Is This The End of CentOS? Life after Red Hat's major change.
Is this the end of CentOS going forward? Because of Red Hat's new policy, CentOS for production may not be a good option beyond 2021. Red Hat just announced a major policy change, radically reworking CentOS and bringing dramatic changes for those who depend on CentOS for production servers. No longer will CentOS be proven software, released after all testing is complete. Instead, CentOS Stream will be a preview release.
Sherwin Crown (SMTS, MS Computer Science/Cybersecurity)
Mark Lindsey (SMTS, MS Computer Science/Networking).
Discussion Topics:
What are the details of Red Hat's plans for CentOS?
What options will be available for Red Hat operating systems?
Are there any simple steps we can take to avoid rebuilding VMs/servers?
How do you build systems with the risk of future changes related to Red Hat and CentOS?
If CentOS users do nothing - what are the downsides of running without updates?