service pack will be checked to be a valid service pack within the group. It will also be checked that it is available to be authorized and that there are enough usage spots available for it to be assigned.
callingLineIdLastName FALSE Defaults to lastName
callingLineIdFirstName FALSE Defaults to firstName
hiraganaLastName FALSE Defaults to lastName
hiraganaFirstName FALSE Defaults to firstName
phoneNumber Either phoneNumber or extension are required No default If phoneNumber exists, it must be unique across the spreadsheet. It must also be available for assignment from the destination group.
extension Either phoneNumber or extension are required No default If extension exists, it must be unique across the spreadsheet. It also cannot be in use within the destination group.
callingLineIdPhoneNumber FALSE No default
departmentLevel Required if departmentName is provided. No default value. Level for the User's department. Valid values: 'ENTERPRISE', 'GROUP'.
departmentName Required if departmentLevel is provided. No default value. Name of the User's department. Must be an existing department or a department provisioned in the same spreadsheet.
language FALSE No default
timeZone FALSE No default
defaultAlias FALSE No default
title FALSE No default
pagerPhoneNumber FALSE No default
mobilePhoneNumber FALSE No default
emailAddress FALSE No default
yahooId FALSE No default
networkClassOfService FALSE No default
callingLineIdBlockingOverride FALSE No default If set to "ENABLED", sets the User's CallingLineIdBlockingOveride service to active.
callingLineIdDeliveryBlocking FALSE No default If set to "ENABLED", sets the User's CallingLineIdDeliveryBlocking service to active.
voiceMailForwardAddress Required when voicemailMode is set to FORWARD. No default The voicemessaging forward to email address.
voiceMailIsActive FALSE TRUE Voicemail isActive state.
blfURI FALSE No default The user's BLF List URI. Can use variables USERID, PHONENUMBER, or EXTENSION. Can also be custom. Can be entered with or without domain. If no domain is provided, the configured defaultBlfUriDomain will be used. If defaultBlfUriDomain is not provided, the Groups default domain will be used.
monitoredUserIdList FALSE No default value. Comma-separated list of User IDs to be monitored by the Busy Lamp Field (BLF). Use the User IDs that correspond to the users that are to be monitored. Each User ID should include the domain as well (e.g., user@example.com).
trunkGroup FALSE No default The Trunk Group to assign the user to. Must be already created in BroadWorks or in the Trunking sheet. Cannot be used if a device has been provided.
enterpriseTrunk FALSE No default Not required. Used in conjunction with Trunk Group. The Enterprise Trunk to assign the User to. Must be a valid Enterprise Trunk in the spreadsheet. If no Trunk Group is provided, this field is ignored.
alternateTrunkIdentity FALSE No default Not required. Used in conjunction with Trunk Group. The Alternate Trunk Identity to assign to the User. If no Trunk Group is provided, this field is ignored.
enableCiscoSoftClient FALSE FALSE Not required. If set to true, the User Enable Cisco Soft Client logic will be run for the user.
cfaPhoneNumber FALSE No default Only used when Call Forwarding Always is in service list.
cfaRingReminder FALSE FALSE Only used when Call Forwarding Always is in service list.
cfbPhoneNumber FALSE No default Only used when Call Forwarding Busy is in service list.
cfnaPhoneNumber FALSE No default Only used when Call Forwarding No Answer is in service list.
cfnaNumberOfRings FALSE No default Only used when Call Forwarding No Answer is in service list.
cfnrPhoneNumber FALSE No default Only used when Call Forwarding Not Reachable is in service list.
callTransferNumberOfRings FALSE FALSE Only used when Call Transfer is in service list.
callTransferEnableBusyCamp FALSE FALSE Only used when Call Transfer is in service list.
callTransferBusyCampSeconds FALSE No default Only used when Call Transfer is in service list.
callTransferUseDiversionInhibitorForBlindTransfer FALSE No default Only used when Call Transfer is in service list.
callTransferUseDiversionInhibitorForConsecutiveCalls FALSE No default Only used when Call Transfer is in service list.
callWaitingIsActive FALSE No default Only used when Call Waiting is in service list.
callWaitingDisableCLIDDelivery FALSE No default Only used when Call Waiting is in service list.
chargeNumber FALSE No default Only used when Charge Number is in service list.
chargeNumberUseForEnhancedTranslations FALSE FALSE Only used when Charge Number is in service list.
chargeNumberIncludeForNetworkCalls FALSE FALSE Only used when Charge Number is in service list.
callingNameDeliveryEnabledInternal FALSE No default Only used when Calling Name Delivery is in service list.
callingNameDeliveryEnabledExternal FALSE No default Only used when Calling Name Delivery is in service list.
callingNumberDeliveryEnabledInternal FALSE No default Only used when Calling Number Delivery is in service list.
callingNumberDeliveryEnabledExternal FALSE No default Only used when Calling Number Delivery is in service list.
preferredIntraLATACarrier FALSE No default Only used when User Preferred Carrier is in service list.
preferredInterLATACarrier FALSE No default Only used when User Preferred Carrier is in service list.
preferredInternationalCarrier FALSE No default Only used when User Preferred Carrier is in service list.

