BroadWorks Unlock Your BroadWorks Data
“I just wish I could see everything inside BroadWorks, all in one place.”
Have you ever been frustrated that there’s no way to view everything you’ve built into your BroadWorks platform? What if every user, group, service, and setting could be exported in a text-readable JSON file format? What could you accomplish if 100% of the data used to build and manage your users was exportable?
Analysis & Auditing
With full access to BroadWorks data, you can perform your own deep analysis and audit your system in ways you could never do before:
- Write reports to analyze system usage
- Perform provisioning reviews
- Perform anti-fraud and security audits
- License and SIP Password analysis
- Quickly audit all voicemail greetings for compliance with organization policy
- Inspect and analyze every setting and call routing path for Call Center and Auto Attendant
- Determine which users have which features an get the detailed feature settings
With Alpaca Transport, you can access and inspect your BroadWorks data and create solutions not provided out-of-the-box.
Backup & Restoration
Get peace of mind and increased confidence in your system with bullet-proof backup and restoration tools. With system data in JSON format, you can easily compress and archive snapshots of your system at any time. Compare two snapshots to see changes over time, or even commit your configurations to version control.
With Alpaca Transport, you can reduce your risk and make changes to your BroadWorks system with confidence, knowing your configuration history is easily retrievable.
Make complex changes faster and easier by exporting settings, editing in JSON and re-importing them into BroadWorks.
When converting customers between SIP PBX phones, ATAs (Analog Terminal Adapters), NIDs (Network Interface Devices), eMTAs, from one version to another, or from one model to another, you need detailed information on the settings used by that SIP phone. Get instant, unified visibility into all settings used to influence the phone’s behavior.
Build your own software tools to manipulate the export archive. Create new Enterprises, Users, and Groups for easy bulk-import of complex user configurations.
With Alpaca Transport, you can create your own solutions to complex and tedious system tasks.