Robocall Blocking: 4 Ways to Block Nuisance Calls Effectively

Robocalls targeting businesses are on the rise. Read this blog to learn how to block nuisance calls from impacting your company, or contact ECG today for help.

STIR/SHAKEN: How investigators can tell if you're compliant

STIR/SHAKEN Compliance is more than just sending Identity headers. Investigators can tell if you've done a complete implementation in your network.



What You Need To Know Before the FCC STIR/SHAKEN Deadline of Jun 30, 2023

U.S. consumers received more than 50 billion robocalls in 2022,1 so it's no wonder countering unlawful caller ID spoofing is now one of the FCC's top priorities. With the extended deadline for service providers to implement STIR/SHAKEN in the IP portions of their network right around the corner, we're sharing a few key considerations to be aware of.

Free Ebook: Understanding STIR/SHAKEN and Other Compliance Requirements

STIR/SHAKEN isn’t the only change impacting voice service providers today. Learn more about other compliance requirements in our blog.

Executive Summary: Compliance Management and Voice Networking

Is your voice engineering team knowledgeable on what it takes to stay compliant? Find out if you’re up on voice service provider compliance in this blog.