Shared Call Appearance Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load SCAs must be named "Alpaca.SCAs". The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
userId TRUE No default The id of the user to attach the device to as a Shared Called Appearance. This user must be present on the Alpaca.Users sheet.
deviceName FALSE Defaults to macAddress This field triggers all downstream device assignment fields. It can be used to assign a User to an existing device or in conjunction with other device fields create a new Group Access Device.
deviceType true, if deviceName is specified for a non-existing device No default value. deviceType is used if deviceName is set and is not an existing device. This value must be an existing device type on the system.
macAddress FALSE No default value. macAddress is used if deviceName is set and is not an existing device. This value must be unique across the entire system.
linePort TRUE No default The line port to associate the SCA with.
enable FALSE FALSE Whether the SCA is enabled.
allowOrigination FALSE FALSE Whether the SCA is allowed to make outgoing calls.
allowTermination FALSE FALSE Whether the SCA is allowed to receive incoming calls.

A list of valid service names can be found here.

Devices Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load devices must be named "Alpaca.Devices". This sheet can be left empty and the Alpaca.Users and Alpaca.SCA sheets can be used to create/assign devices. The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
groupId True, if deviceName is specified for a non-existing device No default value.
deviceName FALSE Defaults to macAddress. This field triggers all downstream device assignment fields. It can be used to assign a User to an existing device or in conjunction with other device fields create a new Group Access Device.
deviceType true, if deviceName is specified for a non-existing device No default value. deviceType is used if deviceName is set and is not an existing device. This value must be an existing device type on the system.
macAddress FALSE No default value. macAddress is used if deviceName is set and is not an existing device. This value must be unique across the entire system.
useCustomUserNamePassword FALSE Defaults to TRUE.
deviceUserName FALSE Defaults to random 10 character value. Only used if useCustomUserNamePassword is TRUE.
devicePassword FALSE If the deviceType requires authentication and defaultPassword exists, defaults to defaultPassword. Otherwise, defaults to a random password according to the group password rules. Only used if useCustomUserNamePassword is TRUE.
tagSet FALSE No default value. The tag set to apply to the device. Must be an existing tag set. Tag sets must be enabled on R22 systems.

Device Tags Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load devices must be named "Alpaca.DeviceTag". The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
deviceName Required if macAddress is not provided. If not provided, it is assumed that the macAddress is the deviceName. No default value. The device to assign the device tag to. Must exist in the Alpaca.Devices spreadsheet.
macAddress Required if deviceName is not provided. No default value. The mac address of the device to assign the device tag to. Must exist in the Alpaca.Devices spreadsheet.
tagName TRUE No default value. The name of the tag.
tagValue TRUE No default value. The value of the tag.

