200 OK ECG Introduces Tool for Simple Call Rating

Integrated with Metaswitch, the NGTelsoft call rating platform offers new choice for mediation, rating and billing platforms

ECG, a network and systems consulting firm, today announced completed integration of the NGTelsoft Call Rating platform with Metaswitch Call Detail Records. NGTelsoft gives telecom carriers a new choice for their mediation, rating, and billing platforms.

NGTelsoft is one of the first and only platforms available that supplements a carrier’s, utility’s, or ISP’s existing billing system with complete call-rating capability. Service providers can use the platform for virtually any billing system – including online services. Carriers are no longer fenced-in by telecom-specific billing platforms.

NGTelsoft cost-efficiently provides a precise calculation of the cost of calls while maintaining compatibility with existing billing platforms to provide line-item records, and move the complexity to a modern Microsoft SQL Server database. A standard NGTelsoft server can rate 50 million calls per month and runs on standard hardware.

By simplifying provisioning, NGTelesoft’s web interface supports local, long distance, toll-free and services calls plus trunk-group billing and post-paid calling cards. The NGTelsoft does complete digit-analysis of phone calls, and provides the option for sophisticated local calling areas to be assigned to each rate plan. The platform also makes LATA-wide or state-wide local calling easier. The NGTelsoft database has information about all rate centers, LATAs, states and territories in the NANPA region and the complete local calling area for a service provider’s calling area.

Customers can bundle a pool of minutes onto plans with free minutes plans. For example, a plan may provide 500 minutes of free local and long-distance usage every month, then charge normally after that.

NGTelsoft also handles tandem trunk-group billing where the customer’s telephone number cannot be known in advance. Each trunk group can have a different rate plan, and all rate plan changes can be scheduled to occur in advance.

Carriers may run their own NGTelsoft server, or use ECG’s hosting services to operate a dedicated installation. Normal support includes rate-plan updates and maintenance at no additional charge. The NGTelsoft API allows for extension and modification by a carrier’s IT staff.