Trunk Groups Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Trunk Groups must be named "Alpaca.TrunkGroups".The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
name TRUE No default value. Name of the Trunk Group.
pilotUserId FALSE No default value. The id of the pilot user for the Trunk Group. This is a key to the userId field in the Alpaca.Pilot sheet.
departmentLevel Required if departmentName is provided. No default value. Level for the Trunk Group's department. Valid values: 'ENTERPRISE', 'GROUP'.
departmentName Required if departmentLevel is provided. No default value. Name of the Trunk Group's department. Must be an existing department.
deviceName FALSE No default value. Must be a valid device.
deviceLevel Required if deviceName is provided. No default value. Valid values are: 'SYSTEM', 'SERVICEPROVIDER', 'GROUP'.
maxActiveCalls TRUE 0 The Maximum Active Calls Allowed in the trunk group. The total number of maximum active calls cannot exceed the Trunking Call Capacity.
maxIncomingCalls FALSE No default value. The Maximum Active Incoming Calls Allowed in the trunk group. The maximum number of active incoming calls allowed cannot exceed the maximum number of active calls allowed. NOTE: You can set the maximum number of active incoming calls to "0" to indicate that the trunk group only accepts originating calls. However, if you set both the maximum number of active incoming calls and the maximum number of active outgoing calls to "0", the trunk group is not able to accept any calls.
maxOutgoingCalls FALSE No default value. The the Maximum Active Outgoing Calls Allowed in the trunk group. The maximum number of active incoming calls allowed cannot exceed the maximum number of active calls allowed. NOTE: You can set the maximum number of active outgoing calls to "0" to indicate that the trunk group only accepts terminating calls. However, if you set both the maximum number of active incoming calls and the maximum number of active outgoing calls to "0", the trunk group is not able to accept any calls.
enableBursting FALSE FALSE Enables bursting. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
burstingMaxActiveCalls FALSE No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
burstingMaxIncomingCalls FALSE No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
burstingMaxOutgoingCalls FALSE No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
enterpriseTrunkName FALSE No default value. The name of the Enterprise Trunk to assign the Trunk Group to. Must be in spreadsheet.
enterpriseTrunkWeight Required if the assigned Enterprise Trunk is a Weighted Trunk. No default value. The weight value for the Trunk Group within the Enterprise Trunk. Must be between 1 and 65536.
enterpriseTrunkPriority Required if the assigned Enterprise Trunk is a Weighted Trunk. No default value. The priority value for the Trunk Group within the Enterprise Trunk. Must be between 1 and 10.
capacityExceededAction FALSE No default value. Valid values are: 'FORWARD', 'REROUTE'. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
capacityExceededForwardAddress Required if capacityExceededAction set to 'FORWARD'. No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
capacityExceededRerouteTrunkGroupName Required if capacityExceededAction set to 'REROUTE'. No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
capacityExceededRerouteTrunkGroupServiceProvider Required if capacityExceededAction set to 'REROUTE'. No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
capacityExceededRerouteTrunkGroupGroup Required if capacityExceededAction set to 'REROUTE'. No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
capacityExceededTrapInitialCalls FALSE No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
capacityExceededTrapOffsetCalls FALSE No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
unreachableDestinationAction FALSE No default value. Valid values are: 'FORWARD', 'REROUTE'. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
unreachableDestinationForwardAddress Required if unreachableDestinationAction set to 'FORWARD'. No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
unreachableDestinationRerouteTrunkGroupName Required if unreachableDestinationAction set to 'REROUTE'. No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
unreachableDestinationRerouteTrunkGroupServiceProvider Required if unreachableDestinationAction set to 'REROUTE'. No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
unreachableDestinationRerouteTrunkGroupGroup Required if unreachableDestinationAction set to 'REROUTE'. No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
invitationTimeout FALSE No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
requireAuthentication TRUE FALSE Enables authentication for the Trunk Group.
sipAuthenticationUserName Required if requireAuthentication is set to 'true'. Defaults to a random string. Authentication Password for the Trunk Group.
sipAuthenticationPassword Required if requireAuthentication is set to 'true'. Defaults to a random password matching the Group's password rules. Authentication Password for the Trunk Group.
hostedUserIdList FALSE No default value. Comma separated (no-spaces) userId list. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
trunkGroupIdentity FALSE No default value. Must include a valid domain that is assigned to the Group.
otgDtgIdentity FALSE No default value. The name of the originating trunk group identity/destination trunk group identity.
allowTerminationToTrunkGroupIdentity FALSE FALSE
allowTerminationToDtgIdentity FALSE FALSE
includeTrunkGroupIdentity FALSE FALSE
includeTrunkGroupIdentityForNetworkCalls FALSE FALSE
includeOtgIdentityForNetworkCalls FALSE FALSE
enableNetworkAddressIdentity FALSE FALSE
allowUnscreenedCalls FALSE FALSE
allowUnscreenedEmergencyCalls FALSE FALSE
pilotUserCallingLineIdentityForExternalCallsPolicy FALSE NOCALLS Valid values are: 'ALLORIGINATINGCALLS', 'UNSCREENEDORIGINATINGCALLS', 'NOCALLS'.
callForwardingAlwaysAction FALSE No default value. Valid values are: 'FORWARD', 'REROUTE'. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
callForwardingAlwaysForwardAddress Required if callForwardingAlwaysAction is set to 'FORWARD'. No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
callForwardingAlwaysRerouteTrunkGroupName Required if callForwardingAlwaysAction is set to 'REROUTE'. No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
callForwardingAlwaysRerouteTrunkGroupServiceProvider Required if callForwardingAlwaysAction is set to 'REROUTE'. No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
callForwardingAlwaysRerouteTrunkGroupGroup Required if callForwardingAlwaysAction is set to 'REROUTE'. No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
peeringDomain Required if routeToPeeringDomain is set to 'true'. No default value. Must be a valid domain that is assigned to the Group.
routeToPeeringDomain FALSE FALSE
prefixEnabled FALSE FALSE
prefix Required if prefixEnabled is set to 'true'. No default value.
statefulReroutingEnabled FALSE FALSE Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
sendContinuousOptionsMessage FALSE FALSE Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
continuousOptionsSendingIntervalSeconds FALSE No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
failureOptionsSendingIntervalSeconds FALSE No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
failureThresholdCounter FALSE No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
successThresholdCounter FALSE No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
inviteFailureThresholdCounter FALSE No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
inviteFailureThresholdWindowSeconds FALSE No default value. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
useSystemCallingLineAssertedIdentityPolicy FALSE TRUE
useSystemCLIDSourceForScreenedCallsPolicy FALSE TRUE
useSystemUserLookupPolicy FALSE TRUE
pilotUserCallingLineIdentityForEmergencyCallsPolicy FALSE NOCALLS Valid values are: 'ALLORIGINATINGCALLS', 'UNSCREENEDORIGINATINGCALLS', 'NOCALLS'.
implicitRegistrationSetSupportPolicy FALSE DISABLED Valid values are: 'ENABLED', 'DISABLED'.
useSystemImplicitRegistrationSetSupportPolicy FALSE TRUE
sipIdentityForPilotAndProxyTrunkModesPolicy FALSE PILOTUSER Valid values are: 'PILOTUSER', 'USER'. Depending on your BroadWorks configuration, this field may not be used.
useSystemSIPIdentityForPilotAndProxyTrunkModesPolicy FALSE TRUE
useSystemSupportConnectedIdentityPolicy FALSE TRUE
supportConnectedIdentityPolicy FALSE DISABLED Valid values are: 'ENABLED', 'DISABLED'.

Enterprise Trunk Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Enterprise must be named "Alpaca.EnterpriseTrunks". Enterprise Trunks can be provisioned at the Enterprise level or at the Group level when the Group is within a Service Provider. The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
serviceProviderId TRUE No default value. The Enterprise or Service Provider Id of the Enterprise Trunk to be created.
groupId Required if provisioning at the Group level (within a Service Provider). No default value. The Group Id of the Enterprise Trunk to be created. Only valid when the Group is within a Service Provider.
enterpriseTrunkName TRUE No default value. The name of the Enterprise Trunk.
routingType TRUE No default value. The routing type of the Enterprise Trunk. Valid values: WEIGHTED, ORDERED
maximumRerouteAttempts TRUE 1 The max number of re-route attempts. Must be between 1-10.
routeExhaustionAction TRUE NONE The route exhaustion action for the Enterprise Trunk. Valid values: NONE, FORWARD
routeExhaustionForwardAddress Required if routeExhaustionAction is FORWARD NONE The route exhaustion forward number.
orderedRoutingOrderingAlgorithm Required if routingType is ORDERED ORDEREDLOADBALANCING The routing algorithm to use. Valid values: ORDEREDLOADBALANCING, OVERFLOW, MOSTIDLE, LEASTIDLE
weightedRoutingMaximumRerouteAttemptsWithinPriority Required if routingType is WEIGHTED 1 The maximum re-route attempts (with Priority). Mus tbe between 1-10. Must be less than or equal to maximumRerouteAttempts.
enableCapacityManagement TRUE FALSE Whether to enable Capacity Management.
maxActiveCalls Required if enableCapacityManagement is TRUE No default value. The max active calls for the Enterprise Trunk. Must be a number less than the max number of licenses for the parent.
capacityExceededTrapInitialCalls Required if enableCapacityManagement is TRUE No default value. The initial value for the Capacity Exceeded alarm.
capacityExceededTrapOffsetCalls Required if enableCapacityManagement is TRUE No default value. The offset value for the Capacity Exceeded alarm after the initial value has been hit.
maximumActiveIncomingCallsAllowed FALSE No default value. The maximum number of simultaneous incoming calls for the Enterprise Trunk. Only valid in R23 or R24.
maximumActiveOutgoingCallsAllowed FALSE No default value. The maximum number of simultaneous outgoing calls for the Enterprise Trunk. Only valid in R23 or R24.
statusCodes FALSE No default value. The list of SIP status codes to add. Must be 3 digits between 000 - 999. May contain '?'.

Pilot User Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Pilot Users must be named "Alpaca.Pilot".The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
userId FALSE No default value. Must include a valid domain that is assigned to the Group.
lastName TRUE No default value.
firstName TRUE No default value.
callingLineIdLastName FALSE Defaults to lastName.
callingLineIdFirstName FALSE Defaults to firstName.
password TRUE Defaults to a randomly generated value based on Group Password Rules.
departmentLevel Required if departmentName is provided. No default value. Level for the Pilot User's department. Valid values: 'ENTERPRISE', 'GROUP'.
departmentName Required if departmentLevel is provided. No default value. Name of the Pilot User's department. Must be an existing department.
linePort TRUE No default value. Must include a valid domain that is assigned to the Group.
callingLineIdPhoneNumber FALSE No default value.
ncos FALSE No default value. Must be a valid Network Class of Service that is assigned to the Group.

Selective Call Rejection

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Selective Call Rejection configurations must be named " Alpaca.SelectiveCallRejection".The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
userId TRUE No default value. Must be a User that is in the Alpaca.Users spreadsheet.
description TRUE No default value. The criteria description.
timeSchedule FALSE No default value.
timeScheduleLevel Required when timeSchedule is provided. No default value. The level that the schedule belongs to: USER, GROUP, or SERVICEPROVIDER.
holidaySchedule FALSE No default value.
holidayScheduleLevel Required when holidaySchedule is provided. No default value. The level that the schedule belongs to: USER, GROUP, or SERVICEPROVIDER.
providedAnyPrivate FALSE No default value.
providedAnyUnavailable FALSE No default value.
providedNumberList FALSE No default value. Comma separated list.
callsToList FALSE No default value. Comma separated list.

Speed Dial 8

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Speed Dial 8 configurations must be named "Alpaca.SpeedDial8".The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
userId TRUE No default value. Must be a User that is in the Alpaca.Users spreadsheet.
speedCode TRUE No default value. Must be a number between 2-8. No duplicates per UserId.
description FALSE No default value.
phoneNumber TRUE No default value.

Speed Dial 100

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Speed Dial 100 configurations must be named "Alpaca.SpeedDial100".The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
userId TRUE No default value. Must be a User that is in the Alpaca.Users spreadsheet.
speedCode TRUE No default value. Must be a number between 0-99. No duplicates per UserId.
description FALSE No default value.
phoneNumber TRUE No default value.

Hunt Group Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Hunt Groups must be named "Alpaca.HuntGroup".The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
groupId Required when Bulk Provisioning is being run from the Cluster or Service Provider level. No default value. The id of the Group that the Hunt Group belongs to. Can be an existing Group or one that is being provisioned in the spreadsheet.
id TRUE No default value. The id of the Hunt Group. Must include a valid domain that is assigned to the Group.
name TRUE No default value. The name of the Hunt Group.
callingLineIdLastName TRUE No default value.
callingLineIdFirstName TRUE No default value.
callingLineIdPhoneNumber FALSE No default value.
phoneNumber FALSE No default value. Must be available for assignement in the destination Group.
extension FALSE No default value. Must meet Group extension length rules.
password TRUE If defaultPassword exists, defaults to defaultPassword. Otherwise, defaults to a randomly generated value.
departmentLevel Required if departmentName is provided. No default value. Level for the Hunt Group's department. Valid values: 'ENTERPRISE', 'GROUP'.
departmentName Required if departmentLevel is provided. No default value. Name of the Hunt Group's department. Must be an existing department.
language FALSE No default
timeZone FALSE No default
huntAfterNoAnswer FALSE FALSE
noAnswerNumberOfRings TRUE 5 Must be between 1-20.
forwardAfterTimeout FALSE FALSE
forwardTimeoutSeconds Required when forwardAfterTimeout = TRUE 0
forwardToPhoneNumber Required when forwardAfterTimeout = TRUE No default
agentUserId FALSE No default Comma-separated list of User Ids (with domains). Must be in spreadsheet or already exist in Group.
allowCallWaitingForAgents FALSE FALSE
useSystemHuntGroupCLIDSetting FALSE FALSE
includeHuntGroupNameInCLID FALSE FALSE
enableNotReachableForwarding FALSE FALSE
notReachableForwardToPhoneNumber Required when enableNotReachableForwarding = TRUE. No default value.
makeBusyWhenNotReachable FALSE FALSE
allowMembersToControlGroupBusy FALSE FALSE
enableGroupBusy FALSE FALSE
applyGroupBusyWhenTerminatingToAgent FALSE FALSE
networkClassOfService FALSE No default value. Must be a valid NCOS that is assigned to the destination Group.

Call Center Sheet

Within the spreadsheet the page that will load Hunt Groups must be named "Alpaca.CallCenter". There are 3 types of Call Centers (BASIC, STANDARD, and PREMIUM). Fields that only apply to a certain type will be noted as such. If a field is provided for a type that it does not apply to, the field will be ignored. The default available header names are as follows:

Column Required Default Description
groupId Required when Bulk Provisioning is being run from the Cluster or Service Provider level. No default value. The id of the Group that the Call Center belongs to. Can be an existing Group or one that is being provisioned in the spreadsheet.
id TRUE No default value. The id of the Call Center. Must include a valid domain that is assigend to the Group.
name TRUE No default value.
callingLineIdLastName TRUE No default value.
callingLineIdFirstName TRUE No default value.
phoneNumber FALSE No default value. Must be available for assignment in the destination Group.
extension FALSE No default value. Must meet Group extension length rules.
password TRUE If defaultPassword exists, defaults to defaultPassword. Otherwise, defaults to a randomly generated value.
departmentLevel Required if departmentName is provided. No default value. Level for the Call Center's department. Valid values: 'ENTERPRISE', 'GROUP'.
departmentName Required if departmentLevel is provided. No default value. Name of the Call Center's department. Must be an existing department.
language FALSE No default
timeZone FALSE No default
routingType true if PREMIUM PRIORITYBASED Valid values: PRIORITYBASED, SKILLBASED. Only applies to PREMIUM.
queueLength FALSE 0 Must be a valid integer between 0-25.
enableVideo FALSE FALSE
enableReporting FALSE FALSE Only applies to STANDARD,PREMIUM. External Reporting must be enabled at the parent level.
allowCallerToDialEscapeDigit TRUE TRUE
escapeDigit Required when allowCallerToDialEscapeDigit = TRUE 0 Must be a single character. Valid characters: 0-9, #, or *
resetCallStatisticsUponEntryInQueue FALSE FALSE
allowAgentsToJoin FALSE FALSE
allowCallWaitingForAgents FALSE FALSE
allowCallsToAgentsInWrapUp FALSE FALSE Only applies to STANDARD,PREMIUM.
overrideAgentWrapUpTime FALSE FALSE Only applies to STANDARD,PREMIUM.
wrapUpSeconds Required when overrideAgentWrapUpTime = TRUE. 60 Only applies to STANDARD,PREMIUM. Must be a valid integer between 1-3600.
forceDeliveryOfCalls FALSE FALSE Only applies to PREMIUM.
forceDeliveryWaitTimeSeconds Required when forceDeliveryOfCalls = TRUE. 5 Only applies to PREMIUM. Must be a valid integer between 1-10.
enableAutomaticStateChangeForAgents FALSE FALSE Only applies to STANDARD,PREMIUM.
agentStateAfterCall Required when enableAutomaticStateChangeForAgents = TRUE. WRAPUP Only applies to STANDARD,PREMIUM. Valid values: WRAPUP, AVAILABLE, UNAVAILABLE
externalPreferredAudioCodec TRUE NONE Valid values: NONE, G711, G722, G729, G726, AMR, AMRWB, OPUS, EVRC0, EVRCNW, EVRCNW0
internalPreferredAudioCodec TRUE NONE Valid values: NONE, G711, G722, G729, G726, AMR, AMRWB, OPUS, EVRC0, EVRCNW, EVRCNW0
playRingingWhenOfferingCall TRUE TRUE
networkClassOfService FALSE No default value. Must be a valid NCOS that is assigned to the destination Group.
agentList FALSE No default Comma-separated list of User Ids (with domains). Must be in spreadsheet or already exist in Group. User must have the correlated Call Center service assigned.
supervisorList FALSE No default Comma-separated list of User Ids (with domains). Must be in spreadsheet or already exist in Group.

Number Activation

Phone numbers will be automatically activated if the bulk-provisioning.activate-numbers configuration variable is set to true.

Spreadsheet Submission

When a spreadsheet is ready for provisioning it will be submitted to the Alpaca Web Interface in the Bulk Provisioning wizard. This wizard can be accessed by navigating to the desired destination selecting “Bulk Provisioning” from the “Actions” submenu. When the spreadsheet is submitted using the wizard, Alpaca will perform a series of validation steps to confirm that the data will be accepted and is valid. Any additional validation, such as custom lifecycle plugins, that have been installed will also run. Errors during this step will be reported within the wizard for evaluation and potential resolution.

If a spreadsheet has been submitted and has successfully passed validation, then it is ready for the final options before beginning the process. First, enter a password that will be used for decrypting the User credentials spreadsheet upon task completion. The task will generate User credentials as needed, which will then be available at the end of the provisioning task as a downloadable encrypted spreadsheet. Second, select if you would like to receive an email when the task is complete. Finally, start the task. When the task starts you will be automatically taken to the task page that will track the progress of the Bulk User Add. The log will show the status and information about the completed steps. Once the task has been completed successfully, the progress indicator will turn green indicating that provisioning was completed.